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How to navigate Sweden’s strange rental market

Whether you've moved to Sweden to study or are about to get kicked out of your third short sublet in a year, The Local's ultimate guide to tackling one of the trickiest rental markets in Europe will help you out.

How to navigate Sweden's strange rental market
Here are our best tips for finding a place to rent in Sweden. Photo: Lieselotte van der Meijs/

Sweden’s rental market: the basics

Living in Sweden might be your dream, but renting often ends up a bit of a nightmare for people moving to the Nordic nation from abroad, and even for Swedes relocating to a new city. 

In theory, the market is tightly controlled. Rental companies are banned from charging tenants above a certain level, a policy designed to stop young people and low earners being driven away from urban centres. This contrasts to the unregulated market in the UK, for example, but there are similar schemes in place in Germany and some American cities. 

But in reality, rents still reach high prices in Sweden, and the exact amount varies significantly. Rural areas are typically far cheaper, but even within Stockholm’s city centre, prices can range from 5,000 to 20,000 kronor per month for a studio apartment, and rental costs in Gothenburg and Malmö have also soared in recent years.

Why are prices so varied?

There are a few reasons. The rent caps keep prices low on apartments owned and rented out by Swedish municipalities or state-regulated rental companies, but these only make up a small proportion of the total rental apartments. There just aren’t enough of them to go round.

Contracts are handed out on something like a first-come, first-serve basis: you join the housing queue, and your position in that queue dictates which rental contracts you can bid for. But in Stockholm it can take as long as 20 or 30 years to reach the front of the queue, with many signing up years before they plan to leave their parents’ home.

As for everyone else, they’re left battling for the remaining apartments. These are also in short supply, due to Sweden’s huge population growth, which has not been accompanied by home-building on the same scale. These properties are rented out “second-hand” by residents, and the process for doing so is tough due to strict rules about subletting.

It’s usually only permitted to sublet for a maximum of one or two years, and property owners (or first-hand renters) must prove to their housing authority that they have a good reason to sublet, for example a job offer or university degree abroad or elsewhere in Sweden.

In theory, there’s a cap on how much they’re allowed to charge tenants, but in practice there is a huge black market. 

In this market, competition is stiff, meaning that often landlords are able to charge disproportionately high prices.

Check out The Local’s listings of apartments and houses for rent in Sweden

So how do you find an apartment? 

The good news is: it is possible! And before you get too downcast, there are several advantages to being a renter in Sweden (no, really). The strict regulation of the housing market means most properties in Sweden are very well-maintained, with clear rules about which aspects of maintenance are the responsibility of the tenant and which of the landlord.

Of course, in the land of Ikea, most properties are cleverly designed with lots of storage, making the most of small spaces. The trend for minimalistic design means you’re unlikely to be lumbered with a curtain or carpet pattern that gives you migraines. And in Sweden, you’re rarely too far from a forest, lake, or park when you need to stretch your legs. 

So if you’re ready to dive into the world of Swedish rentals, these are our top tips.

1. Contact everyone you know (and we mean everyone)

Networking is one of the best ways to find an apartment, which can put new arrivals in a tricky position.

Because the housing market discourages buy-to-let and means that most landlords will be renting for a couple of years at most, often as a second-hand renter you’ll be living in someone’s home for a relatively short period of time. This means the landlord or leaseholder is going to prioritise friends, family, or friends-of-friends – basically, someone they can vouch for – over complete strangers. 

Even if you’ve not yet arrived in Sweden, let everyone know, on every form of social media (Facebook, LinkedIn and anything else you can think of), that you’re moving and looking for a place to stay. Don’t let any connection, however tenuous, go unused. 

For those starting a new job, make sure to ask if assistance with house-hunting is included as part of any relocation package. Some companies will set up viewings, while others will pay for a stay in a hotel while you find your feet. If that’s not an option, you could ask your future colleagues or HR manager to spread the word through social media or any internal company messaging service. It’s in their best interests for you to feel settled, so they’re likely to offer help where they can.

The international community in Sweden is often very supportive too, so it’s worth searching on Facebook and other sites for groups relevant to your interests and asking for help there too. And once you arrive and start socialising or professional networking, make sure to keep mentioning it to all your new connections.

2. Advertise yourself online 

Take all the help you can get, but be proactive as well. Blocket is one of the most popular online marketplaces for rental properties, while others include QasaMyPlejs and The Local’s property page.

