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17 ways your eating and drinking habits change when you live in Spain

One of the highlights of moving to a new country is immersing yourself in a new culture and Spain certainly does things differently when it comes to eating and drinking.

17 ways your eating and drinking habits change when you live in Spain
The way you eat will change once you integrate in Spain. (Photo by LLUIS GENE / AFP)

Food is at the very centre of Spanish culture and is taken pretty seriously. It is ever present when socialising, from small talk over an apertivo to great feasts on important family occasions.

Business deals are sealed over meals, family problems talked over and friendships are strengthened.

Here are just some of the ways your dining habits will be challenged in Spain.

Taking lunch seriously

It may not be as usual as it once was to take at least a two-hour lunch during the working week but lunch is still considered the most important meal of the day in Spain and it cannot be hurried.

The practice of grabbing a sandwich and eating at your desk is still a rarity in Spanish offices and the culture of Menu del Dia is still going strong.

But it is during weekends and holidays that the Spanish art of lunching really comes into its own and can last much of the afternoon. 

READ ALSO: The secrets of El Menú del Día – The surprising story behind Spain’s fixed-price lunch menu

Enjoying the sobremesa

A good meal should include a long leisurely chat long after the plates are cleared.

Two hours after you first sit down it is not uncommon to be still seated at the table enjoying a sobremesa – the word describing the postprandial chat with your family members, friends or work colleagues.

La sobremesa can go on hour hours. (Photo by FEDERICO PARRA / AFP)

Seasonal vegetables

Spain is all about seasonal fruit and veg, often grown on the family allotment (huerta), and cooked from fresh. But don’t expect a plate of meat accompanied by two veg. Vegetables are considered a dish on their own merit so it’s typical to order a plate of broad beans, or some grilled mushrooms, as a starter.

A good cut of meat might only be accompanied by a pepper or two.


When it comes to taking a packed lunch to work, forget about transporting in limp sandwiches and a packet of crips. In Spain, homecooked meals are conjured out of “tuppers” – short for “Tupperware”- and most offices will nowadays have a kitchen area complete with fridge and microwave to store them and then heat them up.

READ ALSO: Spain to make it compulsory for restaurants to offer doggy bags

Spaniards still favour eating out on work days, but if they eat at the office their mum’s cooking will no doubt be present. (Photo by ANDER GILLENEA / AFP)

Eating late

Ok, everyone knows this one, but it is true. After living in Spain, the eating times in the UK, USA and practically everywhere else on the planet seem far too early. Spaniards typically eat lunch between two and four and don´t even think about dinner until around 9pm, unless you want to dine with the other guiris.

It does make going home to your mother´s 6pm dinner, a little bit tricky once you’re used to the Spanish style.

Having dinner at 10pm is perfectly acceptable in Spain. (Photo by Jorge Guerrero / AFP)

Quality produce

Although it’s tempting to shop at the vast hypermarkets on the outskirts of town or pop into the local supermarket Express that have appeared on every other block across Spanish cities, follow in the footsteps of the neighbourhood ‘abuelas’ and visit the local market to buy your fresh produce.

Meat and fish are often locally sourced and come with valuable advice from vendors on how best to cook them. The green grocers and butchers will often through in a freebie for regular customers and once your face is known you’ll be met with a cheery greeting. 

In this way the weekly food shop becomes a social event, essential for integrating in the community and getting to know your neighbours. 

Eating standing up

In Spain, there is only one way to enjoy tapas and that is standing up and, if possible, crammed like sardines into a tiny bar. You can tell the good tapas bars by how packed they are, condensation on the windows and people spilling out of the door onto the streets.

After living in Spain you’ll have sharpened your elbows enough to push through the crowds to the bar as well as any Spaniard. And you’ll be comfortable tossing your olive stones, prawn heads and paper napkins onto the floor.

Eating tripe

Whether it’s a cocido madrileño, an Asturian fabada or a Catalan escudella y carn d’olla tripe is very much a firm favourite in Spain. These hearty stews with added blood sausage, tripe and fatty cuts may sound unappealing but there are few better belly-busting dishes to get you through a cold winter’s day.

