Denmark faces new listeria outbreak

Two people have died in a new listeria outbreak that may be related to the one that killed 17 last year, health officials said on Tuesday.

Denmark faces new listeria outbreak
The new cases may be a revival of the rullepølse outbreak from last year. Photo: Colourbox
Five people were infected with listeria within a one-week span earlier this month, the Danish State Serum Institute (SSI) said on Tuesday. Two of them died within 30 days of the bacteria’s discovery.
The institute said that two of the new cases resemble the same type of listeria that was present in batches of the popular deli meat rullepølse produced by the company Jørn A. Rullepølser last year. That outbreak began in August and infected a total of 41 individuals, 17 of whom died
Two of the other new cases resemble previous minor outbreaks while the fifth is infected with a type of listeria that has not yet been seen.
“It’s unusual to have five cases in one week. Normally we see one case of listeria per week. But it is also unusual that we were able to so quickly determine the type of listeria. That is a sign that our monitoring of listeria has gotten better,” SSI spokesman Kåre Mølbak said. 
The Jørn A. Rullepølser listeria outbreak led to a total of 30 products – including variations of rullepølse, salami and hot dogs – being recalled from stores nationwide. The company was shut down as a result. 
The source of the new cases was not immediately known, Mølbak said.
“It’s the same bacteria as in the rullepølse outbreak. So it’s possible that the old outbreak has been rekindled,” he told public broadcaster DR. 
SSI said that the majority of those who have been infected with listeria had weakened immune systems. Fatality rates among infected individuals is 25 percent, the institute said. 
Denmark normally sees around 50 listeria cases per year, but in the years 2009-2014, that number was closer to 100. 

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Why can’t you get fresh fish in supermarkets in Denmark?

Given that nowhere in Denmark is more than 52km from the sea, fresh fish can be surprisingly hard to get hold of. When one of The Local's readers asked why, we tried to find the answer.

Why can't you get fresh fish in supermarkets in Denmark?

“A decent variety of fish in the supermarket is something we really miss,” the reader wrote in a comment to a recent article. “I regularly return to my old stamping ground on the Franco-Swiss border, hundreds of kilometres from the sea, and the fresh fish in the local Carrefour supermarket is invariably excellent. Why can’t they manage it in Odense, 20 minutes from the coast?” 

It’s hard not to sympathise. Denmark, after all, is practically all coast, with the country consisting of a peninsula and 1,419 islands. 

The Local started by asking the Danish Chamber of Commerce, which represents most of Denmark’s leading supermarket chains. 

“I have spoken with my colleague on the matter,” replied Lars Ohlsen, the chamber’s press chief. “We don’t have any research, but our best bet is that the business case does not work. That if the supermarkets had it on the shelves, they would not make a profit on them.” 

We then approached Royal Fish, one of the leading buyers and sellers of Danish fish, whose chief executive, Donald Kristensen, put the near non-existence of fresh fish counters in supermarkets down to Danish penny scrimping. 

“The main reason is that Danish people will not pay for fresh food,” he said. “In Denmark we don’t have a tradition of spending a lot of money on food. If you compare to other countries in Europe, it’s one of the countries where people spend the least.”

To get fresh fish in Denmark you usually have to go to a fishmonger or fishmarket, like this one at Copenhagen’s Torvehallerne. Photo: Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix

It’s not due to a shortage of fish, he stressed. Despite the decline of fish stocks in waters around Denmark and the crisis in the Danish fishing industry, there remains a lot to be caught in Danish waters. 

“We have plenty of fish but we export all of it to the rest of Europe,” he said. “We only work with fresh fish and 99 percent of it is exported to Germany, France, Spain, Italy, in fact all of Europe. 

“Danes also eat fish, but that is mainly at restaurants, ” he continued. “When we buy fish for private purposes, it’s mostly smoked fish, shrimps in brine, or canned mackerel.”

The closest Danish supermarkets come to fresh fish, outside flagship supermarkets in the big cities that is, is fish sold in gas-filled ‘MAP packs’, which can keep for longer on the shelves, he explained.