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12 mistakes foreigners make when moving to Germany

When moving to Germany, you're bound to make a few Fehler (mistakes). Here's a dozen common ones to avoid.

12 mistakes foreigners make when moving to Germany
Photo: DPA

Take heed of the following advice and you’ll be fitting in like a local in no time. 

Think we’ve got it wrong? Being a Besserwisser (know-it-all) is a very German trait, so please let us know in the comments. 

1. Disregarding punctuality 

There are several German stereotypes which arrivals will realise remain just that: stereotypes. 

In real life Germans are funny, vegetarian fare is available and tasty (at least in cities) and efficiency is a pure myth (more on that later). 

But punctuality is one of the few German stereotypes which rings true. 

Whether in a business or personal context – and especially when travelling – being on time is a must. 

No matter the traffic or train delay, Germans will arrive on time. So must you. 

If you don’t, you won’t be perceived as disorganised, forgetful or lost – your lateness will be viewed as intentional, a direct product of an attitude which says ‘my time is more valuable than yours’. 

Just be on time. 

Make sure you’re on time so you can engage in the popular German sport of ‘complaining about the punctuality of Deutsche Bahn’. Image: DPA

2. Making friends with expats only 

Germany has the highest foreign-born population of any country in Europe – and the second-highest worldwide after the US. 

In states such as Berlin, Bremen, Hesse, Hamburg and Baden-Württemburg, more than 15 percent of the population is foreign-born. 

This means it’s easy to make friends with foreigners – or indeed expats from your home country. 

In maps: Where do foreigners live in Germany? 

And while familiarity is a great antidote to homesickness, failing to get to know locals will mean you never really integrate. 

From restaurants to holiday tips – and of course getting a grasp of the language – getting to know locals will broaden your horizons and help you blend in.

Which brings us to…

3. Not learning German

It’s difficult. It’s tough. There will be moments when you have your der, die, das corrected by a five-year-old child. But if you want to live in Germany and make the most of it, you absolutely need to learn German. 

It might surprise some arrivals to Germany but in larger cities – particularly Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg – it is actually possible to get by with English. 

Most Germans speak excellent English and they’ll want to speak it with you. But resist the temptation, push ahead with your German and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. 

A German dictionary. Image: DPA

4. Thinking you can pay with your card

Unlike any of its northern and western neighbours, Germany has failed to fully embrace card payments. 

Although the coronavirus pandemic has made a slight change to payment habits, cash remains king in Germany. 

READ: Will the German love affair with cash ever end? 

So much so that people even use it for large transactions – like this story from 2019 about a pensioner who lost an envelope containing €20,000 in cash he was carrying to buy a new car. 

While we’d hazard a guess that most car dealerships have an old card reader lying around, if you’re going to a restaurant or bar you’d be best placed to stay safe and carry cash. 

5. Going grocery shopping on Sundays

Even in the biggest cities, supermarkets in Germany are closed Sundays. 

There are some exceptions – large train stations will often have open supermarkets on Sundays – but by and large you’ll need to do your shopping from Monday to Saturday. 

This can be tough for people who work long hours – in some parts of the country supermarkets are not only closed on Sundays but they won’t open after 8pm – so be sure to be prepared. 

6. Forgetting to carry painkillers

Another puzzling experience for new arrivals is that you can buy a refrigerated one-litre bottle of Jägermeister from the gas station while you fill up, but you’ll need to travel to a pharmacy to buy paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen. 

Not only will that be hard – they’re not open evenings or weekends, remember – but each time you ask to buy a packet, you’ll be lectured by your pharmacist on the dangers of taking painkillers and asked if you’ve ever taken them before. 

This in itself is a very German phenomenon – slightly annoying, but ultimately responsible and well-intentioned – so if you’re prone to headaches, muscle or period pains, think ahead and stay prepared. 

7. Standing up to pee 

This might appear only relevant to 50 percent of the population, but as both male and female Germans will tell you, it concerns anyone who has to use a toilet. 

In public toilets and at bars and restaurants urinals and pissoirs will be common place. Peeing outside against a tree is more socially acceptable than in many other countries. 

But at home, all men (and of course women) will be expected to sit down to pee, no matter how good you think your aim is. 

The sooner you get used to it, the better. 

Know when to sit down to pee – and when not to. Image: DPA

8. Believing in the myth of German efficiency

So in point 1 we covered the very real and accurate German stereotype of punctuality. 

In point 8, we move to the very mythical German stereotype of efficiency. 

While some German businesses can occasionally be accused of at least trying to be efficient, when dealing with government things are likely to take a long, long time. 

Getting your internet connected? Months. Appointment for a visa? Months. A doctors appointment at any kind of specialist? Months. 

No matter what you’re doing, be ready for it to take a long time.

Although anyone who’s been to a restaurant in Berlin, Hamburg or anywhere north and east will have experienced the service staff being very ‘efficient’ with their smiles, the origin of the myth of German efficiency remains a mystery to many. 

