How Denmark’s submarine murderer crumpled as the verdict hit home

Peter Madsen showed clear signs of nervousness as he walked through the neoclassical domed door of courtroom 60 in Copenhagen City Court for the verdict.

How Denmark's submarine murderer crumpled as the verdict hit home
A courtroom sketch of Peter Madsen during the trial. Photo: Anne Gyrithe Sch'tt

But he still managed a fleeting smile of greeting for his gruff-voiced defence lawyer Betina Hald Engmark.

With no further need to scrutinise the evidence that had been piled up in thick A4 books around him on the other 11 days of his trial for the murder of the Swedish journalist Kim Wall, he no longer wore his thick black-rimmed glasses.

And he rubbed his eyes and slightly pale face, as if still recovering from a near-sleepless night.


Peter Madsen. Photo: Niels Hougaard/Ritzau via AP

After he sat down, Madsen at first spoke briefly and seriously with Hald Engmark, but then sat in silence waiting for the judge and jury to arrive.

He was markedly more subdued than on other days, when his eyes often scanned the courtroom, taking in its ornate classical stucco, modern reliefs showing anguished figures, and chandelier lit with the light flooding in through high domed windows from a central courtyard.

The area reserved for the media and public was so overcrowded that some journalists struggled to find a decent seat, and chairs were passed forward from the back so they could squeeze into a place with a good vantage point.

Wall's mother and father, who had followed the trial on many of the other days from seats reserved for the victim's family, were not present in the courtroom. The family seats were instead filled with friends and relatives, several with a clear resemblance to Wall. They chatted quietly, catching up with each other as cousins do at a wedding or funeral.

When Judge Anette Burkø arrived in the courtroom, everyone stood up, following Danish court tradition, and she immediately began reading the unanimous verdict, handing down an unusually strong life-sentence while onlookers were still standing.

Most journalists had expected the sentence to come towards the end of the judge's address, when they would already be sitting down with their laptops open ready to file.

There was a sense of frustration as they struggled to find ways to communicate the news to editors and producers. Some pulled out their phones, others balanced laptops in the air.

After the verdict had been delivered Madsen's demeanour underwent a dramatic change. He appeared totally crushed and when the court was allowed to sit, he sat stock still, head bowed and eyes closed for perhaps half a minute as he absorbed it.

The forensic psychiatrist who examined Madsen had identified narcissistic traits, so perhaps he had still been holding onto a hope that the judge and two jurors would be swayed by Engmark's well-put together final arguments, which emphasised the absence of conclusive physical evidence in the case.

If he had been holding onto such a hope, it was demolished the moment Burkø began her address.

After the verdict was delivered, Madsen was led out of the court with Engmark to a back room where they could discuss their response. Minutes later they returned and Engmark announced that Madsen would appeal. By this time Madsen recovered his composure somewhat, and began again to move and look around.

Then the judge and jury left the court, after which Madsen was led away by a police officer, followed by Engmark.

After the trial was over, several members of Wall's family shook hands with one another, perhaps less out of celebration than a sense of completion.

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Tech giants promise ‘action plan’ on stopping Nordic gangs using apps for crime

The tech giants Google, Meta, Snapchat and TikTok have pledged to give details "within months" on how they will prevent gang leaders in Nordic countries using their products to carry out serious crimes, Denmark's justice minister said on Friday.

Tech giants promise 'action plan' on stopping Nordic gangs using apps for crime

After meeting the companies along with other Nordic Justice Ministers in Uppsala, Sweden, Hummelgaard and Swedish counterpart Gunnar Strömmer said he now expected the companies to submit an “action plan” to crack down on the use of their apps to recruit young people to carry our shootings and commit other crimes. 

“I would like it to contain concrete steps on how to use the technology on the platforms to remove and screen content that helps to facilitate organised crime to a greater extent,” Hummelgaard said, while Strömmer said that although he was pleased an important step had been taken it “remains to be seen” how seriously the companies take the issue. 

READ ALSO: Danish gangs’ use of Swedish child hitmen is now a diplomatic issue

Ministers from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland met to discuss gang crime, which in recent months has increasingly been shown to cross national borders, with criminals from Sweden travelling to Denmark to carry out shootings and hand grenade attacks.

According to Hummelgaard, there have been “many examples” of gangs using social media and encrypted messaging services to plan serious crimes and recruit new criminals, with lists of the payments available for carrying out various criminal services  found circulating  on social media. 

“The way I see it, political patience is about to run out, not just in the Nordic countries, but in large parts of the Western world,” Hummelgaard said.

He said the four companies had made “a really good first step” in pledging to establish a “joint Nordic cooperation forum”, where they would exchange experience and share information with each other about the use of their products in the region for crime. But he said he wanted them to be “more concrete than that”. 

READ ALSO: Nordic justice ministers meet tech giants on gangs hiring ‘child soldiers’

Hummelgaard said that he tech giants had also asked that the police authorities in the Nordic countries to provide information on what kind of “groupings and names” are using their services and how “they communicate”, so that the content can “be removed immediately”. 

“I sense that they have a clear desire and will to cooperate with us. I think that is positive,” he said. “I would also like to say that until today this has not been the experience of many of our law enforcement authorities around the Nordic countries.”