Does Paris deserve its title as the ‘city of love’?

Paris and romance: they go together like café and croissants or jambon and beurre. But why exactly is Paris the "city of love" and does it really deserve the title?

Does Paris deserve its title as the 'city of love'?
People kiss in front of the Eiffel Tower (Photo by LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

Paris frequently makes the list for the top 10 places in the world to propose and the city has long been a top spot for Valentine’s getaways and honeymoons. 

What is it about the French capital, more than any other city in the world that makes people go weak at the knees? And is the reputation well deserved?

READ MORE: Where does the ‘romantic, sexy French’ stereotype come from?

The beauty

With the grand, Georges Haussman-designed central Paris, as well as the charming cobbled streets of Montmartre and the Marais, it’s no wonder Paris is said to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

The city preserves its famous skylines under Unesco heritage protection which limits buildings to six stories and the carefully preserved buildings may go some way to explaining the romantic appeal of Paris.

“Because they’ve capped the stories, you have the old buildings that aren’t towering, they don’t create canyons of obscurity”, Paris-based writer Debra Healy told The Local in a previous interview. “I think people come because it’s beautiful”.

A stroll through a city hand-in-hand is certainly more romantic than a bus or Metro ride, and Paris’s small size and wide streets mean it’s ideal for walking and taking in the scenery.

“You can’t get lost, and there’s always something beautiful around the next corner,” says Healy.

The big screen

Numerous films over the years like French Kiss, Amélie and Midnight in Paris have embedded a certain rosy idea of the French capital that’s hard to shake.

According to Hollywood, Paris is all chic hotels and strolls by the (very clean) Seine.

Hollywood movies idealised Paris, like ‘Funny Face’ or ‘An American in Paris’ because they were “echoing the constant fascination with art, fashion and jewellery” which of course were all centred in the then style capital of the world, Healy told The Local.

Even in modern films set in Paris, the city is given a golden glow – the Paris of ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ is a whirl of glamour and beauty (in contrast to the bustling New York where the film begins). 

The food

What is any romantic occasion without good food and drink? Paris’s 44,000 restaurants and illustrious gastronomic history make it a top destination for romance-seekers.

“For the British especially, the pull is very much food and wine and champagne” says Larry Davis, owner of romantic Paris tours company Experience Paris told The Local.

Combining traditionally elegant or cosy restaurants with the backdrop of romantic architecture, you can see why dinner for two in Paris is an appealing thought for many couples.  

After all, “where else can you do a dinner cruise at night that’s as beautiful as Paris?” says Davis.

READ MORE: Revealed: How your food and drink habits change when you move to France

The people

“It’s the beauty of the city, but it’s also the people”, blogger Lily Heise of Je t’aime, me neither told The Local.

The French may mock the classically snobbish capital-dwellers, but for those seeking a romantic experience, Parisians may actually be part of the attraction.

 “The French are definitely more passionate, more flirtatious,” Heise told The Local. “They do have this seductive quality, they’re not afraid to follow their passions, which I think is key”.

Add this typical French “passion” to an aesthetically charming city, then you’ve got a recipe for a romance.

‘Je t’aime’

And it’s not just the personality of the French that makes people swoon, it’s the language itself, which once was crowned the sexiest in the world.

A Google translate survey found that 34 of the top 1,000 translated into French were about love, more than the other 5 most popular languages on the translation service. 

Indeed the phrase “Je t’aime” was the most requested translation from French. Not conclusive of course, but the French language certainly adds to romantic flavour of the capital.

The history

Historically, France was the centre of ideas, art, poetry and revolutionary politics in the Western world. And the Left Bank “intellectuals quarter” retains a sense of romanticism for couples.

Writers (a typically romantic bunch) flocked to Paris from the 19th Century through to the jazz age of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Hemmingway, and wrote adoringly about life in the City of Light.

