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18 ways your eating and drinking habits change when you live in France

People's habits change in subtle ways when they come to France and it's often most noticeable when it comes to eating and drinking. France is of course the country of fine dining and wining.

18 ways your eating and drinking habits change when you live in France
Customers eat a traditional morning meal named "machon" in a "bouchon" typical restaurant in Lyon (Photo by PHILIPPE DESMAZES / AFP)

When you first move to France it’s likely you’ll still be liberally pouring milk into your tea for some time but the longer you’re here the more you’ll find yourself happy to drink and dine a la française.

Here are just some of the ways your eating and drinking habits might change, depending on how resistant you are. 

1. Drinking tea without milk

You might have balked at the idea of not having some semi-skimmed to splash into your tea when you were at home but once you’ve been in France for a few months/years (delete as appropriate for you) you’ll find yourself turning your nose up at the very idea of it.

2. Spicy food is hard to come by

There are many (many) benefits for your stomach when you move to France but one of the things you’ll find yourself waving goodbye to is spicy food. While it’s easy to get a hot curry on the other side of the Channel, in France you’ll have to take time to hunt one out. And you’ll probably have to ask the waiter to spice it up (plus épicé s’il vous plaît).

3. Eating offal 

While you might take to eating French steak like a duck to water, you’re likely to find your introduction to French offal slightly more challenging.

But you’ll know France is truly your home when you’re gobbling down tripe without a second thought (although many long-term residents still consider andouillette beyond the pale).

READ ALSO: From crêpes to cassoulet: The ultimate food map of France

4. Eating is not cheating

In the UK, you might hear people use the phrase “Eating is Cheating” on a wild night out. But once in France you’ll find this law is not applied. In fact you’ll be laughed out of town. In France is “Eating is living”, especially on a Friday night.

5. No more snacking

Old snacking habits might die hard for expats living in France but it won’t be long before you’re wiping those greasy crisp paws clean for good. Eat at meals times or at the specified snack time of “gôuter”.

6. Swapping pints for demis

You’ll know you’ve become something of a native in France when you don’t feel embarrassed by ordering a half pint (demi).

7. Wine only with food

Gone are the days of ordering a bottle of Chardonnay and three glasses on a Friday night out. Wine and dine rhyme and it’s no coincidence. In France wine is to accompany food (unless it’s rosé and it’s summer). If you want to get sozzled they have plenty of other choices.

And that goes hand-in-hand with our next point…

8. No more binge drinking

Despite moving to the land of the apéro and endless varieties of wine, it’s time to put your binge drinking behind you and learn to drink in a more civilized way. You’ll probably have a tipple a lot more often, but you’ll be less likely to drink until you drop on a Saturday night. 

(This one might take a while to get used to.)

9. Get your cheese fix BEFORE dessert

Moving to France means that a world of delicious cheese is right on your doorstep. And now you’re allowed to eat it with every meal…as long as it comes before dessert that is. The theory is that dessert is needed after cheese so dinner guests can still talk to each other comfortably without reeling away from Camembert breath.

10. Eating a proper lunch

Even though the heyday of the two hour sit down lunch might be (mostly) a thing of the past in France, it’s still common for work contracts to include a rule that prohibits dining al desko. French workers will also get restaurant vouchers to encourage them to eat in the nearest brasserie.

11. Swapping your weekend fry-up for viennoiserie

It’s time to swap your Saturday morning rashers of bacon and fried eggs for a pain au chocolat, croissant or pain au raisin. If you truly want to go native, that is.

12. Eating crepes all year round

In the UK, crepes (or pancakes) are usually reserved for Shrove Tuesday but in France, praise be, you can eat them all year round.

13. Enjoying a baguette with dinner (but no butter allowed!)

The importance of the role of the baguette in French food can’t really be underestimated. After a few months you’ll be buying fresh baguettes twice a day. Once for breakfast, once for dinner. And when you do, you’ll bite the end off before you get it home.

Just remember the following, French people tend to only put butter on a baguette at breakfast, not at dinnertime.

14. Espresso after dinner 

While you might previously have avoided a coffee after dinner, thinking it would ruin a good night’s sleep, it won’t be long before you’re ordering an espresso after every meal. Dinner just won’t feel the same without that little shot of caffeine.

