Coronavirus in Germany: Which restrictions are changing from Monday May 25th?

Germany has been gradually easing restrictions put in place to stem the spread of coronavirus, but the plans differ from state to state. Here’s what you need to know for changes in the week beginning May 25th.

Coronavirus in Germany: Which restrictions are changing from Monday May 25th?
People swimming in a Berin pool on May 25th after some outdoor pools were allowed to open again. Photo: DPA

Baden-Württemberg: Hotels open again on May 29th

Contact rules: You are allowed to meet outside or in a private home with members of one other household or your family. Until June 5th, no more than five people are allowed to meet in their home (exceptions are made for relatives and siblings).

Restaurants and bars: Restaurants have been open again since May 18th, bars must remain closed.

Tourism: Holiday homes or apartments can welcome guests, as long as self-catering is possible. Hotels can reopen from May 29th.


Open-air pools and leisure parks: It is not yet clear when open-air pools will be allowed to open. From June 2nd swimming courses can be offered in pools again, but recreational swimming is not possible for the time being. Amusement park fans can look forward to their reopening on May 29th.

Demonstrations: (subject to minimum distance of 1.5 metres) Meetings are permitted with conditions to ensure protection against infection. For example, at intervals or with a maximum numbers of participants.

Schools and day-care centres (Kitas): In mid-June, all pupils will be able to attend some lessons again, at least temporarily. In daycare centres, a maximum of 50 percent of children who normally attend the facility may be looked after at the same time.

Bavaria: Restaurants can also open indoor dining areas from May 25th

Contact rules: Members of two households are allowed to meet in both private and public spaces.

Restaurants and bars: Outside areas of restaurants can open, inside areas from May 25th onwards. There are no opening dates yet for places such as bars that are geared towards serving drinks.

Tourism: Hotels and holiday homes can reopen on May 30th.

Open-air pools and leisure parks: Outdoor pools must remain closed, leisure parks can open from May 30th.

Demonstrations (while maintaining the minimum distance): Decisions on demos are to be made on a case-by-case basis. Meeting places must have sufficient space for the required 1.5 metre distance between people.

Schools: Some classes are already back at school. In mid-June all pupils should be able to return to their classroom at least one day a week.

Kitas: From May 25th, pre-school children and their siblings who attend the same facility will have access to Bavarian daycare centers again.

A maximum of 10 children can be in a room at the same time cared for by two or three workers. Outdoor kindergartens will be allowed to open.

Berlin: Outdoor swimming pools set to reopen

Contact rules: Members of two different households can meet in both private and public spaces.

Restaurants and bars: Visiting restaurants is allowed. Pubs and bars must remain closed.

Tourism: Hotels and holiday homes can reopen from May 25th.

Open-air swimming pools and leisure parks: Outdoor swimming pools can open from May 25th. However, only a few are currently open and a reservation must be made online in advance. There are also special hygiene and distancing rules in place.

READ ALSO: What are the new rules for swimming pools in Germany?

Demonstrations (keeping a minimum distance): Meetings in closed rooms with up to 50 participants are allowed. From May 25th onward, up to 100 people are allowed to take part in open-air meetings; previously it was 50.

Schools and Kitas: By summer each child who goes to Kita should be offered childcare again. By the end of May, all pupils should be able to go to school with a reduced number of hours.

The capital's Bürgerämtern (or administrative offices) also open again as of Monday.

Brandenburg: Kitas to open on May 25th with limited operation

Contact rules: Contact between two households is permitted – in public and private areas.

Restaurants and bars: Restaurants may open, bars remain closed.

Tourism: Holiday apartments or homes can already allow guests, hotels from May 25th.

Open-air pools and amusement parks: Only small amusement parks with outdoor facilities are allowed to open with restrictions. Open-air swimming pools can open from May 28th, as can fitness studios.

Demonstrations (keeping the minimum distance): Meetings with up to 50 people are allowed with an exceptional permit.

Schools and daycare centres: All students should be able to attend classes (at least on reduced hours) before the summer holidays. For daycare centres, limited regular operation is to start on May 25th

Bremen: Open-air pools can partially open on June 1st

Contact rules: People from two households can meet in public spaces.