Books such as Hemmingway’s “A moveable feast”, paint a picture of the city as a profound and romantic experience, which may go some way to explaining why people all over the world fall in love with Paris (even if they’ve never been there).

… And does it live up to the hype?

“Paris absolutely lives up to expectation,” says Lily Heise, but others hoping to be wooed by the city have been disappointed.

The much-discussed, and perhaps overblown, “Paris syndrome” supposedly afflicts tourists who come to Paris expecting Le Vie en Rose, only to discover that The City of Light has all the pitfalls of any other modern city, like traffic, noise, pick-pockets, high prices, litter, dirty and decrepit public transport and pavement dog poo.

And those who live in the city might be seeing the irony in its reputation for romance too, as Paris is apparently the capital of single people, infidelity and divorce in France.

As of 2017, 43 percent of Parisians were single, 10 percent higher than the rest of the country, and of those in relationships – 46 percent – admitted to cheating, compared to 40 percent in the rest of the country. 

Paris may not be the place to find your happily ever after either, as only 25 percent of marriages last over 20 years, drastically lower than the national average of 41 percent, BFMTV reported.

So there’s no doubt you can have a wonderfully romantic time in Paris, enjoying the unique combination of beautiful architecture, unspoiled history, fine cuisine and fine wine, surrounded by passionate locals but perhaps don’t come expecting to swan through the city like Audrey Hepburn, and maybe think carefully about falling for a local. It could end in tears.

By Rose Trigg, originally published in 2018

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Paris unveils sweeping transport price changes for 2025

From introducing a single ticket for the Metro and commuter RER trains, to new advantages with the Liberté + pass, here is how Paris regional transport authorities plan to change prices starting in January 2025.

Paris unveils sweeping transport price changes for 2025

The head of the Paris region and leader of Ile-de-France Mobilités, Valérie Pécresse, announced on Tuesday that there would be wide ranging changes to the prices for public transport tickets, taking effect from January 2nd, 2025. 

The biggest change is introducing a single price for all journeys in the region – in contrast the current system where journeys into Paris from the outer suburbs are more expensive, in effect penalising commuters who live further out.

For example, under the previous system, taking the commuter train from Fontainebleau to Paris could cost up to €5, in contrast to the €2.15 ticket to get around inside Paris.

Pécresse explained to Le Parisien that the main goal is simplification and fairness.

“The aim is to take a ‘single Navigo pass’ to its logical conclusion. The principle that all Ile-de-France residents pay the same transport fair, whether they live in the suburbs or the city.

“[The change] will bring an end to the 50,000 different fares that have become unreadable and are sometimes unfair. It’s a real social project based on fairness and freedom,” Pécresse said.

Many of the capital’s lowest-paid workers live in the less expensive outer suburbs, and they have been effectively penalised by the current pricing structure.

However there are other changes coming down the line too.

Here are the changes;

Credit: Ile-de-France Mobilités

Metro and RER

The Paris Metro system, as well as the commuter RER lines, will be combined onto one single ticket, costing €2.50 for any journey within the greater Paris region.

This means that a transport user could switch from the RER and onto the Metro with the same ticket, regardless of how far they have travelled or how many zones they have crossed.

This change will represent an increase of €0.35 (from the €2.15) from the 2024 price for single Metro tickets inside the city.

However, for people travelling to and from the Paris suburbs, the single ticket will likely save them a significant amount.

For example, a journey between Paris and Noisy-le-Grand (Zone 4) cost €4.15 under the previous system, but it will cost €2.50 under the new system.

The only exception to this is tickets to and from Paris’ airports (more on that below).

Bus and tram

A new ticket will be created for the bus and tram lines. This will cost be separate to the Metro and RER ticket, and it will cost €2 per journey. 

However, those purchasing a bus ticket on-board (via SMS) will still pay a heightened price of €2.50.

The other change will be ‘long-distance’ bus journeys. Previously, if a journey took longer than one hour and thirty minutes and involved more than one bus, then the user would have had to pay for two separate tickets per bus ride. Moving forward, ‘long’ bus journeys will cost just one €2 ticket.