Blocket is only available in Swedish (although some ads may be written in English) but has far more listings, so if you’ve not tackled the language yet, download a plug-in like Google Translate that will translate the website into your native language.

Bear in mind that landlords and subletters typically receive hundreds of messages within the first hour, at least in the major cities. There are two things you can do to stand out: be quick (check the latest listings as regularly as possible), and be memorable.

To achieve the second, work on an e-mail template you can send to landlords. Ideally, you’ll write this in Swedish – again, use your network if possible to find a friend, colleague, or helpful stranger to help you translate. Start with a quick introduction (name, age, why and since when you’re in Sweden, and how many people will be living in the apartment) and something directly relating to the advert, for example a comment about the area, to show you’ve actually read it.

Then, make sure to mention anything that will act in your favour: a permanent job, stable income, references from previous landlords/employers, and anything which they’ve mentioned in the ad, such as being a non-smoker or available to move in immediately. Save any questions or negotiation for if and when you’re offered the apartment.

As well as firing off messages to anyone advertising an apartment, you can also post your own advert on Blocket. Again, this will ideally include a Swedish translation, and all the information listed above. You should also outline any clear requirements, such as maximum budget, preferred area, whether you’re looking for something furnished or not, and so on. And add a photo – one that clearly shows your face is ideal.

Remember not to hand over any money until you have viewed the property and met the leaseholder, and trust your instinct if anything feels suspicious. Legitimate landlords should be willing to tell your their personal number and offer proof of their identity, such as a copy of their passport or a work reference, or you can confirm their identity yourself by some searching on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Swedish websites such as Hitta and Eniro.

3. Be quick

As mentioned above, it helps to reply as quickly as possible to any adverts you’re interested in. Make sure to keep up that momentum even after getting a response, since the landlord will probably have responded to several prospective tenants who met their requirements.

Organise a viewing as early as possible – if you’re working, speak to your boss as soon as possible to find out if they’re able to offer you some flexibility to fit these in. At the viewing, make sure to take along all your references from previous landlords, ID card or passport, employment certificate, and anything else they’ve requested or which might show them what a great tenant you’d be.

Before you get there, think about all the things you need to ask: access to a laundry room, move-in date and length of contract, and any questions about the area, for example. And have an idea of what requirements the apartment needs to meet in order for you to say yes. Some landlords will be keen to find a tenant they really like, while others will go with the first person who expresses an interest, so if you see somewhere you like, say so as soon as possible.

That doesn’t mean you should go ahead with something you’ve got doubts about; make sure you’ve got answers to all your questions before signing anything or handing over money. Some of the biggest red flags are being asked for money before seeing the apartment or signing a contract, or being asked to pay in cash.

4. Consider renting a room rather than a whole apartment

Sweden has one of the highest proportions of single-occupancy households in the EU, but house- and flatshares are becoming increasingly common. So if you’re willing to live with a stranger, you could get lucky by searching for a flatshare or including this option in your online advert. Again, reach out to your network: if someone’s sharing their property they’re likely to be even more picky about who they rent to than if they’re merely subletting.

You could also try searching for a multi-room apartment with friends, which can often work out cheaper than renting separately, although not all landlords will be open to this idea.

5. Head for the suburbs

Consider expanding your search to the suburbs in order to get more space for your money. You may also find the market slightly less competitive here. Since all of Sweden’s major towns and cities have excellent transport connections, you can usually still guarantee a comfortable train to get you into work or university and 24-hour buses to help you get home after a night out. Make sure to check what your commuting options would be, and how close you are to the nearest transport hub.

Also look out for adverts for garden guest houses (gästhus) or annexes. Many Swedish homeowners rent out small, separate houses in their garden or remodel part of their property, for example a converted garage, into small apartments. Although beware of the pros and cons of living so close to your landlord.

6. Keep calm and consider temporary solutions

Finding a long-term rental is tricky, but while you search, there are several temporary options to help tide you over.

Think about using sharing economy sites such as Airbnb to find short-term apartment or room rentals, although you will find prices aimed at visiting tourists rather than new locals on a budget.

Couchsurfing is a global network of people who are prepared to open their homes to travellers for short periods for free. The community also arranges events such as language exchanges, hikes, drinks and dinners where you can make new friends in your adopted new home. Be sure to read through the company’s safety guidelines before signing up though.

