Readers’ tips: What is the best French TV show for language learners?

Each week The Local asks its readers to share their tips about various aspects of living in France. This week we asked their opinion on the best French TV show to watch for people trying to learn the language. And they came up with a lot of good viewing options.

Readers' tips: What is the best French TV show for language learners?
Photo: Depositphotos

So which TV show is the best for improving your French?

There were a lot of different suggestions but the overall winner was watching the news or news programmes… with French subtitles if possible. 

Why did our readers think the news was such a good way to learn French?

Reader Roy Beard recommended BFM TV for its 24 hours of news and the fact that “most newscasters talk clearly and slowly.”

Another reader said the reason why it was so effective is that you are “usually familiar with whats going on, which makes it easier to understand what is being said”. 

Also, he added, “usually the stories are repeated, so one can piece together the gist of the conversation.”
If you're interested in using French news channels as a way of improving your French, in addition to BFM TV there is also C NEWS, France INFO TV, LCI France 24 in French , Euronews and you'll also find news programmes on M6 and France 2.  
Several people commented that it was important to watch French television with French subtitles rather than English ones which might be your instinct.
Tom Killiam, who is a firm believer in the value of using French subtitles said: “You need to move out of constantly translating to make progress. Also, make free use of the pause button and dictionary” on your TV.
Which other French TV shows were recommended?
Several readers also recommended watching quiz shows, such as the French equivalent of Pointless (Personne n'y avait pensé!) and Who Wants to be a Millionaire? (Qui veut gagner des millions?) and French game show Slam
“Vocabulary is helped by quiz questions and then chat with contestants is good for exposure to general chit chat /small talk themes,” said Caroline Middleton. 
Reader Clare Jevon, who also recommended game shows (as well as cookery shows) also had advice on how to go about using them as learning aids… and she was one of a few who suggested English subtitles were worth a go.
“Record a programme, give it a go, then rewatch with English subtitles,” she said (see Tweet below). 
Some also advised beginners start by watching kids TV shows like Peppa Pig and Rugrats in French as a way of easing your way in. 

Meanwhile some of the more advanced among you might want to give Tom Killiam's tip a go – the well-known hit police show Spiral (Engrenages in French). 

“You'll know you've progressed to master level when you can follow the super-fast Parisian blather in the top cop show Spiral!” he wrote. 

If you would like to ask The Local's readers a question to hear their tips on life in France, email us at


Readers' tips: Which supermarket in France is the best to shop at?


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Readers’ tips: How to get the most out of a holiday in Denmark

We asked our readers for tips on how to save money when holidaying in Denmark and for some of the best things to do. This is what they said.

Readers' tips: How to get the most out of a holiday in Denmark
The ferry to Anholt, the far-flung island in the middle of the Kattegat Sea is free for foot passengers and cyclists. Photo: Visit Anholt
Take advantage of the cheap train tickets
Fabrizio, from Italy, recommends the Rejsepas (travel pass) from the Danish train company DSB, which gives holders a week's totally free public transport across the whole of Denmark from June 27th until August 9th, and only costs 299 kroner. It's an incredible deal, so incredible in fact that all 50,000 tickets were quickly snapped up this year. If you missed it, you'll have to wait until next year. 
But you can still get so-called 'orange tickets', which are on sale for a maximum of 99 Danish kroner, which is also a pretty good deal. 
Nadine Morgan says it's important to book train tickets in advance, as they are then much cheaper than on the day. 
Take advantage of the free ferries 
As part of the government's “summer package”, pedestrians and cyclists travelling to Denmark's smaller islands, as well as to Fanø, Læsø, Ærø and Samsø in August and September can travel for free, points out Martin, a Danish reader.
There are also reduced prices on all ferries for cars, and reduced prices on the ferry to Bornholm. 
Go camping 
Vanessa Lima, from Brazil, recommends camping wild on some of Denmark's less frequented beaches. “Just find a place to camp there and spend few days with nature,” she says. 
Don't eat in restaurants too much 
Denmark's restaurants are some of the most expensive in the world, so a great way to save costs is to buy food in supermarkets and cook it yourself. “You don't necessarily need to eat out at every restaurant for every meal, so consider packing or making your own meals. Food costs go a long way,” Morgan says. 
Marta, from Poland, agrees, adding that you can save a lot of money by having barbecues while camping. 
Take advantage of the summer freebies in cities. 
“There are plenty of free things to do in Copenhagen. And until the middle of August a lot of museums are half price,” says the British travel blogger Karen Smedley. “The harbour bus is great for sightseeing, as is walking around the capital and admiring the architecture. There are plenty of lovely parks, especially the deer park, which are all free.”
Use student discounts
One Hungarian international student recommends take advantage of the thousands of student discounts on offer in Denmark, many of which relate to things you'd like to do on holiday. The train company DSB offers 25 percent discounts for students, and the student website Studenterguiden, has a whole section devoted to them, with discounts to most museums, and many theatres. 
The smaller islands
Morgan thinks Rømø Strand is Denmark's best beach. It's such a unique beach where you can drive for a few kilometres on the beach itself and enjoy the low tide of the water, and then when high tide comes, you have to hurry out. It's great because you can stay there for hours, it's family friendly, and its really beautiful with soft sand and seashells and few crabs walking around.” 
Allegra De María, from Italy, also recommends Denmark's “smaller islands”, as the best places to get away from it all. You can check out a list here at the Visit Denmark website.  
Beaches between Aarhus and Skagen 
Lima recommends travelling a little south down the coast towards Aarhus from the most popular areas around Skagen. “Not too close to Skagen or Aarhus, [the beaches are] usually good places to enjoy nature.
Enjoy the parks around Copenhagen 
Morgan is a big fan of the Dyrehaven, or Deer Park in Klampenborg north of Copenhagen.
“Dyrehaven is really beautiful and its my favourite park in Denmark that I have visited so far. I arrived there the first time on a fall [autumn] morning and they sky was clear blue and the air was brisk, and the colour of the leaves were a perfect beautiful orange and brown and there were deers roaming all over the park. It's a beautiful walk in the park and you can bring a picnic and sit there and enjoy nature.” 
Megan Miller, from Scotland, recommends bicycling around Copenhagen's Amager island to Dragør, the prosperous 19th century sea-faring town south of Copenhagen. 
Day trips to sea near Copenhagen 
Maria Andrianova, a tour guide from Russia, recommends the chalk cliffs at Stevns Klint, a UNESCO site with a great sea view. “I was quite impressed to learn that a part of the church fell down onto the seashore in 1928. The island of Møn has a very similar breathtaking landscape, but Stevns Klint is closer to Copenhagen”.
“I am also a big fan of Bellevue Beach near Klampenborg station – especially because of all the history and architecture behind it,” she says. “The small lifeguard towers on the beach were designed in the 1930s by famous Arne Jacobsen, and there are a whole bunch of great buildings also designed by him just next to the beach (like the Bellevue Theatre, Bellavista Housing Estate, and Skovshoved Petrol Station).
Visit Denmark's excellent open air museums
Morgan is also a fan of Den Gamle By [the old city] in Aarhus and the Frilandsmuseet in Lyngby, both of which showcase Danish architecture of different periods and try to recreate how life has changed across the centuries. 
“In Den Gamle By, you get to go inside a pretty big area where it feels more like a city or small town, and you get to go into all of the houses that were imported from different parts of denmark and placed there and rebuilt to their original state, and also travel through time the further you progress into the open-air museum.”