Restaurants and bars: visits to restaurants are possible. Bars remain closed.

Tourism: Hotels and holiday apartments or homes are allowed to accept guests.

Open-air swimming pools and leisure parks: The first outdoor pools may open from June 1st. From June 15th, all outdoor pools can open as long as they have a hygiene plan.

Demonstrations (keeping the minimum distance): Meetings must be logged with authorities and may be officially prohibited, restricted or subject to conditions to prevent infection.

Schools and day-care centres: All school classes will be gradually brought back. From June 1st, all pre-school children will be returned to daycare centres. From June 15th, further steps will be taken towards regular operation.

Hamburg: More pupils go back to school

Contact rules: Up to 10 members of two households may meet again without keeping a minimum distance of 1.5 meters.

Restaurants and bars: Restaurants are open, bars remain closed.

Tourism: Hotels and holiday homes are allowed to receive guests.

Open-air swimming pools and leisure parks: Swimming pools are still closed, but possible opening dates are being discussed.

Demonstrations (keeping the minimum distance): Larger gatherings are forbidden, exceptions can be permitted if they take place outside.

At a demonstration against government coronavirus measures in Hamburg on May 23rd, a woman holds up a sign that says: “I love freedom”. Photo: DPA

Schools and day-care centres: From May 25th onwards, all pupils should receive lessons at school at least once a week. Daycare centres will gradually get back to regular operation.

Hesse: Plans for Kitas to reopen

Contact rules: Members of two households can meet in public spaces.

Restaurants and bars: Both are open.

Tourism: Hotels and holiday homes are allowed to welcome guests.

READ ALSO: Concern grows after coronavirus outbreak at western German restaurant

Open-air swimming pools and amusement parks: For open-air swimming pools, the date for reopening is not yet clear. Amusement parks can reopen.

Demonstrations (keeping the minimum distance): are allowed under certain conditions. In principle, events with up to 100 people no longer need to be approved if a hygiene and distance concept is in place.

READ ALSO: 'Glimpse of hope': The verdict in Germany on the easing of coronavirus restrictions

Schools and daycare centres: Kitas are to gradually return to restricted normal operation from June 2nd. Teaching in schools has gradually resumed.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Tourists can visit the state again

Contact rules: Members of two households may meet in public and private spaces.

Restaurants and bars: Restaurants are open but bars remain closed.

Tourism: Hotels and holiday apartments are reopening to all guests from May 25th.

A sign saying a table in a restaurant must remain free in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Photo: DPA

Open-air swimming pools and leisure parks: Open-air swimming pools may reopen from May 25th. Amusement parks are closed.

Demonstrations (subject to minimum distance): Outdoor events with up to 150 participants are permitted.

Schools and daycare centres: Pupils are already gradually returning to schools. On May 25th, day-care centres will be open to all children again.

Lower Saxony: Holiday homes and hotels open for business

Contact rules: Members of two households can meet in public.

Restaurants and bars: Restaurants are open, bars are still closed.

Tourism: Holiday homes may be operated, hotels should follow with a maximum occupancy rate of 60 percent from May 25th onwards.

Open-air swimming pools and leisure parks: Open-air swimming pools could open again from May 25th, and the same applies to leisure parks.

Demonstrations (subject to minimum distance): The authorities may grant exemptions for outdoor demonstrations and gatherings.

READ ALSO: Expert Q&A: 'Social distancing will be needed for a very long time in Germany'

Schools and day-care centres: Emergency care in daycare centres will be gradually expanded, and the return to regular operation is planned for August 1st. Pupils are gradually returning to school, and from June 15th onwards all classes will again have lessons in schools.

North Rhine-Westphalia: Some bars can reopen

Contact rules: Members from two households or families can meet in public.

Restaurants and Bars: Restaurants are open. Bars usually have to stay closed but decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.

Tourism: Hotels and apartments may open.

Open-air swimming pools and leisure parks: Open-air swimming pools can open, the minimum distance also applies in pools. Amusement parks can allow guests.