And once again, someone in your network may be able to help – for example if they know somebody who’s moving away for a short amount of time, but may not be bothering to advertise their property for rental.

7. Know your rights

If you think you are being mistreated by your landlord, try contacting the Swedish Union of Tenants (Hyresgästföreningen), which offers advice on what to do if you feel you’ve been overcharged or told to leave a property without enough notice.

The association can help look up what those with first-hand contracts in similar neighbouring properties pay for their homes and use this as a basis for your case, and provides legal help to members for free. You can also take your grievance directly to a regional rent tribunal.

8. Get in the queue for a first-hand contract, just in case

Don’t get your hopes up – queues for first-hand leases are long – but you could get lucky. It’s well worth signing up to your local housing service (usually known as bostadsförmedlingen or something similar) if you plan to stay in Sweden for the longer term.

In many towns this is free, but in Stockholm you will be asked to pay 200 kronor a year. However, if you work in the capital and are willing to commute, many of the nearby municipalities offer free spots on their first-hand rental lists. 

After a few years in the queue you may also be eligible to apply for first-hand short-term contracts, which sometimes become available, for example when residents move away temporarily. This option isn’t generally well-known, and many newcomers are so put off by reports of the length of the queue that they don’t bother to join, so it could be a good insurance policy.

Looking for somewhere to live? Check out The Local’s property page

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How to buy your own Swedish island

Ever felt like spending your summers lounging around on your own island? Or have you always wanted to build a James Bond-style supervillain fort in the middle of the Stockholm archipelago?

How to buy your own Swedish island

How can I find an island for sale?

Perhaps surprisingly, you can find islands for sale in the same places you find other properties in Sweden, for example on property site Hemnet, or directly through an estate agent.

As you may expect, people who own their own islands often want to hang onto them, so they don’t come up for sale very often. 

If you’re still interested in finding your dream island, then try searching egen ö till salu (own island for sale), and be prepared that you’ll probably have to wait a while before one comes up in your ideal area.

You might also get lucky and be able to find a property which just happens to include a small island with it (for example, a property by a lake or by the sea), but there’s no guarantee that the island would be big enough to actually do anything with – and if it is, the price of the property would no doubt reflect this.

Can I build on it?

Islands usually fall into two categories: those where there is already some sort of house or building (like a lighthouse, for example), and those which are completely untouched. 

Bear in mind that the rules on building on islands are pretty strict. Firstly, you’ll need to apply for planning permission (yes, even if you own the whole island), which can be difficult.

Essentially, all Swedish coastlines are protected under strandskyddet (literally: “beach protection”), which means that they must be accessible to the public and cannot be built on or fenced off for private use. The exact area which must be protected varies, but as a general rule you’ll have to keep the shoreline accessible 100 metres inland – going up to 300 metres in some cases.

Under allemansrätten, the right to roam, members of the public must be able to access the coastline, so even if you have your own island which you build your own jetty on, you can’t stop people from turning up and mooring at your jetty to lounge on the rocks.

The only exception to this is if they’re so close to your home they disturb your hemfrid, literally “home peace”, for example if they’d be able to see into your property or would feasibly intrude on your private life.

The downside to this hemfrid rule is that it can sometimes get in the way of planning permission – if a rebuild or extension to your home would extend your hemfrid so much that it would encroach on the public right to access the coastline (even if it’s something as simple as putting in larger windows or building a small veranda), then your application could be rejected.

So essentially, you might need to forget about your dreams of a supervillain-style lair on your own private island.

How much does it cost?

Island prices vary wildly, depending on things like the size of your island, how close it is to a major city, and whether it has buildings or pre-approved planning permission. 

Expect to pay a couple million kronor for a larger island (like this one) close to Stockholm or Gothenburg (yes, even if you can’t build anything on it).

Lilla Kattskäret, an island in Norrtälje around an hour from Stockholm with a handful of small buildings and two separate jetties, sold in August for just under 10 million kronor.

If you’re right in the middle of the city centre, you might see islands listed with no price at all, like this island complete with summer house, guest house and another, smaller island. A stone’s throw from Drottningholm Palace – the home of the Swedish King and Queen – this might be a case of “if you have to ask how much it costs, you probably can’t afford it”.

And don’t forget – you’ll need your own boat to access it, too.