BREXIT Q&A: What British second home owners in Spain need to know

If you’re a UK citizen who owns a property in Spain or spends part of the year here without being a resident, you probably have a lot of questions relating to travel and rights post-Brexit. Here we go over what British and Spanish authorities have disclosed so far about time in Spain for 'swallows' and second home owners from January 1st 2021.

BREXIT Q&A: What British second home owners in Spain need to know
Photos: AFP

With fewer than 70 days left for the UK to officially be out of the EU, the British Embassy in Spain is ramping up its help and advice for Britons who either officially reside in Spain or who regularly spend time in the country.

Whereas for residents in Spain and those who apply for residency before 2021 post-Brexit rights are protected under the Withdrawal Agreement, it’s a more complicated situation for Britons who have up until now had one foot in each country.

On Tuesday October 27th, the British consular network in Spain addressed many of these issues in a live Q&A on Facebook which is summarised below.

What do Brits need to know about their passport and travel to Spain post-Brexit?

Passports will need to be valid for at least six months on the day that you enter Spain/Schengen area.

So in order to travel, there can’t be fewer than six months left on your UK passport before it expires and needs to be renewed, or you won't be allowed to travel.

If in the past you renewed your UK passport early, and your passport is valid for ten years plus the amount of months that you renewed in advance, keep in mind that those extra months do not count when considering passport validity.

If you’re in doubt, you can check your passport’s validity on the passport checker on

The passport validity rule does not apply to registered British residents in Spain, only to non-resident Britons, “but you may need that validity on your passport if you’re travelling elsewhere in the Schengen area,” points out Lorna Geddie, consul policy adviser at the British Embassy in Madrid.

What do Britons need to know about the 90 in 180-day rule?

“Up until now, UK citizens have been able to come to Spain for whatever length of time they wanted, most people would come for maybe four or five months over the winter,” Charmaine Arbouin, consul in Malaga for Andalusia and the Canary Islands, said about so-called 'swallows'.

“Brits are right in thinking that after the transition period, those who are not resident in Spain or other parts of the EU will only be able to spend 90 days in every 180-day period here.

“As far as we are aware of, the clock will start ticking from the first point in which you enter the Schengen area.

“And it’s really important that people know that that’s not from the moment that you reach your final destination but rather when you first enter the Schengen area.

“You may be destined for the south of Spain but you drive though France from the UK, which is when the clock starts,” Arbouin said.

Will I be able to put my 90-day periods together?

Unfortunately, the answer seems to be no. If you’re a non-resident Briton in Spain you won’t be able to spend two 90-day periods together to form 180 days in a 365-day year.

At the end of the 90 days, you need to be out of the Schengen area.

Until you reach day 180 you will not be allowed to re-enter again.

You can also split the 90-day period into two 45-day periods within a total of 180 days, starting from the moment you first enter the Schengen area.

The British Embassy team recommended using the Schengen calculator for non-resident Brits in Spain or the EU to know when they must leave.

“It’s not a failproof system but it will help you to make the calculation,” Geddie said.

How will border control know how long I’ve been in Spain?

“From January 1st, 2021, British people entering the EU will have their passports wet stamped so it will be clear how many days you’ve spent in the Schengen area,” Arbouin explained.

Your UK passport may also be scanned and there will be a record of the date you entered Spain on your flight or ferry booking. 

When does the 90-day rule start?

Up until the 31st of December 2020, nothing changes. The 90 in 180-day rule starts from January 1st 2021 for British non-residents.

“We are still waiting for Spain and other Member States to confirm how they’re going to handle people that straddle both the transition period and the post-Brexit period,” Arbouin said.

“What we do know is that if you come in before January 1st your passport won’t have been stamped”.

When will EHIC cards cease to be valid for British non-residents after Brexit?

If you’re a non-resident Briton who arrives in Spain before the end of the transition you will continue getting emergency health cover through the European Health Card for the duration of your stay, even into 2021.

Technically, if you are a British non-resident you will have to have left Spain by the end of March under the 90-day rule, unless a new rule for those straddling the transition period applies.

Logically this is not something that British people in Spain have previously had to worry about, as the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) entitled them to emergency treatment in Spain should they fall ill or get injured while they are here.

However, as a European scheme this will not be available to British people after Brexit and therefore holidaymakers and non-residents arriving in Spain after December 31st will no longer be able to use their EHICs and will have to take out travel/health insurance. 

READ MORE: How to access Spain's public healthcare if you're not a pensioner or working

Does the 90-day rule apply to British second home owners in Spain?

Yes. If you’re not a resident in Spain you are bound by the 90-day rule as well.

“It’s perfectly possible that at some point in the future Spain may choose to have a different sort of regime for second home owners or people who spend long periods of time in Spain,” Arbouin said.

“But as the rules stand at the moment, everybody who is not a resident in Spain falls into that 90 in 180 days rule.”


What’s the latest on pet passports?

The specific rules surrounding pet passports post-Brexit are not yet known.

It depends on what category the UK is placed in as a third country. That will determine how much paperwork British pet owners need to fill in to travel between the UK and the Schengen area.

“It’s a pending decision from the EU Commission,” Lorna Geddie said.

“We’re advising UK pet owners who plan to travel to Spain in 2021 to prepare the paperwork as if the UK were classified as an unlisted country; this is when the most paperwork is required.”

