Poll: Two-thirds of Germans consider themselves ‘happy’

Ahead of International Day of Happiness on Wednesday a majority (66 percent) of Germans have told pollsters they are happy.

Poll: Two-thirds of Germans consider themselves ‘happy’
A waitress serves beer at the Munich Oktoberfest. Image: DPA

For a country which can sometimes seem to outsiders as being especially ‘efficient’ when it comes to smiling, it might be a stretch to say that Germans are known for their upbeat attitude.

SEE ALSO: This is why people in north west Germany are the happiest

From the Berliner Schnauze to snobby Munich, there can be a perception that Germans have a ‘glass half empty’ view of things. 

But a new nationwide survey, released just in time for Wednesday’s International Day of Happiness, has indicated that the majority of Germans believe themselves to be happy. 

The survey found that 66 percent of Germans consider themselves to be happy. In total, 71 percent of respondents indicated that they thought their friends, family and colleagues were happy – a five percentage point increase over those who self reported.

A total of 2,026 people from across Germany were surveyed earlier this month. 

The stereotypes of German gruffness do however prevail when respondents were asked whether they thought the general population was happy. Only 46 percent of people thought that the rest of the German population was happy – with 38 percent thinking the opposite. 

The majority of Germans – over two thirds – feel happy. Image: DPA

Just over one quarter of respondents (27 percent) told pollsters they considered themselves to be unhappy. Seven percent of those polled preferred not to say. 

No regional differences

The study also unearthed that most elusive of feelings: German optimism. Half of the respondents (49 percent) indicated they thought they would be similarly happy in five years time, while just under a third (28 percent) predicted they would be happier. 

The poll also found no regional differences in the responses, with respondents in the former east and former west reporting the same level of happiness. There were also no gender differences in the responses, with men and women broadly indicating a similar degree of happiness. 

While the findings may bode well ahead of Wednesday, the report indicated that other parts of German-speaking Europe also had a spring in their step. 

Austrians reported an even higher level of happiness. In total, 81 percent of Austrians surveyed said they were happy – while two thirds (65 percent) thought that Austrians on the whole were happy. 

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Germany cracks down on fake Covid vaccine documents

German police have set up a special team to fight a growing number of forged vaccine certificates being sold in the black market

Germany cracks down on fake Covid vaccine documents
People who are fully vaccinated can show their vaccination booklet, which has a stamp and a sticker inside. Photo: Ina FASSBENDER / AFP

Police in Cologne have warned of a group of fraudsters selling fake vaccination certificates, a growing problem the scale of which is still unclear.

The police said the fraudsters worked in encrypted Telegram chats, making investigations difficult, and were selling fake documents with all the stamps and signatures, including a mark about vaccination with BioNTech or AstraZeneca.

READ ALSO: Germany probes Covid-19 testing centres for fraud

The fraud involved both real traffic in fake documents as well as scams luring customers into paying €100.

People in Germany who are fully vaccinated can show their vaccination booklet, which has a stamp and a sticker inside. Those who don’t have a booklet get a piece of paper.

Covid health passes are currently being rolled out across the EU, with a European health passport expected to be available from mid-June.

READ ALSO: What’s the latest on how the EU’s ‘Covid passports’ will work for travellers?

Over 44% of the adult population in Germany has received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, and more than 18% of Germans have been fully vaccinated.

German police have said forged coronavirus vaccine documents are becoming an increasing problem.

Last month, a couple in Baden-Württemberg was accused of selling fake coronavirus vaccination certificates.