Paris Metro station heist sees thieves steal €300,000 of gems from Indian dealers

Two diamond dealers from India were attacked with tear gas and robbed at a Paris Metro station, with the thieves making off with a briefcase full of the precious jewels worth around €300,000.

Paris Metro station heist sees thieves steal €300,000 of gems from Indian dealers
Photos: AFP/TVZ Design, Flickr
It sounds like a story worthy of a Hollywood heist movie. 
The two diamond traders from India had been in the 10th arrondissement of Paris to sell the case of precious stones worth an estimated €300,000. 
However when the deal did not go ahead they decided to make their way back to their hotel on the Metro along with the stones, according to French press reports.  
But the thieves had other plans. 
When the traders got to the turnstiles at Cadet Metro station in the 9th arrondissement of the French capital which is home to many diamond dealers, the two Indian nationals were attacked with tear gas by the two men. 
After a quick scramble, one of the attackers managed to seize the briefcase and its precious contents, before fleeing the scene with his accomplice, according to French press reports
After the incident which took place on Monday February 26th at around 4pm the dealers filed a complaint.
According to reports, “The thieves were perfectly informed about the route of the two diamond dealers and had prepared their hit perfectly.” 
“The two traders were coming back from a business meeting and were attacked Monday afternoon by two men,” a source told AFP, confirming a report by French magazine Le Point.
“A bag containing several precious stones — but no diamonds — was stolen,” the source added. “Early indications are that it could have been a
premeditated attack.”
The French capital has seen a number of high-profile jewel robberies in the past few years, most recently an audacious heist at the Ritz hotel in January.
A gang armed with hatchets and handguns burst into the five-star hotel and smashed the windows of jewellery shops on the ground floor, but became trapped by locked doors as they tried to flee.
Three men have been charged over the robbery.
In October 2016, US reality TV star Kim Kardashian was tied up and robbed at gunpoint while staying in a luxury residence for Paris Fashion Week.
The thieves made off with jewellery worth at least nine million euros, including a ring worth four million dollars alone.

The five biggest jewellery heists France has ever seen


Spain and France bust million-euro-a-day money laundering network

Spanish and French police said Friday they had smashed an international money-laundering network capable of handling a million euros per day, arresting five people in Spain, including its leader.

Spain and France bust million-euro-a-day money laundering network

Jointly run by France’s anti-fraud squad and the Spanish police with Europol’s support, the investigation began in February 2021 when French customs agents found more than 500,000 euros hidden in a car in southern France.

Led by a French magistrate, investigators discovered the existence of a “criminal scheme for laundering large quantities of cash across Europe”, which had been operating since at least 2019, a joint statement said.

This network, made up of Chinese nationals living in various European countries, was able to integrate huge sums of cash — more than one million euros ($1.1 million) per day — back into the legitimate economy.

“Their modus operandi was based on the existence of many collection points for money that was mainly coming from trading in counterfeit goods, tax and customs fraud, and pimping” sex workers, it said.

The money was then transferred to the network which then organised its distribution across Europe.

Spanish police arrested five people in Madrid, Valencia, Alicante and Barcelona, including a Chinese businessman who headed the network.

Investigators also searched various premises and homes, and by using sniffer dogs were able to find “almost 160,000 euros in cash hidden behind false ceilings and in portable refrigerators” and in other well-concealed places.

“This international operation… shows the leading role of Asian criminal groups in money laundering activities in Europe,” they said.