Hiring discrimination dogs Swiss job market

You apply for a job where you meet all the requirements but don’t get called for an interview — is it because you are foreign, female or over 50?

Hiring discrimination dogs Swiss job market
Women still face discrimination in Swiss job market. Photo: AFP

Discrimination is not just a Swiss phenomenon but statistics as well as anecdotal evidence suggest it is common in Switzerland’s job market. It can also be hard to prove.

Foreigners and second-generation immigrants tend to have more problems finding work than Swiss do, men earn more than women, and older workers are less desirable to employers. These are some of the ways in which discrimination is perceived.

A recent conference at Bern University of Applied Sciences got to grips with the issue, bringing together academics and Swiss policy makers to address gender and anti-migrant bias on the labour market and how to combat it.

One of the clearest ways in which discrimination is seen is in the differing wage levels of men and women in Switzerland.

Wage inequality may result from the fact that women take time out from their careers to have children, or work part-time as their children grow up, affecting their career development.

Panellist Christa Markwalder, a Liberal Party MP and National Council first vice-president, says there is a difference of 21 percent in the pay levels of men and women.

“Some of this difference is explained by maternity leave but a gap of nearly nine percent is unexplained,” the politician says, adding that even on first entering the labour market women are being paid at a lower level than men.

This applies to the better educated too. Federal Statistical Office data from 2011 shows that as early as one year after graduation women were earning less than men.

While there is evidence that the gender pay gap starts with the first job, it widens as employees take on more responsibility and move up the professional ladder, says Sylvie Durrer, director of the Federal Office of Gender Equality.

No wage transparency

Wage inequality persists into the 21st century in Switzerland partly because it is frowned upon to talk about what you earn, unlike in Israel, for instance, where people discuss salaries openly, one panellist commented.

“There is no tradition of talking about salary in Switzerland,” Markwalder agrees.

Durrer says that the lack of wage transparency in Switzerland meant it was very hard to know if the wage offered was compliant with the law on equal pay for equal work.

And employers are not helping in this respect.

“Many companies never make checks on wage equality,” says Durrer, whose Federal Office of Gender Equality has developed a tool for companies to ensure they treat staff equally.

“It’s very important that companies make the analysis,” she says.

But there is no obligation under law for them to do so.

While a political debate is taking place over instruments to ensure equality on the labour market, Markwalder argues that government regulation should be kept to the minimum.

“The liberal labour market is one of Switzerland’s assets,” she says, urging caution in introducing new instruments.

Instead, the onus should be on firms to take responsibility for treating employees equally, the Liberal MP says.

Problems of migrants

But discrimination may begin even earlier, at the job application stage.

Sascha O. Becker, professor of economics at the University of Warwick in the UK, says a study shows that youth with a migration background are less successful when it comes to applying for jobs.

The 2006 study involved sending fictitious CVs from equally qualified people of different ethnic backgrounds in response to job ads. While Portuguese in French-speaking Switzerland suffered a low level of discrimination, Albanian-speaking Yugoslavs were discriminated against in 59 percent of cases in the German part of Switzerland.

Foreigners also run a higher risk of joblessness in Switzerland, the study shows.

“Unemployment rates are much lower for Swiss citizens across the board. It seems to be harder for foreigners to find a job,” Becker says.

Felix Mbakaya, sitting in the audience, provides a perfect example of the problems experienced by young migrant workers in the Swiss labour market.

Despite having Swiss citizenship, the business administration student at Bern University of Applied Sciences has found it impossible to find suitable work.

Even offers to work for free in return for job experience have drawn a blank.

“I can’t prove it’s discrimination, but maybe my colour has something to do with it,” he tells The Local.

Mbakaya has lived in Switzerland for nine years, has had his Kenyan credentials accredited and speaks German. He says that all he wants is a chance to prove himself.

The panellists stress the importance of migrant workers for the Swiss economy, and suggest that their key to success on the labour market is a high level of education or completed apprenticeship.

Policy suggestions include a voluntary programme whereby job applicants from a migration background with a completed apprenticeship would receive two years employment by a company if they agree to pay back one month’s salary per year of employment over a five-year period.

Mbakaya responds that companies should be free to employ who they want, but that they should be prepared to give migrant workers a chance.

“If someone is educated and wants to make a career here, why not give them a chance even if they don’t have a Swiss background?”

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‘Fake ads’: How to avoid the latest job scam in Switzerland

Online scams are widespread in all areas of life, including, increasingly, among Swiss job adverts.

'Fake ads': How to avoid the latest job scam in Switzerland

With the chronic shortage of qualified workers, many Swiss employers are actively looking to hire new staff.

They advertise vacant positions online, opening the door to scammers to post fake job adverts of their own.

Increasingly, scammers are disguising themselves as legitimate employers to obtain sensitive personal information from job seekers.

“Around a quarter of all job offers are fakes,” said Jean-Philippe Spinas, director at Kienbaum Executive Search in Zurich recruitment consultancy.

Specifically, scammers pretend to be HR managers and publish fake job offers in order to obtain sensitive personal and financial information about people who send in their applications.

“It is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between real and fake offers,” Spinas added.

What are the scammers looking for?

As any legitimate employer does, fraudsters also ask candidates to send in the curriculum vitae (CV), which normally contains a lot of personal data that scammers are after: telephone number, email address, date of birth, and address. This information is then used to deduce passwords or to create a digital profile.

In the ‘best’ case, you will have to put up with unwanted calls, spam, or other contact attempts.

But under the worst-cast scenario, fraudsters will steal your identity and pretend to be you when setting up telecom and other accounts, because when contacted by phone, you are usually only asked for your date of birth, mobile number, or similar information to identify yourself — all of which scammers have obtained from your CV.

How can you protect yourself?

The key word here is ‘vigilance’.

Identity check

Just as employers vet candidates, you too should ‘screen’ the interviewer.

Your first red flag should go up if the ‘employer’ doesn’t identify him / herself or the company clearly, allowing you to verify their legitimacy.

“Ideally, the job offerer should identify themselves to the candidate,” Jean-Philippe Spinas pointed out.

If they give only minimal information about themselves, or are dodgy in their answers, ask the ‘employer’ to contact you via Linkedin. The platform can be used to determine whether the company, and the recruiter, are real.

Don’t disclose too much

“In the age of online applications on the most diverse platforms, you should always ask yourself: how much data will I reveal during my first contact with the employer?” Spinas said.

If a lot of private information is requested from candidates online, this should arouse suspicion.

For that reason, you should not send your CV, which contains personal details — including, typically, a photograph that can then be copied and used for illicit purposes — to unidentified / unverified employers.

READ ALSO: How to write the perfect CV for a job in Switzerland 

This is the latest employment scam that is widespread in Switzerland right now.

But ‘older’ ones are still circulating around the country.

For instance, the scammers are contacting their victims via messaging services such as Whatsapp and Telegram, presenting themselves as job recruiters who seek people in Switzerland who can work from home.

So far it sounds legitimate, except that “candidates are lured by promises of extraordinary earnings that are disproportionately high relative to the nature of the tasks to be performed,” according to the the National Centre for Cybersecurity (NCSC), which monitors faudulent activities online.

Problems begin after recruitment, when candidates are directed to a platform where they must register to obtain assignments. “It is an imitation of a legitimate website,” explains the federal authority.

All salary and bonus payments must be settled via this fake platform and recruited workers must pay most of the fees themselves.

You can find out about this, and other scams perpetrated in Switzerland, here.

And this article also provides valuable information about how not to fall victim to various scams:

READ ALSO: How to avoid the most common online scams in Switzerland