Could rebuilding Italy’s crumbling roads and bridges save the post-lockdown economy?

Now is the time for Italy to rebuild schools, roads, and bridges, and to invest in the green economy and internet connectivity, experts say.

Could rebuilding Italy's crumbling roads and bridges save the post-lockdown economy?
A local resident watches as the last section of the new Genoa bridge is lifted into place on April 28th. Photo: AFP

The Italian government admits it badly needs to renovate crumbling roads, bridges and railways, and doing so could also save lives. Yet the possible hurdles are many – from funding to political will, bureaucracy and a recent safety reports scandal.

The completion of the Genoa bridge has been hailed as a sign of renewal for Italy, where over 28,000 people have died in the coronavirus pandemic and millions risk losing their jobs due to an economically-crippling nationwide lockdown.

READ ALSO: New hope for Italy as Genoa bridge nears completion

Genoa's new flyover “is a symbol for the whole of Italy. An Italy that can rise again, that will roll up its sleeves, that will not allow itself to be beaten,” Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said at the unveiling ceremony.

As ships in the maritime city's port sounded their horns to mark the completion, Conte paid homage to the 43 people who plunged to their deaths when the former span, the Morandi flyover, collapsed in 2018.

Other such tragedies could be averted by funding roads, bridges, schools, hospitals and climate change adaptation, which would create jobs and fuel short- and long-term growth.

Construction workers watch as the last section of Genoa's bridge is lifted into place on April 28th. Photo: AFP

Almost 750 public works worth 62 billion euros ($68 billion) were on hold at the end of last year, from large bridges to small-town schools, according to Italy's construction lobby ANCE.

Kick-starting them would create 962,000 jobs, it said.

Such stimulus is sorely needed as the country slides towards its worst recession since World War II because of the coronavirus pandemic.

But sceptics wonder where the money will come from – with Italian GDP forecast to contract by between eight and 10 percent this year – and whether the political will exists in a fragile coalition government.

Disasters in the making

The Morandi – one of the world's longest concrete bridges when it opened in 1967 – was a symbol of rebirth for postwar Italy, which was modernising rapidly, throwing up thousands of concrete viaducts, tunnels and bridges.

But by 2018, Italy ranked 22nd out of 28 EU countries for the efficiency of its transport network.
While its ancient Roman cementstructures still stood, it discovered that modern versions had much shorter life-spans.

The Morandi collapsed followed a string of similar incidents and it finally set alarm bells ringing.
Most of Italy's 6,500 kilometres (4,000 miles) of motorway are managed by private companies, which must ensure their bridges are safe.

A post-disaster probe int the Genoa bridge disaster found evidence of poor maintenance by Autostrade per l'Italia, which is among Italy's biggest toll-road operators and owned by the
powerful Benetton family.

It also unearthed allegedly falsified safety reports by the motorway unit and its sister company for several other bridges, in what prosecutors suspected were attempts to cut costs.
Autostrade per l'Italia denies any wrongdoing and widespread calls for it to be stripped of its concession have as yet come to nothing.

It is not the only operator failing to keep its network safe.

Just last month, another bridge crumbled into a river between Liguria and Tuscany. It would have been heavily used at the time, had it not been for the virus lockdown. This one was managed by state-owned ANAS.


There are 20 more bridges at risk of collapse across the country, and 200 road tunnels that do not meet European safety standards, according to investigative reports seen and cited by the Repubblica daily in January.

“I am begging you on my knees, give the country a great plan – like the Marshall Plan – to restart it,” Pietro Salini, CEO of Italy's biggest building company Salini Impregilo, told Conte last week.

Salini Impregilo, which rebuilt the Genoa bridge with shipbuilder Fincantieri, wants to create a construction hub called “Project Italy”, by combining its assets with those of struggling building

It says it would help restart numerous projects that are currently blocked across the country. But its biggest challenge may be generating sufficient liquidity.

Since the shutdown, Conte has unveiled stimulus packages worth 750 billion euros ($830 billion). He has also, however, had to apologise several times for long delays in payments.

Last week, he lifted the lockdown early for construction projects considered to have strategic importance, from schools, prisons and council housing, to disaster risk reduction for extreme weather events.

Environmentalist lobby Legambiente has urged the government to make the climate crisis its infrastructure priority, after nearly 160 extreme events in 2019 – flash floods, whirlwinds and landslides – killed 42 people.

Work on part of Venice's still-unfinished flood barrier in progress in 2013. Photo: Marco Sabadin/AFP

A historic high tide that washed through Venice in November, causing millions of euros of damage to Saint Mark's Basilica alone, was blamed both on climate change and huge delays to a vast flood barrier project.

The country's schools are also in an alarming state.

Fifty-five percent of school buildings in Italy were built before the 1974 anti-seismic regulations were brought in, according to ANCE.

Some 43 percent of them are in areas classified as high-risk for earthquakes. Over 70 percent do not have fire safety certificates. Stories regularly hit the news about pupils evacuated over crumbling classroom ceilings.