9. Jaywalking

It’s 11 at night. There’s nobody around, least of all traffic. You want to get home. The Ampelmännchen (pedestrian signal) is red. You decide to walk across. 

Other than a few dirty looks and perhaps the vocalised protests of older Germans, you’re also likely to get a ticket if there are any police in the vicinity. 

Ampelmännchen: Germany’s funny obsession with little green men

Germans like rules and they like following them. 

Nowhere is this clearer than at pedestrian signs, where German parents will see you cross and loudly explain to their children why they should never follow your bad example. 

10.  Failing to validate transit tickets

Even if you’ve bought a ticket, don’t forget to stamp it at any of the machines marked “bitte entwerten” on the platforms, otherwise it will be deemed “ungültig” (invalid) and you will be hit with a hefty fine.

Unlike in other countries, where ticket-munching barriers separate people from the trains and platforms, in Germany you’ll be able to walk straight off the street and onto a train. 

Make sure you validate before you travel. Image: DPA

As a result, it’s easier to forget to validate your tickets. But if you don’t you’ll be Schwarzfahren (riding without a ticket) and you’ll be liable to pay a penalty. 

And with ticket controllers in some German cities paid a commission by how many people they catch, they’re unlikely to listen to you when you say “you didn’t know”. 

Just stamp your ticket and ride in peace. 

READ: Why Berlin’s public transport payment system might just be more modern than London’s 

11. Walking into the bike lane

Germans may not bike at the level of their Dutch and Danish neighbours, but they’re not far behind and nor is the cycling infrastructure (mostly). 

Bike lanes weave their way through cities and towns across Germany, mostly running parallel to sidewalks and traffic lanes.

Sometimes they’ll be a different colour or marked with a sketch of a bike, but other times they’ll be harder to work out. 

But with some cyclists travelling at a rapid speed – and others keen on a bit of road rage – keep your eyes peeled and stay out of the way. 

12. Small talk 

On second thought, perhaps the German stereotype of efficiency comes down to their attitude towards small talk. 

Germans love going on long examinations of seemingly unimportant things – “Why would you shop there when the vegetables are 12 cents cheaper next door? Why would you buy a monthly ticket when you can save €4 by buying a yearly ticket? Would you like to hear the names of each highway I used to drive here and why I selected the route? No? Well I’ll tell you anyway.”

Yet asking your long-time supermarket checkout worker “Wie geht’s?” is likely to be met with puzzled looks which imply “Wer sind Sie denn, die Polizei?”

When it comes to small talk, Germans don’t understand it, don’t like it and won’t engage in it. 

Unless of course it’s about the weather and you feel like complaining. In fact, there’s nothing more German. So let loose. 

Member comments

  1. A lovely summary of some basic do’s and don’ts. The one that gets me is the insistence that men should sit to pee. I’ve even visited private houses where they have little warning signs above the cistern. What is the basis for this tradition? Presumably that a man’s stream tends to splash. But even the most domineering host is unlikely to insist on checking what one is doing behind the closed toilet door, so personally, wild dogs would not force me to sit to pee. The answer is simple, gentlemen visitors .. . lift the seat, and wipe up any splashes you make.

  2. Well, the answer is simple you say nothing would make you sit down and pee. … this could have come from living, working,on boats and sailing…(an obvious reason to sit). my Mann always sits down and gives the order repeatedly to non Germans who travelled with us or visit. It does sometimes become a humorous discussion but I believe they respect the tradition of a country they are visiting or guests of. Obviously you do not.

  3. I wish I had read this article a couple of weeks ago, why? So I had another good reason to cancel my subscription,maybe. I understand these stereotypes have existed for a long long time and are routinely rolled out here in ‘The Local’, but honestly does the editorial staff/article writer still think they apply to all of Germany and all Germans, and are the limited comparisons with ‘elsewhere’ really valid? I doubt you do and I recognise it’s not really serious stuff and it’s just another space filler to get a giggle or two. However, for me- someone who has lived here for 8 years and not in one of the major cities and has not involved himself in any ex-pat communities, is married to a German… I’m tired of the inconsistencies and whining relating to each and every one of the 12 points (why is it always 12?). Perhaps a polite time for a change in style.

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Nine hip-hop tracks that will help you learn German

Studies have shown that listening to music can really help with language learning and German hip-hop is, perhaps surprisingly, perfectly suited to the task.

Nine hip-hop tracks that will help you learn German

In fact, it’s a truth universally acknowledged that listening to hip-hop in German will boost your German language abilities tenfold.

Ok, so while that might not technically be entirely (read: at all) true, we reckon Jane Austen would have appreciated many German rappers’ way with words.

And with most clearly enunciating their words, and the rhythmic delivery helping with phrasing, the genre is a gift for language learners: it can help you get to grips with new words, sentence patterns and pronunciation, as well as gain an understanding of current phenomena.

We’ve chosen a selection of German hip-hop tracks – including some old-school gems – that are reasonable easy to understand, as well as a couple for more advanced learners who want to get to grips with the finer nuances of the language and word play.

Here are some songs to get you started.

