Denmark proposes legalisation of pepper spray

The Danish government has drafted a bill that would legalise the use possession of pepper spray in the home.

Denmark proposes legalisation of pepper spray
File photo: JACK GUEZ/Ritzau Scanpix
The proposal comes despite resistance from both the Danish Police Union (Politiforbundet) and the Danish Crime Prevention Council (Det Kriminalpræventive Råd). 
The proposal would allow residents to use pepper spray to protect themselves in the home, for example to ward off intruders. Pepper spray would also be allowed outside the home in some situations, such as when someone has been a victim of stalking or is deemed to face a concrete threat of attack from an ex-partner or family member. 
The use of pepper spray would only be allowed in emergency situations, according to the Justice Ministry. The ministry said that the intention of the bill is to make people feel safer in their homes. In many cases, “the mere awareness of being able to defend oneself will increase the sense of safety and security” according to the text of the proposal. 
Early this year, the Danish Police Union and the Crime Prevention Council both spoke out against legalising pepper spray, arguing that legalisation would make it more likely that the spray ends up in the wrong hands. 
“In general, I am concerned when you begin to arm our population,” Henrik Dam of the Crime Prevention Council said earlier this year. 
He also expressed concern that during a home invasion, criminals would be able to take the pepper spray from homeowners and use it against them. 
The use of pepper spray in Denmark has caused a number of headline-generating incidents in recent years. In early 2016, The Local’s report about a 17-year-old girl who faced police charges for using pepper spray to fend off a sexual assailant went viral. Later that year, the nationalist Danes' Party elicited strong reactions went it took to the streets of Haderslev to hand out cans of what it called ‘refugee spray'. In 2003, current speaker of parliament Pia Kjærsgaard of the Danish People’s Party was fined 3,000 kroner for pulling a can of pepper spray out of her purse and threatening to spray a woman who Kjærsgaard said was harassing her. 


Five residents at Denmark’s Kærshovedgård expulsion centre convicted in drugs case

Five residents of Denmark’s Kærshovedgård Departure Centre have been convicted on serious drugs charges.

Five residents at Denmark’s Kærshovedgård expulsion centre convicted in drugs case

Four men and one woman resident from Kærshovedgård were found guilty in a major drugs case at Herning District Court on Thursday.

The men were each sentenced to eight years in prison, while the woman received a five-year sentence, regional media TV Midtvest reported.

Court proceedings in the extensive case have been ongoing since January, with more court days required than initially planned.

Police used wiretaps and other methods to gather evidence in the case, according to TV Midtvest.

Central and West Jutland Police announced last summer that more than half a million kroner in cash had been seized during the arrests.

Located 13 kilometres from Ikast in Jutland, the Kærshovedgård facility is one of two deportation centres in Denmark used to house rejected male and female asylum seekers who have not agreed to voluntary return, as well as persons with so-called ‘tolerated stay’ (tålt ophold) status.


The residents do not have permission to reside in Denmark but many cannot be forcibly deported because Denmark has no diplomatic relations or return agreements with their home countries.

Kærshovedgård houses people who have not committed crimes but have no legal right to stay in Denmark, for example due to a rejected asylum claim; as well as foreign nationals with criminal records who have served their sentences but are awaiting deportation.

It first became prominent in the mid-2010s, when it received criticism for imposing conditions that could lead to mental illnesses in residents.