All the parts of the animals are eaten, from tasty fried pig ears to lamb kidneys and sheep brains.

A cocido Madrileño at Casa Mingo. Photo: Fotero/Flickr

Everything with bread

Tapas is traditionally served on a slice of bread and a basket of bread is always served with a meal. It is used to mop up rich sauces and stews, as a tool to slide a piece of meat onto a fork, and to accompany cheese and embutidos.

The traditional ‘barra’ is collected each morning and won’t last beyond the day. 

But  in country where bread is so ubiquitous don’t expect to find a decent sandwich.  Traditional bocadillos come with one or maximum two ingredients only and can be quite dry. Favourites are tortilla or calamari sandwiches.

And you’ll have to live without butter as it is almost never served. 

The enigma of breakfast

Breakfast in Spain is most definitely not considered “the most important meal of the day”.  It most often consists of an overly sweet dish and an over-sugared coffee washed down with a freshly squeezed orange juice.

Donuts, glazed croissants or even churros all form part of the typical breakfast fare but one of the delights of Spanish breakfast is toast spread with olive oil and chopped tomato.

Spanish workers often pop out for a second breakfast at 11am when coffee and a pincho de tortilla is perfectly acceptable. 

Pan tumaca as it’s called in Catalonia, or pan con tomate in Spanish. Photo: Javier Lastras/Wikipedia

Forget about spicy foods

Spanish cuisine is not for those who have a hankering for spice. You’ll find little in the way of spicy flavours in traditional Spanish dishes apart from a mildly piquante salsa on patatas bravas or if you are luckily enough to hit the lottery with a rare hot one in your plate of pimentos de padron.

Despite its empire building, Spain didn’t bring spice back from the colonies and introduce to its own traditional recipes. So if you crave spice you’ll have to seek it out at a Mexican, Indian or Korean eatery.

There’s more to Spanish cheese than manchego

Spain may be more famous internationally for its jamon than its queso but there is a huge and delicious choice of cheeses in Spain that stretch far beyond manchego and can give neighbouring France a run for its money. 

READ ALSO: A bite-sized guide to Spanish cheeses

Payoyo Cheese is an Andalusian cheese made with a blend of tart goat’s milk and sweet sheep’s milk. AFP PHOTO / JORGE GUERRERO (Photo by Jorge Guerrero / AFP)

Jamón jamón!

As any visitor to Spain will know, jamon is so admired that it is practically the de-facto national dish.
Whether you are served a few thin slices as a tapa alongside a lunch-time caña or choose to dig deep for a racion of the Gran Reserva Jamon Iberico de Bellota, there is no avoiding the porcine product.
You’ll find pungent legs hanging above bars and on counters with trotter extended. It is sprinkled liberally on salads, added to vegetable dishes, and served up with a swagger at posh cocktail parties.
The Spanish swear that it has heath benefits and with Spain enjoying the longest life expectancy in Europe, who can argue with that?

Drinking sensibly

Although Spain is full of bars and drinking alcohol is very much part of everyday culture, there isn’t the same culture of binge drinking that exists in northern European countries such as Britain, where it’s not unusual to find a seat in a pub after work on a Friday and stagger out at closing time with only a packet of salt’n’vinegar or a bag of roasted peanuts as sustenance.  

Ordering a pint instead of the more usual ‘caña’ raises eyebrows in the expectation that the drinker is on a ‘bender’.  Tapas is considered an accompaniment to drinking and the phrase “eating is cheating” most definitely doesn’t apply.

The Spanish night out involves touring a number of different venues over the course of an evening, it’s all about the socializing rather than the alcohol consumption.

READ ALSO: Why Spaniards’ habit of drinking alcohol every day is surprisingly healthy

The social art of aperitivo

This pre-lunch routine is an essential weekend activity. It involves a glass of something cold – vermouth, sherry or an ice-cold caña – accompanied by a salty snack such as green olives or roasted almonds and is always enjoyed with friends and laughter.

