Aachen couple cause outrage with public sex

When it comes to sex, what goes on behind closed doors is supposed to be nobody else's business. But have sex while hanging out of the window of your ground-floor apartment, and the neighbours might just take offence – a lesson one Aachen couple learned the hard way last week.

Aachen couple cause outrage with public sex
Photo: DPA

Officers were alerted to an unusual disturbance at a family apartment block on Friday evening, Aachen police said in a press release.

It was still light outside – but this apparently hadn't bothered the amorous couple living on the ground floor.

Police had been inundated with complaints from residents about the couple, after they began having sex at their window in full view of neighbours and passers-by.

What the couple were up to wasn't exactly illegal, one caller admitted – but even so, “the fact that the window was fully open, and a topless woman was hanging out and screaming in ecstasy about the quality of her lover while he gave it his best behind her” was a step too far, he said.

It was appalling for adult neighbours and passers-by, the caller said – but with children walking past on the street outside, the couple's behaviour was simply unacceptable.

This wasn't the first time the pair had brought their sex life into the open, neighbours claimed –earlier that day, they had carried out similar acts, and apparently favoured this spot by the window for their intimate moments.

Neighbours eventually got the attention of the couple, who closed the blinds and took the noise level down a notch.

It was unclear whether the pair had seen sense, or had simply finished what they were doing, police said.

The couple, who have been identified by police, face accusations of disturbing the peace. Investigations are currently underway.


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France taken to European Court over divorce ruling that woman had ‘marital duty’ to have sex with husband

A case has been brought against France at the European Court of Human Rights by a woman who lost a divorce case after judges ruled against her because she refused to have sex with her husband.

France taken to European Court over divorce ruling that woman had 'marital duty' to have sex with husband
Photo: Frederick Florin/AFP

The woman, who has not been named, has brought the case with the backing of two French feminist groups, arguing that the French court ruling contravened human rights legislation by “interference in private life” and “violation of physical integrity”.

It comes after a ruling in the Appeals Court in Versailles which pronounced a fault divorce in 2019 because of her refusal to have sex with her husband.

READ ALSO The divorce laws in France that foreigners need to be aware of

The court ruled that the facts of the case “established by the admission of the wife, constitute a serious and renewed violation of the duties and obligations of marriage making intolerable the maintenance of a shared life”.

Feminist groups Fondation des femmes (Women’s Foundation) and Collectif féministe contre le viol (Feminist Collective against Rape) have backed her appeal, deploring the fact that French justice “continues to impose the marital duty” and “thus denying the right of women to consent or not to sexual relations”.

“Marriage is not and should not be a sexual servitude,” the joint statement says, pointing out that in 47 percent of the 94,000 recorded rapes and attempted rapes per year, the aggressor is the spouse or ex-spouse of the victim.