Many have pointed out that the national closure of schools until September because of the coronavirus is the perfect opportunity for the renovation of ageing structures.

But can Italy afford it?

The government has said it will widen the budget deficit by 55 billion euros, a “shock cure” which would see public debt in the eurozone's third largest economy jump to 155.7 percent of GDP, from the already mammoth 134.8 percent in 2019.

It pledged to speed up new public works that are in an advanced planning stage and maintain existing ones.

And it also promised to “urgently and drastically simplify administrative procedures” in critical sectors, including construction, the green economy and Internet connectivity.

Italy is famed for its red tape and projects often drag on for years, plagued by bureaucracy.

The country has at least 50 large infrastructure projects that are blocked but have been signed off on, with the money ready to spend, from a high-speed train in Sicily to the widening of a motorway in Tuscany, ANCE says.

Financial experts caution however that some of those funds may be withdrawn and channelled to projects considered more essential due to the crisis, or with immediate prospects of a payoff.

The National Council of Engineers (CNI) is one of many bodies to have sent the government proposals on how best to use infrastructure to reboot the country and shape it along different lines.
“Cities have proved fragile spaces in sanitary terms,” the council's head Armando Zambrano told AFP.

He suggested investment could be made to encourage a return to the countryside, revitalising hundreds of abandoned little towns across Italy, and improving internet connections to encourage working from home.


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Back to school in Italy: how much will it cost, and how can you save money?

With children in Italy returning to school in September, families have begun stocking up on essential supplies. But new figures reveal they may have to shell out more this year.

Back to school in Italy: how much will it cost, and how can you save money?

As the summer holidays draw to a close, kids in Italy are preparing to file back into the classroom for the start of the 2024/2025 school year.

This year, back-to-school dates will range from September 5th to September 16th, with children in the northern Bolzano province set to be the first back in front of the blackboard.

As kids around the country enjoy the last days of their summer break, families have already started the annual rush to stock up on school essentials. 

But the purchase of supplies and textbooks may deal many households a harder blow this year.

According to estimates from Italian consumer association Codacons, school supplies (backpacks, notebooks, pencil cases, stationery, etc.) may cost up to 15 percent more compared to last year, while textbooks will be nearly five percent pricier on average against 2023.

So how much should Italian families prepare to shell out?

According to Codacons, expenses for school supplies alone may amount to a whopping 600 euros per schoolchild. 

As usual, the most expensive item on the back-to-school list is the backpack, with the price of some brand-name articles exceeding 200 euros.

READ ALSO: OPINION: Italian schools need to make parents’ lives easier, not harder

But significant expenses are also required for pencil cases or pouches (some items may go for as much as 60 or 70 euros), school diaries (up to 35 euros for the most sought-after brands) and technical items (i.e., set squares and triangles, compasses, goniometers, etc.).

On top of school supplies, most families will also have to pay for textbooks. 

While elementary school textbooks are supplied free of charge across the country, costs for middle school (scuola media) and high school (scuola superiore) textbooks generally range between 300 and 700 euros, with prices varying depending on the year and school.

All in all then, Codacons estimates that the purchase of school supplies and textbooks may set Italian families back some 1,300 euros per schoolchild this year. 

READ ALSO: OPINION: Are Italy’s international schools really ‘international’?

But as price hikes give rise to justified concern among parents, consumer groups have already offered families some useful advice on how to save up on both supplies and textbooks.

School supplies in Italy

Italian consumer groups have advised families to avoid branded items when it comes to purchasing school supplies. Photo by OLI SCARFF / AFP

How to save money on school supplies

  • Avoid branded items. Children are easily influenced by TV and/or online ads and might push to get the most popular and fashionable articles on the market. However, off-brand items generally have the same features and durability as their more well-known counterparts and might go for 40 percent less.
  • Buy from a local supermarket rather than a stationery shop. At this time of the year, many supermarket chains offer very favourable deals on school kits, with prices being sometimes 30 percent lower than in specialist shops.
  • Don’t buy everything at once. Any item that is not immediately necessary can be bought at a later stage.
  • Wait for teachers’ guidelines, especially when it comes to buying material for art or geometry classes. Knowing exactly what items are required will save you from spending money on wrong or unnecessary articles.

How to save money on textbooks

  • Buy second-hand textbooks. Purchasing libri usati might allow you to save up to 50 percent on school books. However, it’s usually best to check the state of the items – especially their exercise pages – prior to buying. Also, keep in mind that past editions might no longer be accepted.
  • Shop online or in supermarkets. Some supermarkets and online marketplaces sell textbooks at favourable prices, with discounts usually ranging between 10 and 20 percent.
  • Buy digital textbooks. Again, not all schools allow this but in some institutes families have the option to buy the required set of textbooks in digital form. Children can then access the books via a pc, tablet or e-reader.
  • Loan textbooks directly from the school. Not all institutes do this but some allow for various forms of comodato d’uso whereby families can loan textbooks for the entire length of the school year and then return them when classes end in June.