Horsemen drink “rebujito” (Sherry with lemon soda) during the “Feria de Abril” (April Fair) in Seville. (Photo by CRISTINA QUICLER / AFP)

Adding Coca-Cola to wine

For wine-buffs it might sound like the ultimate sin. But if you spend a while in Spain then at some point you will inevitably find yourself with a large glass of Calimocho (Kalimotxo in Basque).

You’ll find students drinking it at botellones all year round but it is the ultimate refreshing drink for those summer festivals in the pueblo.

Popular at Basque festivals and the drink of choice at the famous San Fermin running of the bulls festival, it is usually served over ice in big plastic cups known in Spanish as ‘maxi’.

The mix of (cheap) red wine and Coca-Cola is the perfect pick me up, providing a caffeine boost alongside the alcohol intake.

And finally… Never ever put chorizo in paella

If there is one lesson to learn when in Spain, it’s don’t be mess with traditional dishes. When Jamie Oliver came up with a recipe for paella that included chorizo, it practically caused a diplomatic incident in Spain. 

Spain has some of the best chefs in the world, known for their inventiveness and innovation but be warned, if you mess with traditions, do it safely within your home and don’t tell your Spanish friends about it!

READ ALSO: Ten ingredients you should NEVER have in a real Spanish paella

Creativity is a big no-no for many Spaniards when it comes to paella. (Photo by CESAR RANGEL / AFP)

Member comments

  1. Spaniards are very healthy…..but…’s the Jamon that are killing them. Stomach cancer due to the Nitrates.

    No Bueno!

  2. Nitrates – Certainly a possibility.
    “Nitrates and nitrites are substances commonly found in cured meats. They can be converted by certain bacteria, such as H pylori, into compounds that have been shown to cause stomach cancer in lab animals. On the other hand, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables appears to lower the risk of stomach cancer”

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OPINION: Why Spanish cakes and desserts aren’t among the best

Traditional Spanish baked goods and puddings just don't seem to be as good or as well-known as their European counterparts from France, Italy, the UK and Portugal, do you agree? Read on to discover the reasons why this might be.

OPINION: Why Spanish cakes and desserts aren't among the best

Spain is known throughout the world for its cuisine – olive-oil drizzled plates of tapas, fragrant seafood paellas and delicate Basque pintxos, so many people come here ready to be wowed by the cakes and desserts too.

Unfortunately, they sometimes leave disappointed by the sweet offerings here in Spain. Foreign British residents often complain about the standard of pastries and cakes compared to back home, while other foreign residents such as Swedes, French and Portuguese tend to set up their own bakeries or prefer to shop at those owned by their fellow countrymen.

Firstly, it’s not that Spanish cakes and puddings are bad, it’s simply that they are not as delectable as those found in some other European countries. They are not as famous either when compared with Italy’s tiramisu and gelato, England’s Bakewell tarts and hearty fruit cakes, Portugal’s pasteis de nata or Sweden’s cinnamon buns.

READ ALSO: Taste your way around Oviedo – Spain’s Capital of Gastronomy 2024 

Firstly, while Spain does have a lot of cakes and pastries there’s not much variety to them. For example, the Roscón de Reyes over Christmas, the Mona de Pascua at Easter and Catalan cocas eaten for Sant Joan are all essentially the same – sweet bread, perhaps with some candied fruit on top. Other traditional sweet bread include ensaimadas from Mallorca.

The Spanish Roscón de Reyes is typical Christmas dessert. Phtoo: Zarateman / Wikimedia Commons

Secondly, Spanish cuisine is celebrated for its simplicity – produce is the star of the show without much adulteration or mixing a lot of ingredients into one dish. Cakes are like that too – they don’t go in for elaborate cakes with lots of fillings and toppings like in the UK, they are simpler and often just filled with cream.

Cakes and pastries are usually quite plain in flavours too – you won’t often find Spanish coffee cakes, carrot cakes, lemon or ginger or the cardamom and cinnamon buns typical in northern Europe.

Usually, it’s just plain vanilla and maybe Nutella chocolate spread in some of the pastries. The exception of this is almond and aniseed, often used by nuns in their biscuits. But again, it’s not a very strong almond flavour like Italy’s amaretto cookies, it’s very subtle. Magdalenas, Spain’s version of a muffin, are again usually only found in one plain flavour – perhaps with a very subtle hint of lemon.

