Lausanne’s EPFL named ‘most international university’ in the world

Switzerland's EPFL federal technology institute has been named the most international university in the world in the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) ranking.

Lausanne's EPFL named 'most international university' in the world
Photo: Alain Herzog

Switzerland also took silver in the list with Zurich’s ETH technology institute coming second. This reverses the positions the two institutes claimed in the inaugural 2017 ranking.

In equal sixth position this year was the university of Geneva while institutions in Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK and Australian filled out the top 10. 

The rankings were “dominated by countries that, through geography, government policies or culture, are open to the movement of students, staff and ideas, THE said of the ranking which reflect universities’ share of overseas staff, students and cross-border research.

Announcing the results, THE also noted it was no surprise Switzerland had done so well. It pointed to the fact that the country shared borders with five other nations and was in the heart of Europe.

The Lausanne-based EPFL, which received a score of 97.7 out of a possible 100, was praised for its “particularly strong reputation in engineering” but also for its emerging life sciences reputation.

THE added that students at the institute – which has been named the best young university (less than 50 years old) three years in a row – had plenty of access to exchange programmes while the institute also offered a global internship scheme.

“For a small country like Switzerland, we can be proud to have two federal institutes on the podium,” Martin Vetterli,” told The Local after the THE ranking was announced.

“The data released by Times Higher Education today recognises our global network and faculty to attract an international pool of talents, for students on one hand and for researchers on the other hand, enabling us to achieve high levels of excellence with a global benefit for our country,” he added.

Breakdown by discipline

This year, THE also analysed universities’ international outlook across disciplines. Here, Switzerland also did well across the board with the global nature of its institutes visible in disciples ranging from the arts and humanities to business and engineering.

This is not the case everywhere. Analysis showed the UK was more international in terms of engineering, business and management and computer science while China, South Korea and Japan were more global in the arts, humanities and social sciences and less so when it comes to science.

This is the opposite of counterparts in the West, THE noted.

No US university in the top 20

As was the case with the 2017 ranking, there is a conspicuous absence of US institutions. In fact, the top ranked US universtiy this year is MIT in 30th place. 

By contrast, there are eight UK institutions in the top 20 most international universities.

Editor's note: This article originally incorrectly stated that there were no US universities in the top 50 of the rankings.

For members


How much do Swiss universities charge foreigners compared to locals?

Foreign students pay a significantly higher tuition in Swiss universities than locals. There a reason why this is so.

How much do Swiss universities charge foreigners compared to locals?
The law library at the University of Zurich. Photo by Mitya Ivanov on Unsplash

Overall, the cost of studying in Switzerland is much lower than at top universities in the UK or the United States, where tuition can cost tens of thousands each year.

Still, costs at Swiss schools vary.

For instance, foreign students at the University of Italian Switzerland in Ticino currently pay 3,100 francs per semester, which is significantly more than what the University of Geneva charges (435 francs).

In fact, Geneva’s university is not only the ‘cheapest’ in the country, but also one of only five in Switzerland where international students pay the same rates as the Swiss.

The others are universities of Basel (850 francs), Lausanne (500), as well as the two federal institutes of technology — the one in Zurich (ETH) and in Lausanne (EPFL) — both of which charge 730 francs per semester of all students, regardless of nationality.

You can see latest (2023) prices for all Swiss universities here.

Interestingly, Ticino’s university, which has such high tuition fees, only occupies 273th place in the international QS World University Rankings.

The ETH Zurich, on the other hand, which, comes in eighth place worldwide, and even climbs to first place in continental Europe in The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022, only charges 730 francs per semester.

READ MORE: Why ETH Zurich has been ranked the ‘best university in continental Europe’

The finding is similar in the Swiss universities that train teachers (HEP).

The price for foreigners is highest in Valais (6,500 francs), versus 500 francs for their Swiss counterparts.

At the HEP in Fribourg, the second most expensive for foreigners, the tuition per semester is 4,200 francs, which is seven times more than Swiss students pay.

Why do foreign students pay more in most Swiss universities?

The reason for this is simple: public higher education institutions in Switzerland are funded mostly by taxpayers, so it is logical that Swiss students (whose parents pay taxes) would have a preferential treatment in this regard over those coming from abroad.

Cantons  provide the main share of public education finding for the cantonal universities and universities of applied sciences in their territories, while the federal government makes financial contributions.

On the other hand, federal government is fully responsible for funding the two Federal Institutes of Technology, in Zurich and Lausanne.

Can foreign students study in Switzerland for free?

Each year, the Swiss government earmarks money for scholarships specifically for this purpose.

However, this is aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree or PhD.

You can find out more about this programme here.