Socialists close in on conservative block

The Moderate Party is losing support and the ruling Social Democrats, along with their parliamentary allies, the Left Party and the Greens, are catching up with the opposition, according to the latest poll by Temo.

The conservative block, consisting of the Moderates, the Liberals, the Christian Democrats and the Centre Party, has enjoyed an apparently unassailable position in the polls for many months. But with ten months to go until the election, an 8% lead already been cut to just 0.9%.

Support for the Social Democrats, the Left Party and the Greens has risen by 4% to 46.6%, compared to the conservatives’ 45.7% – a drop of 3.4%.

The Social Democrats have especially picked up support among the 1.3 million members of the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (TCO), where support for the Moderates has declined. Older voters have also drifted back to the Social Democrats while public sector employees appear to be rejecting the Moderates’ message.

The current standings, with the change on the previous poll in brackets, are:

Moderates: 27.6% (-4.0)

Liberals: 9,4% (0)

Centre Party: 6.5% (+0.9)

Christian Democrats: 4.0% (-0.3)

Social Democrats: 35.7% (+3.6)

Left Party: 6.1% (+0.2)

Green Party: 4.8% (+0.2)

June List: 3.2% (-1.3)

Others: 2.7% (+0.8)

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TT/The Local