Demonstrations (subject to the minimum distance): Demonstrations are generally permitted – provided that the distance rules are observed and the maximum number of participants is checked.

Schools and day-care centres: Day-care centre children and pupils are returning step by step. From the end of May, all pupils are to receive daily lessons, and from June 8th there is to be “restricted regular operation” for all day-care centre children.

Rhineland-Palatinate: Amusement parks to open on June 10th, open-air swimming pools on May 27th

Contact rules: In public places, members of up to two households may meet.

Restaurants and bars: They can reopen, however, counter areas must remain closed.

Tourism: Hotels can open to tourists and holiday homes can be rented out.

Open-air pools and amusement parks: Open-air pools will be allowed to open from May 27th, amusement parks on June 10th.

Demonstrations (at a minimum distance): Open-air meetings may be permitted in individual cases, subject to certain conditions.

Schools and day-care centres: Classes have gradually resumed, and all students should be back in school by mid-June. Daycare centres are to be open to all from June 2nd onwards, albeit with restrictions.

READ ALSO: 'First phase of coronavirus pandemic behind us,' says Merkel

Saarland: Hygiene rules apply to demos

Contact rules: Inside and outside, members of up to two households may meet.

Restaurants and bars: Restaurant visits are possible. Bars can also open, but with table service.

Tourism: Hotels and apartments may reopen for tourism.

Open-air swimming pools and leisure parks: It is unclear when open-air swimming pools and leisure parks can reopen. The swimming federation has submitted a concept for opening the pools, this is being examined by the interior ministry.

Demonstrations (while maintaining the minimum distance): Open-air meetings are permitted again under special conditions if hygiene and distance regulations can be observed.

Schools and Kitas: In daycare centres and schools there should be “as regular an operation as possible again” by the summer holidays at the latest.

Saxony: Kitas can open in restricted regular operation

Contact rules: Two households can meet.

Restaurants and bars: They are both allowed to open.

Tourism: Hotels and apartments may open.

Open-air swimming pools and leisure parks: Open-air swimming pools and leisure parks may open, provided they have an approved hygiene concept.

Demonstrations (keeping the minimum distance): Demonstrations are no longer limited to a certain number of participants.

Schools and daycare centres: Saxony's daycare centres and primary schools can open for all children in restricted regular operation. Pupils at secondary schools are to be taught at least in part at schools again.

Saxony also announced that it would let go of its restrictions after June 5th, with only a few exceptions which have not yet been announced.

Saxony-Anhalt: Five people are allowed to meet, swimming pools opening

Contact rules: Meetings of up to five people are allowed, even if they do not live together in the same household. From May 28th onwards, up to 20 guests may be invited to private parties.

Restaurants and bars: Restaurants are allowed to open, and bars can open again from May 28th.

Tourism: Holiday homes can open, hotels should follow on Friday May 29th – initially for guests from the state. From May 28th, holidays for tourists from all over Germany will be possible.

Deniz Tekce, of the restaurant Zeus in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony,  on May 24th. Photo: DPA

Open-air swimming pools and leisure parks: Open-air swimming pools and leisure parks may reopen from May 28th.

Demonstrations (keeping the minimum distance): Demonstrations are possible if the assembly authority allows them together with the health department. There is no overall maximum limit for participants.

Schools and day-care centres: From June 2nd, day-care centres and schools are to return to regular operation.

Schleswig-Holstein: Swimming pools remain closed

Contact regulations: Several members of two households can meet in both private and public spaces.

Restaurants and bars: Both can reopen

Tourism: Visits to hotels and holiday homes are possible.

Open-air swimming pools and leisure parks: Open-air swimming pools and leisure parks are closed until further notice.

Demonstrations (keeping a minimum distance): Meetings are prohibited, but exceptions are possible.

Schools and daycare centres: From May 25th onwards, school can start again for more classes. This applies to grades 1 to 3 at primary schools and grades 8, 9 and 10 at community schools and grammar schools. From June 1st onwards, the daycare centres will operate on a restricted basis.

Thuringia: State wants to get rid of coronavirus restrictions

Contact rules: Members of two households can meet outside and inside.

