Hollande falls for radio prankster

Socialist presidential candidate François Hollande was invited to take part in a TV show with a French star presenter. Hollande at first accepts the offer. Then he hears the details.

Comic Olivier Bourg pretended to be the assistant of star presenter Patrick Sébastien during a phone conversation with Hollande that was broadcast on French radio station Fun Radio. He invites the Socialist candidate to take part in a upcoming TV show “The world’s largest cabaret”.

Bourg flatters Hollande who is the frontrunner in the run-up to elections in April and tells him the presenter shares his political views. He then tells Hollande he would expected to dress up as a Dino, a French humorist with slicked-back hair and a clownish behaviour.

“We’ll have to discuss that because it won’t be easy,” replies Hollande, Le Parisien reports.

He then asks Hollande if he would agree to sing, ride a bike and act with his former partner and fellow senior socialist Ségolène Royal. Hollande refuses. Bourg explains that Royal, who was presidential candidate in 2007, has accepted to take part in the show.

Hollande still refuses, saying that his ex-partner is not the issue, it’s “the whole thing”.

To hear recording on Le Parisien click here


Swedish teenagers accused of attacking teacher with cucumber in social media prank

Two boys aged between 15 and 18 are suspected of physically assaulting a teacher at a school in Karlstad by hitting her on the head with a cucumber.

Swedish teenagers accused of attacking teacher with cucumber in social media prank
File photo: Markus Schreiber/AP Photo/TT

The boys are accused of assault, as well as invasion of privacy for filming the attack, reports local media NWT.

The teacher was not seriously injured but is still on sick leave two weeks after the incident, according to the report.

She remains absent from work “due to the abuse she was subjected to,” youth investigator with Karlstad Police Fredrik Persson said.

The incident is reported to be connected to a trend known in Sweden as ortens batong, which consists of filming an individual being hit on the head by a cucumber and then posting the footage on social media.

The trend dictates the impact must be hard enough for the cucumber to break.

On Friday, police in the town are reported to have received a second alert connected to the social media trend, after a young man hit another man on the head with the vegetable in a grocery store.

According to NWT's report, the incident was reported by the store due to the damage caused to the cucumber as a result of the prank.

READ ALSO: Swedes moved to tears by this adorable prank on old man