Danish government proposes giant 800MW wind farm

The Danish government has presented plans to build a giant 800MW offshore wind farm over the coming decade which will generate enough electricity to supply 800,000 households.

Danish government proposes giant 800MW wind farm
An offshore wind farm managed by the Danish energy firm Ørsted. Photo: Ørsted
The farm, which will be twice the size of Denmark’s current largest, will be put out to tender in 2021 and built  between 2024 and 2027. The government has yet to decide on where the farm will be based. 
The farm is the most eye-catching scheme in a government proposal published on Thursday, which it hopes will form the basis of a future energy agreement with opposition parties setting the direction for Denmark's energy policy from 2020 to 2030. 
“The government's long-term climate target is that Denmark must be a low-emission society by 2050 which does not emit greenhouse gases and is completely independent of fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil,” Energy Minister Lars Christian Lilleholt said in a press release. 
“We must be able to cover at least half of Denmark's energy demand for renewable energy by 2030.” 
But the focus on wind generation comes alongside a sharp reduction in electricity taxes, which is unlikely to please environmentalists. 
The government hopes to cut the tax on electricity from 91 øre a kilowatt to 25 øre between 2019 and 2025, saving the average family 1500 Danish kroner a year, and also halve the tax on electric heating from 30 øre to 15 øre. 
Danish Energy, the country’s trade body for energy companies welcomed the plan. 
The proposal marks a new departure, where the green goes up, but the electricity bill goes down,” the body's chief executive Lars Aagaard said in a press release. 
His main criticism was that the government had failed to emphasise transport sufficiently. 
“If we want to we achieve our long-term climate ambitions and targets for energy efficiency, we need to consider cars powered by electricity rather than fossil fuels,” he said, pointing out that an electric car is three times as energy efficient.  
Pia Olsen Dyhr, chair of the Socialist People's Party, said the government’s claim that the proposal was “the greenest in Denmark’s history” was “pure gibberish”. 
“It is quite clear that it is far more important for the government to provide tax relief than to be be ambitious when it comes to solving the climate challenge and to create jobs in green companies,” she wrote in a blog post. 
“I'm deeply afraid that my daughter's going to come and knock on my door in 20 years furious that we did not do more to curb climate change.” 


France’s EDF hails €10billion profit, despite huge UK nuclear charge

French energy giant EDF has unveiled net profit of €10billion and cut its massive debt by increasing nuclear production after problems forced some plants offline.

France's EDF hails €10billion profit, despite huge UK nuclear charge

EDF hailed an “exceptional” year after its loss of €17.9billion in 2022.

Sales slipped 2.6 percent to €139.7billion , but the group managed to slice debt by €10billion euros to €54.4billion.

EDF said however that it had booked a €12.9 billion depreciation linked to difficulties at its Hinkley Point nuclear plant in Britain.

The charge includes €11.2 billion for Hinkley Point assets and €1.7billion at its British subsidiary, EDF Energy, the group explained.

EDF announced last month a fresh delay and additional costs for the giant project hit by repeated cost overruns.

“The year was marked by many events, in particular by the recovery of production and the company’s mobilisation around production recovery,” CEO Luc Remont told reporters.

EDF put its strong showing down to a strong operational performance, notably a significant increase in nuclear generation in France at a time of historically high prices.

That followed a drop in nuclear output in France in 2022. The group had to deal with stress corrosion problems at some reactors while also facing government orders to limit price rises.

The French reactors last year produced around 320.4 TWh, in the upper range of expectations.

Nuclear production had slid back in 2022 to 279 TWh, its lowest level in three decades, because of the corrosion problems and maintenance changes after
the Covid-19 pandemic.

Hinkley Point C is one of a small number of European Pressurised Reactors (EPRs) worldwide, an EDF-led design that has been plagued by cost overruns
running into billions of euros and years of construction delays.