Denmark to deport Romanian woman for begging

A 63-year-old Romanian woman was on Tuesday sentenced to 20 days in jail followed by deportation for asking passersby for spare change in the Copenhagen district of Nørrebro.

Denmark to deport Romanian woman for begging
Nine people have now been convicted under Denmark's new anti-begging legislation. Photo: Shutterstock/Iris
Her sentence marks the first deportation under newly-tightened anti-begging legislation that was implemented last month by Justice Minister Søren Pape Poulsen.
It is not, however, the first time Denmark has sent someone out of the country for begging. In November, a Danish court sentenced a Slovakian woman to 40 days in prison and ordered her to be deported for begging on the street in what was the country's first ruling of its kind. 
But Poulsen has declared war on begging in Danish streets and the ordered deportation of the Romanian woman is the first since his new tougher rules came into effect. 
Prosecutor Marlene Beynon successfully convinced Copenhagen City Court that the 63-year-old woman posed a serious threat to Denmark, a condition that must be met in order to deport an EU citizen. 
“Her behaviour is continuous and systematic. It has an adverse effect on all of the passersby who need to respond to her begging,” Beynon said according to news agency Ritzau’s report
The prosecution further argued that the woman “bothered the public” by “attempting to make eye contact” while holding out a cup at Nørrebro Station. 
The 63-year-old told the court that she has been in and out of Denmark for 15 years. She said that she begs on the streets of Copenhagen in order to support her seven children back in Romania. 
“I have a lot of kids there. They eat out of the garbage can,” she said, according to Politiken’s report
The woman had been convicted of begging two times before, which the court said played a significant role in her sentencing on Tuesday. 
Her deportation comes with a six-year reentry ban.
Three others were also found guilty of begging on Tuesday at Copenhagen City Court, bringing the total number of people convicted under the new anti-begging legislation to nine. 


Tech giants promise ‘action plan’ on stopping Nordic gangs using apps for crime

The tech giants Google, Meta, Snapchat and TikTok have pledged to give details "within months" on how they will prevent gang leaders in Nordic countries using their products to carry out serious crimes, Denmark's justice minister said on Friday.

Tech giants promise 'action plan' on stopping Nordic gangs using apps for crime

After meeting the companies along with other Nordic Justice Ministers in Uppsala, Sweden, Hummelgaard and Swedish counterpart Gunnar Strömmer said he now expected the companies to submit an “action plan” to crack down on the use of their apps to recruit young people to carry our shootings and commit other crimes. 

“I would like it to contain concrete steps on how to use the technology on the platforms to remove and screen content that helps to facilitate organised crime to a greater extent,” Hummelgaard said, while Strömmer said that although he was pleased an important step had been taken it “remains to be seen” how seriously the companies take the issue. 

READ ALSO: Danish gangs’ use of Swedish child hitmen is now a diplomatic issue

Ministers from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland met to discuss gang crime, which in recent months has increasingly been shown to cross national borders, with criminals from Sweden travelling to Denmark to carry out shootings and hand grenade attacks.

According to Hummelgaard, there have been “many examples” of gangs using social media and encrypted messaging services to plan serious crimes and recruit new criminals, with lists of the payments available for carrying out various criminal services  found circulating  on social media. 

“The way I see it, political patience is about to run out, not just in the Nordic countries, but in large parts of the Western world,” Hummelgaard said.

He said the four companies had made “a really good first step” in pledging to establish a “joint Nordic cooperation forum”, where they would exchange experience and share information with each other about the use of their products in the region for crime. But he said he wanted them to be “more concrete than that”. 

READ ALSO: Nordic justice ministers meet tech giants on gangs hiring ‘child soldiers’

Hummelgaard said that he tech giants had also asked that the police authorities in the Nordic countries to provide information on what kind of “groupings and names” are using their services and how “they communicate”, so that the content can “be removed immediately”. 

“I sense that they have a clear desire and will to cooperate with us. I think that is positive,” he said. “I would also like to say that until today this has not been the experience of many of our law enforcement authorities around the Nordic countries.”