This change means that transport users will need to think about buying separate Metro/ RER and bus/tram tickets if their journey requires both methods of transport.

For example, if you take the RER and then take a bus, you would need two separate tickets, as Metro/RER tickets are only valid on those lines, and bus/tram tickets are only valid on those lines.

Liberté +

This pay-as-you-go card will be made significantly more attractive under the new system, but it is only available to Paris region residents. 

You have to subscribe online and connect the account to your RIB, for which you will need a French bank account. You can also track your consumption online, and at the end of the month you pay the total amount that you travelled.

The changes for the Liberté + will include a lower price for Metro/RER journeys (€1.99) and a reduced rate for bus/tram journeys (€1.60).

If you take a journey that combines the Metro and the bus, for example, then you would only pay one price (€1.99) for the entire journey, rather than needing to purchase two separate single tickets.

The other change is that the Liberté + will extend to the rest of Ile-de-France – it was previously only available inside of Paris (Zone 1).

And starting in spring 2025, the Liberté + will be available to load directly onto an Android or iOS enabled smartphone.

Generally, the Liberté + will be a more advantageous option for local residents to pay reduced prices and as-they-go.

Packets of 10 tickets

The ‘carnets’, or 10-ticket books, will be phased out entirely starting in January 2025.

The paper version of these booklets was already phased out, but a reduced price for a bundle of 10 tickets will no longer be available in any form starting in January.

If you want to purchase a bundle of tickets at once, you can still do so – and you can still store them on a Navigo Easy pass – but you will have to pay full price (€2.50 each or €25 for 10).

Trips to the airport

Trips to and from Paris’ airports will be the only exception to the new €2.50 flat rate.

Previously, trips to the airport cost a varying amount based on whether you took the Roissy/Charles de Gaulle bus (€16.60), Roissy/Charles de Gaulle RER (€11.80), Orly bus (€11.50), or Orly Line 14 (€10.30).

Moving forward, only one flat price of €13 will be charged for any and all trips to the airport.

Daily pass

Daily Metro passes, popular amongst tourists, allow for unlimited travel. Previously, they were priced based on the zones the visitor selected – so if you selected a two-zone option (Zones 1-2; Zones 2-3; Zones 3-4, etc) then you would pay €8.65 for the day.

A three-zone option (Zones 1-3, Zones 2-4, Zones 3-5) cost €11.60. The four zone option (Zones 1-4, Zones 2-5) cost €14.35, and the full option (Zones 1-5) cost €20.60.

However, the zoning will be scrapped from January, and instead, single day passes will cover all five zones and cost a flat price of €12. This does not include airports, however, so a separate airport ticket would be required.

Visitor pass

As for the visitor pass – this previously allowed two options for unlimited daily travel in the Paris area – either including just Zones 1-3 for €13.95 (per day), or including all five zones (and airports) for €29.95 (per day).

The new version will cost €29.90 and it will include all five zones, plus airports.

What about monthly and yearly Navigo passes?

Pécresse explained to Le Parisien that these will not change, as the focus is primarily on occasional travellers.

“For Navigo subscribers, nothing is changing. We are working within the framework of the agreement signed with the state, so future increases of these passes will always be less than or equal to inflation plus one percent,” Pécresse said.

What will the general impact be?

This will depend on whether you are a resident of the city of Paris (Zone 1), the Paris suburbs, or if you are a visitor. 

For residents of Paris and the inner suburbs travel with single tickets inside the city will get more expensive, but the Liberté + plan is meant to offset these increases.

Meanwhile, outer suburb residents will likely see a significant decrease in their spending.

On the other hand occasional Metro users will see an increase in price while tourists and visitors will also see an increase.

What about my old tickets?

Any old paper tickets or individual electronic tickets (perhaps stored on a Navigo Easy pass) will still be functional until December 31st, 2025.