Does having a NIE number make a difference to how long I can stay in Spain?

No, a NIE is often wrongly used to refer to the green residency document issued to Britons before July 6th 2020, but it is just a foreign identity number which non-residents will need to open a bank account in Spain, own a home etc.

It isn’t a residency document and therefore will not mean they can sidestep the 90-day rule.


Which airport queue will British travellers have to stand in from January 1st 2021?

All UK nationals, including those who are residents in Spain, will technically have to queue in the third country nationals’ queue at airports, Lorna Geddie said.

“Exactly how that will be implemented at each airport is down to each Member State,” Geddie argued.

“Some airports are bigger than others with more options but in general UK nationals will be asked – whether or not they are Spain residents protected by the Withdrawal Agreement – to join the non-EU queue. “ 

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REVEALED: Thousands of Britons still moving to EU countries despite Brexit

More than 42,000 British citizens moved to EU countries in 2023, with the largest groups recorded in Spain, France and Germany, according to data published recently by the EU statistical office Eurostat.

REVEALED: Thousands of Britons still moving to EU countries despite Brexit

The data refers to the number of first-time residence permits being issued last year.

It’s defined as “any authorisation issued by the authorities of an EU country allowing a third-country national (non-EU citizen) to stay legally on its territory”.

Based on information provided by national authorities to the EU statistical office, 42,029 first-time residence permits were issued to UK citizens in 2023, a slight drop compared to the 45,794 in 2022.

The largest proportion of these permits were issued for employment reasons(13,423), followed by family reunions (11,074), “other reasons” (10,961), and then education (6,571). “Other reasons” include any option not covered by the other three, from retirement to international protection.

Spain and France the most popular

Spain is the country that issued the largest number of new residence permits to UK citizens (10,166), but only 1,266 were because of jobs. Most of the first-time permits (3,768) were issued for ‘other reasons’, followed by family (3,311) and education purposes (1,821).

The recent news that a British football coach was denied a dream move to Real Madrid due to work permit rules showed that Britons can’t move to Spain so easily after Brexit especially for employment reasons.

The coach found out the hard way that getting a work permit to live in Spain is now quite tricky, especially for young Brits, who will need to prove that they’re highly skilled while employers must demonstrate that there are no other suitable candidates.

To give some perspective, although the data is not exactly comparable, Eurostat’s immigration data show that some 23,900 British citizens moved to Spain alone in 2018, and over 33,900 in 2019 – so prior to Brexit.

READ ALSO: The reasons why Brits are moving to Spain post-Brexit

France followed, with 8,114 first residence permits granted to UK nationals (although France’s Interior Ministry released figures earlier this year that revealed a slightly higher number of Brits – 9,261 – had been given residency permits in 2023).

The largest proportion of permits received by Brits in France was for employment reasons (3,649), coming before education (1,798), other reasons (1,666) and family reunions (1,001).

READ ALSO: Thousands of Brits move to France despite post-Brexit hurdles

Germany reported 4,584 first residence permits to UK citizens in 2023, of which 1,765 for work, 1,468 for other reasons, 882 for family reunions and 469 for education.

READ ALSO: The reasons Brits are moving to Germany post-Brexit

The other two most popular countries for British nationals in 2023 were the Netherlands (3,750 first residence permits of which 1,713 for employment) and Portugal (2,565 of which 1,144 for other reasons).

Italy reported 2,177 first residence permits for UK citizens, of which 1,124 for other reasons 621 to join family, 278 for employment and 154 for education.

For Denmark, the total was 1,852, but the majority (1,264) were for work purposes, 280 to join family, 243 for education and 65 other reasons.

Sweden issued 1,632 first residence permits to British nationals, mostly for family reasons (710), followed by employment (474), education (247), and other reasons (201).

Austria reported 529 first residence permits to UK citizens, of which 201 for employment, 191 for family reasons, 70 for education, and 67 for other purposes.

Outside of the EU, but part of the free movement area, Norway registered 1,736 new residence permits to UK nationals, of which 1,033 for employment, 366 to join family, 146 for education, and 201 for other reasons.

In Norway, Britons were the third nationality for first residence permits and in Bulgaria the fourth, although the number of UK citizens moving to Central and Eastern Europe is much lower than in Western Europe.

The Eurostat database does not yet include 2023 data for Switzerland.

Data on first-time residence permits gives a general indication on the number of people who moved to EU countries in a given year, although Eurostat told The Local that “the date of issuance of a permit does not necessarily mean the physical movement of the person on that date, as non-EU citizens might have already temporarily resided on the basis of e.g. short stay visa” or due to irregular stays.

More than 3.7 million first residence permits

In total, in 2023 EU countries reported the granting of more than 3.7 million first residence permits, a 4.7 percent increase compared to 2022, and the highest number ever recorded.

Employment remained the main reason (1.3 million or 33.8%), followed by family (986,000 or 26.4% of the total), other purposes (956,000 or 25.6%) and education (185,900 or 14.3%). The increase compared to 2022 was due to permits issued for education, family reunification and other reasons, while those for employment slightly declined.

The top 10 nationalities receiving these permits were Ukraine, Belarus, India, Morocco, Syria, Türkiye, Russia, China, Brazil and Afghanistan.

Poland issued the largest number of first residence permits in the EU (642,789), followed by Germany (586,144), Spain (548,697), Italy (389,542) and France (335,074).