Restaurants and bars: Both can reopen.

Tourism: Hotels and apartments may open.

Open-air swimming pools and leisure parks: Open-air swimming pools can open from June 1st.

Demonstrations (keeping the minimum distance): Demonstrations without restrictions on the number of participants are possible.

Schools and day-care centres: The municipalities can decide for themselves whether to offer limited regular operation in kindergartens. This should start in all day-care centres by June 15th at the latest. In the schools, all pupils should be able to take part in attendance lessons again after Whitsun at the latest.

However, Thuringia, like the state of Saxony, wants to end coronavirus lockdown measures in early June.

State premier Bodo Ramelow from Die Linke (Left Party) said on Saturday May 23rd that he wanted to make lockdown measures, including face masks and contact restrictions, a thing of the past in Thuringia.

READ ALSO: What's the latest on coronavirus in Germany and what do I need to know?

“From June 6th, I would like to lift the general lockdown and replace it with a package of measures that focus on local authorisations,” he said.

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Could there be a new wave of Covid-19 in Germany this autumn?

It’s back again: amid sinking temperatures, the incidence of Covid-19 has been slowly rising in Germany. But is this enough to merit worrying about the virus?

Could there be a new wave of Covid-19 in Germany this autumn?

More people donning face masks in supermarkets, friends cancelling plans last minute due to getting sick with Covid-19. We might have seen some of those familiar reminders recently that the coronavirus is still around, but could there really be a resurgence of the virus like we experienced during the pandemic years?

According to virologists, the answer seems to be ‘maybe’: since July, the number of people newly infected with Covid-19 has been slowly rising from a very low level.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), nine people per 100,000 inhabitants became newly infected in Germany last week. A year ago, there were only around 270 reported cases.

Various Corona variants are currently on the loose in the country. According to the RKI,  the EG.5 (also called Eris) and XBB.1.16 lines were each detected in the week ending September 3rd with a share of just under 23 percent. 

The highly mutated variant BA.2.86 (Pirola), which is currently under observation by the World Health Organisation (WHO), also arrived in the country this week, according to RKI. 

High number of unreported case

The RKI epidemiologists also warned about a high number of unreported cases since hardly any testing is done. They pointed out that almost half of all registered sewage treatment plants report an increasing viral load in wastewater tests.

The number of hospital admissions has also increased slightly, but are still a far cry from the occupation rate amid the pandemic. Last week it was two per 100,000 inhabitants. In the intensive care units, only 1.2 percent of all beds are occupied by Covid-19 patients.

Still, a good three-quarters (76.4 percent) of people in Germany have been vaccinated at least twice and thus have basic immunity, reported RKI. 

Since Monday, doctors’ offices have been vaccinating with the adapted vaccine from Biontech/Pfizer, available to anyone over 12 years old, with a vaccine for small children set to be released the following week and one for those between 5 and 11 to come out October 2nd.

But Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has so far only recommended that people over 60 and those with pre-existing conditions get vaccinated.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: Who should get a Covid jab this autumn in Germany?

“The pandemic is over, the virus remains,” he said. “We cannot predict the course of coming waves of corona, but it is clear that older people and people with pre-existing conditions remain at higher risk of becoming severely ill from Covid-19”

The RKI also recommended that people with a cold voluntarily wear a mask. Anyone exhibiting cough, cold, sore throat or other symptoms of a respiratory illness should voluntarily stay at home for three to five days and take regular corona self-tests. 

However, further measures such as contact restrictions are not necessary, he said.

One of many diseases

As of this autumn, Covid-19 could be one of many respiratory diseases. As with influenza, there are no longer absolute infection figures for coronavirus.

Saarbrücken pharmacist Thorsten Lehr told German broadcaster ZDF that self-protection through vaccinations, wearing a mask and getting tested when symptoms appear are prerequisites for surviving the Covid autumn well. 

Only a new, more aggressive mutation could completely turn the game around, he added.

On April 7th of this year, Germany removed the last of its over two-year long coronavirus restrictions, including mask-wearing in some public places.

READ ALSO: German doctors recommend Covid-19 self-tests amid new variant