15. No more filling your glass of wine to the top

While it might not seem like such a bad thing to slurp from a glass of wine that’s full to the brim at home, in France it’s a big no no. So take your time, there’s plenty to go around.

16. You’ll discover fruit and veg

Once you see what’s on offer at French markets or even les primeurs (fruit and veg stores) you’ll suddenly take pleasure in sticking to the “five-a-day” rule. In France apples taste like apples and melons like melons. And you’ll have to get used to what’s in season too.

17. Quality over quantity

When you first come to France you’ll often feel like you’ve been ripped off when you see the size of your main meal. Then you’ll have to order two desserts. But you’ll soon get used to eating less but better. 

18. You’ll eat a lot of pizza

You might expect this to happen if you move to Italy, but in fact the French are the world’s biggest scoffers of pizza. To put it into numbers the French ate a stomach-churning 819 million pizzas in 2015. You’ll no doubt be contributing to that record being broken in 2020.

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9 delicious French dishes to try this summer

It’s almost impossible to imagine a ‘bad time’ for food lovers in France – summer certainly isn’t one, with a huge range of fresh, flavourful and light produce easily available. Here’s a few of our favourites.

9 delicious French dishes to try this summer

Salade niçoise

Summer is the season of salads and seafood in France. Which brings us immediately to arguably the most classic of French summer classic dishes, traditionally made with tomatoes and anchovies, dressed with olive oil.

All the extra stuff you’ll see in a modern version – hard-boiled eggs, olives, lettuce, green beans, tuna were added later and French people can get quite agitated over the question of potatoes in a salade niçoise.

Speaking of . . .

Pan bagnat

A pan bagnat is, basically, salad niçoise in sandwich form. But the secret to a proper pan bagnat is in the bread. It’s a traditional, rustic sandwich made using stale bread that has been refreshed by a trickle of water.

The clue is in the name – it literally means ‘bathed bread’. And a proper pan bagnat can only come from and use ingredients from Provence. Otherwise it’s just a (mostly) vegetable sandwich.

Tomates farcies

Potagers up and down France have tomato plants in them right now, and they’re all – hopefully – giving good fruit. Enter the many stuffed tomato recipes to cope with the glut. Expect variations on a sausage meat, onions, garlic, salt-and-pepper theme.

Of course, a simple tomato salad (perhaps with a little cheese and a sprinkle of basil) is also a joy to behold.

Flan de courgette

As it is with tomatoes, so it is with courgettes. Gardeners the length and breadth of France are wondering what to do with the sheer mass of fruit their plants are giving out.

The simple and delicious courgette flan covers many a base – and also incorporates French cuisine favourites ham and cheese. Usually served warm.


It’s probably illegal not to mention the famously rustic ratatouille in any piece about French summer recipes.

The dish you probably know – with tomatoes, courgettes, aubergines, pepper and garlic – is from Provence. But there are variation on this vegetable stew that you’ll find across the Mediterranean arc – think piperade, from southwest France, bohémienne, from Vaucluse, or chichoumeille, from Languedoc. 

They’re all delicious and they’ll all give you your five-a-day.

Tarte au chèvre et au concombre

Cucumbers are typical salad fare. They can be added to drinks, used to make chilled soups and detox cocktails. But you can also cook with them. Seek out a recipe for goat’s cheese and cucumber tart.


A chilled soup, perfect on a summer’s day, with a French name, created by a French chef. This chilled leek-and-potato soup actually first appeared, around 1910, as a dish at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in New York. But it has its basis in France. The chef who created it, Louis Félix Diat, said that it was inspired by his mother, who taught him how to cook. 

Chilled soups are a great bet on a hot day and you’ll see dozens of variations on menus, from cucumber to melon via variations on gazpacho (which is Spanish but the French very sensibly embrace it).


Black olives, garlic, anchovies, capers, olive oil. A blender. And you’ve got a delicious, simple ‘tartiner’ for a slice of toast or crusty bread. Try it. You’ll thank us.

Moules à la crème

Shellfish and summer go hand in glove. Moules-frites are hugely popular, with good reason.

But this summer moules recipe is, despite the creaminess, a little lighter overall. As always, there are always regional variations on a theme – do look out for moules à la normande, in particular.

What’s your favourite French dish on a hot day? Share your recommendations in the comments section below