READ ALSO: 14 unusual foods you won’t believe are eaten in Spain 

It may seem odd because Spain has a lot of really good fruit, nuts and other produce that would taste great in a dessert, but Huelva’s strawberries, Extremadura’s figs, Valencia’s oranges and Asturian apples rarely feature in desserts, with the exception of ice cream, which Spaniards actually do really well.

People would rather eat these fruits on their own – unadulterated and without added extras like much of their other ingredients such as meat and seafood.

Even chocolate isn’t used a lot in desserts or cakes – apart from churros con chocolate or just the use of Nutella spread on top.

The next reason why Spanish repostería (confectionery and pastry-making) is not as elaborate as other European countries is that many of the most traditional pastries, biscuits and cakes were invented by nuns in Spain. This partly explains why they are so simple and often use up left over ingredients such as eggs. The nuns didn’t want to make overly complicated puddings that would take up a lot of time in their busy day. If you go to Andalusia, you can still buy many of these traditional biscuits and cakes from the nuns themselves in working convents.

Traditional almond cookies that were made by nuns in Spain. Photo: Dioni Santidrian / Wikimedia Commons

Desserts in Spain may be slightly better than the cakes, but again there’s not a lot of variety or different flavours, most of them are custardy or creamy concoctions made with eggs and milk. These include arroz con leche – Spain’s version of rice pudding, which is arguably better than its UK counterpart and does also feature cinnamon, crema Catalana (like France’s crème brûlée) and flan (like crème caramel). Bienmesabe again, whether the Canarian or the Antequera versions are made with egg yolks and almonds. Flan is probably the most common option for a menú del día dessert all around the country and is rather uninspiring, when it comes to sweet treats. 

READ ALSO: Where can you get free tapas in Spain? 

Also, dessert can be even more simplified, for example a piece of fruit or a yoghurt is often offered as a pudding when it comes to the menús del día in Spain. As mentioned, fruit isn’t used much in desserts, it’s seen as a perfectly good dessert in itself. Why mush up a strawberry to put in Eton mess (an English pudding made with strawberries, cream and meringue), when you can have it in its purest form?

In fact, if you go to any of Spain’s big multicultural cities, it’s the international bakeries and dessert places which are the most popular, rather than the local ones. In Barcelona for example there’s the Swedish Manso’s Café, the Jewish-inspired Lady Babka and Demasié which offers American-style cinnamon buns and cookies.

There are of course exceptions, Baluard being one of the best Catalan-owned bakeries, but even here, breads and pastries and have a decidedly French taste to them.

Having said all that, sweet treats do tend to improve the further north you go – the Basque Country and Galicia being some of the best. Could this be to do with the influence from nearby France and Portugal?

Galicia produces arguably one of Spain’s best cakes, loved by almost all international residents and Spaniards alike – the tarta de Santiago.

Originating in the city of Santiago de Compostela, it’s a dense almond cake – similar to a frangipane or Bakewell tart minus the pastry and the jam.

Galicia’s tarta de Santiago is one of Spain’s best cakes. Photo: Katrin Gilger / Wikimedia Commons

The Basque Country too excels in its desserts more so than the rest of Spain. It’s baked burnt cheesecakes have become world famous. Again though, they’re very simple – they don’t have any fruit toppings or added flavours – they don’t even have a biscuit base like the New York counterparts.

They are, however, delicious and should be sampled whenever you find yourself in that part of Spain. La Viña in San Sebastián is often said to do the best Basque cheesecake in Spain and it’s not just about the hype, their cheesecakes really are that good.

Torrijas are another Basque exception, which are delicious. This is Spain’s version of French toast and is a thick slice of brioche style bread soaked in milk and egg and then deep fried. They’re often flavoured with cinnamon and lemon peel and are slightly caramelised.

But whether or not Spanish sweets and treats stack up against a British sticky toffee pudding, an American pumpkin pie or a French tarte tatin is entirely down to personal opinion.

What do you think? Are Spanish cakes and desserts better than some people think, or do you agree with this article? Have your say below in comments section.