French capital braces itself for tighter coronavirus restrictions

Paris was preparing on Sunday to be placed under maximum coronavirus alert as alarming Covid-19 infection numbers appeared to leave the French government little choice but to tighten restrictions in and around the capital.

French capital braces itself for tighter coronavirus restrictions
A restaurant employee removes tables on a terrace in Paris, on September 28, 2020, as bars and restaurants were forced to close earlier in the evening. AFP

Paris's trademark bars and cafes are threatened with complete closure as early as Monday after Health Minister Olivier Veran announced that only improved Covid-19 infection rates could prevent such a step.

If recent trends were confirmed “we'll have no choice”, he warned on Thursday, saying new restrictions would mean “no more family gatherings, no more evenings out, and a total closure of bars”.

But a reprieve looks unlikely after France reported 16,972 new coronavirus cases on Saturday alone, the highest daily number since the country began widespread testing.

Figures from the regional health agency ARS show new coronavirus cases remaining above 250 per 100,000 people in Paris, a threshold triggering the maximum alert protocol which has already hit the southern cities Aix-en-Provence and Marseille and their surroundings, as well as the French overseas territory of Guadeloupe.

“There is no justification for denial,” said the ARS director for the Paris region, Aurelien Rousseau, on Sunday. “The numbers are what they are, and they are weighing heavily,” he tweeted.

'We're French, we love to drink'

Interior minister Gerald Darmanin acknowledged that the looming closure of bars and cafes would be “tough” for everyone concerned.

“We are French, we love to drink, to eat, to live, to smile and to kiss each other,” he told broadcasters LCI and Europe 1 on Sunday. “But we're also doing this because the people want us to,” he added. 

A waiter serves customers at a terrace of a restaurant in Paris, on June 15, 2020. Martin BUREAU / AFP

BFM television on Sunday published a poll saying that 61 percent of people living in Paris and its suburbs were in favour of a complete closure of bars, which are currently authorised to remain open until 10 pm.

Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo told reporters on Sunday that “it's not a done deal, there is still work being done, we're still talking”. But she also conceded that the health situation was “very serious”.

The government has said it will target primarily establishments that “serve alcoholic drinks without food”.

Restaurant owners are still hoping that they can dodge a similar fate, at least for now.

ANALYSIS: Is France heading back into lockdown?

The health authorities are evaluating a proposal submitted by restaurants for voluntary restrictions — including registering the home addresses of their clients and limiting the number of people at each table — before submitting their recommendations to the government.

Other large French cities including Lille, Lyon, Grenoble and Toulouse are also hovering near the maximum alert threshold and similar measures as in the capital could be in store for them, too.

Employer organisation UMIH, which represents cafes, bars, hotels, restaurants, brasseries and discos, has warned that 15 percent of France's 220,000 establishments in the sector are threatened with bankruptcy because of coronavirus restrictions, with up to 250,000 staff facing unemployment.

The government has said it will take every precaution necessary to avoid a new state of emergency that would require a generalised lockdown like the one imposed at the height of the outbreak, from mid-March to mid-May.

The country's total death toll from Covid-19 is 32,198 after recording 49 more fatalities on Saturday.

EXPLAINED: How does France's Covid-19 alert system work?

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French health authorities warn of risk of ‘epidemic’ from mosquito-borne disease

French health authorities have sounded the alarm about the 'fairly high risk' of an epidemic of mosquito-borne illnesses in the next five years in France.

French health authorities warn of risk of 'epidemic' from mosquito-borne disease

ANSES (Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail), the French body for environment and health safety – published a report on Friday finding that France is at a ‘fairly high risk’ of epidemics linked to tiger mosquitoes.

Tiger mosquitoes (Aedes albopictus) are known for their ability to carry dangerous diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and Zika virus. These diseases can be dangerous, but deaths are rare in countries where people have access to good healthcare.

So far, the insect has been detected in 78 of France’s 95 mainland départements – gradually spreading north as global temperatures warm.

READ MORE: MAP: Tiger mosquitoes reach northern France

ANSES wrote in their report that “in the next five years, an epidemic of mosquito-borne illnesses has a probability between 6 and 7, on a scale of 0 to 9.”

In terms of when the ‘epidemic’ level is reached, one of the two coordinators of the study, Émeline Barrès, explained in the report: “We talk about an epidemic when it is not possible to link all the infected people to one single outbreak.

“This means that the transmissions are beyond the control system.”

ANSES also added that “the emergence of an epidemic depends on a number of factors.

“These include the presence of tiger mosquitoes in the country, climatic conditions favourable to their reproduction (in particular the accumulation of hot days over a given period and rainfall), the arrival of infections in people from areas where viruses are circulating, and the effectiveness of measures to combat tiger mosquitoes and the transmission of viruses.”

What would happen if there was an epidemic?

Experts expressed concerns in a number of areas.

“In the event of an epidemic, the current means to prevent and monitor mosquito-borne illnesses would become overwhelmed”, the researchers wrote.

They also referenced fears about the health system being under strain if a large number of cases were to occur over a wide area, as well as impacts on the tourism industry.

Anses also recommended that local authorities be vigilant in ensuring that under-served populations have access to information, prevention resources and care, out of concern that an epidemic could exacerbate social inequality in France.

What is the current risk?

In recent years, cases of dengue and chikungunya have increased in mainland France.

From May 1st to September 10th, France reported 1,372 imported cases (meaning they were contracted outside of mainland France) of dengue fever.

READ MORE: How serious is the threat from dengue fever in France?

Health authorities also reported 13 imported cases of chikungunya and three of (imported) Zika virus.

Imported mosquito-borne illnesses in France tend to involve people who recently visited the Caribbean islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe – where the such diseases are endemic.

These islands are for administrative purposes part of France – so often show up in French health data – but they are roughly 7,000km away from Paris.

As for cases contracted in mainland France, local transmission remains rare.

In 2024, there have so far been 46 reported cases of locally transmitted (indigenous) dengue fever, according to Santé Publique France. There has been one case of ‘indigenous’ chikungunya so far in 2024.

In terms of location, the majority of these local infections have occurred in southern France.

Screenshot from Santé Publique France of a map of indigenous outbreaks of mosquito-borne illnesses in France.

In 2023, there were nine separate outbreaks of indigenous dengue transmission were identified, one of which occurred in the Paris region. These led to 45 cases of local transmission (in mainland France).

Until recently, researchers had been unable to identify contaminated mosquitoes, despite the presence of local transmission, but in 2023, researchers managed to trap tiger mosquitoes in the Drôme département who were carrying the virus. 

What steps can people take to stop the spread of tiger mosquitoes?

Anses noted that in addition to collective action and a response from health authorities, individuals can also take steps.

These include;

  • Regularly emptying outdoor bowls or receptacles filled with water in order to prevent them from becoming mosquito breeding areas
  • Covering rainwater collectors with mosquito netting
  • Protecting yourself by wearing long, loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing and by using insect repellent.

READ MORE: How to prevent the spread of tiger mosquitoes in France