Die Fantastischen Vier – Die Da

You can’t have an article about German hip hop without mentioning Die Fantastischen Vier (The Fantastic Four, often known as Die Fanta’ 4). Germany’s answer to the Beastie Boys, this Stuttgart band basically kicked off the German hip-hop scene in the late 80s and they’re still going today.

The catchy Die Da!? (Her over there!?) was a tongue-in-cheek hit in 1992 and we love it because the band’s clear articulation makes it easy to understand. Yes, it’s a bit silly – it’s about women the band are interested in, but spoiler: it ends up being the same woman – but it’s packed full of useful German slang.

Want to test your knowledge of German abbreviations? Check out their mfg (Mit freundlichen Grüssen, With best wishes)

READ ALSO: How pop stars can help you master German grammar

Fettes Brot – Jein

Still on an old-school hip-hop vibe, Fettes Brot were a big part of the Hamburg scene. 

‘Jein’ – a pleasing amalgamation of Ja and Nein was a big hit in the early 90s. Again, the delivery is clear, they rap slowly and the text is pretty straightforward. Here’s the chorus, for example:

Soll ich’s wirklich machen oder lass ich’s lieber sein / Jein / Ja, ja, oder nein /
Shall I really do it or would it be better to leave it / Jein / Yes, yes, or no

Perfect for the indecisive.

And for a taster of Hamburg dialect, have a listen to Nordisch by Nature.

One of the founder members Der Tobi later got together with another big name on the Hamburg scene – das Bo – and together with marcnesium and DJ Coolmann, they formed cheeky band Fünf Sterne Deluxe. Check out ‘Willst du mit mir geh’n‘ (Do you want to be my boyfriend/girlfriend?)

Mudi – Kind sein

The German rapper with Turkish and Lebanese roots is known for his storytelling that touches on key cultural issues. There’s less wordplay here and he raps slowly and clearly so, even for less confident German learners, the text is quite easy to understand (although some of his songs have a bit of Arabic, Turkish and Kurdish in them).

In 2016’s ‘Kind sein’ (being a child), he raps about feeling nostalgic for his childhood and the context makes it a breeze to put any new vocab into context.

He raps about missing the days when he was klein und so sorgenlos (small and so carefree) in contrast to now where heute sind die Sorgen gross / Krieg, der in den Herzen tobt (today the worries are great / war that rages in our hearts).

Cro – Ein Teil

Arguably more pop than rap (Cro himself calls the mixture raop), Cro is a pretty big deal in Germany. 

‘Ein Teil’ is a great starter song as the lyrics are straightforward and it’s quite repetitive, helping with understanding and pronunciation. And while Cro mumbles a bit on some of his other tracks (he tends to eat some of his word endings), he’s quite clear on this track.

(And if you see him live, his penchant for wearing a panda mask on stage doesn’t necessarily help matters). Here’s a section of the refrain that’s repeated throughout:

Du bist und bleibst für immer ein Teil von mir 

You are and will always be a part of me

Freundeskreis – A-N-N-A

More known for their socially conscious lyrics, the 90s/00s Stuttgart group had a hit with this slightly soppy but very catchy track.  

Immer wenn es regnet / muss ich an dich denken / wie wir uns begegnet sind / und kann mich nicht ablenken

Whenever it rains / I have to think of you / How we met / I can’t stop thinking about it

Group member Max Herre also went on to have success as a solo artist and that’s also worth a listen. Try 1ste Liebe.

S. Castro – Krieger

For something with a more aggressive flow, try S. Castro.

His strong rhythmic delivery in this 2012 battle rap (Krieger means warrior) makes the lyrics fairly easy to understand.

The politically conscious rapper with Kurdish roots uses his raps to expose oppressive aspects of society and the system so there’s plenty of cultural insights to be gained too.  

Deichkind – Leider Geil

This one – which translates as ‘unfortunately cool’ – really took off in the noughties with people describing everything as ‘leider geil’ for a while. It’s a really easy one to understand, too as it’s all in the present tense and the Hamburg group rap slowly and clearly.

Here’s a sample:

Es tut mir leid, doch ich muss leider gestehen / Es gibt Dinge auf der Welt, die sind (leider geil) / Autos machen Dreck, Umwelt geht kaputt / Doch ‘ne fette neue Karre ist (leider geil)

I’m sorry, but I’ve got to admit it, unfortunately / There are things in the world that are (unfortunately cool) / Cars are dirty, the environment’s going to hell / But getting an awesome new ride is (unfortunately cool)

Sabrina Setlur – Du liebst mich nicht

Setlur started out in the 90s and was one of the first German female rappers to achieve commercial success – this song went to number one.

Combining hard rap with a sung chorus, ‘You don’t love me’ is a heartfelt attack against a partner who doesn’t love her any more. Perfect for anyone who wants to improve their heartbreak vocab in German.

For a time her rap success was overshadowed by her then-relationship with Boris Becker, but her songs stand the test of time. 

This one has since been covered by Ado Kojo featuring Hamburg-based rapper Shirin David.

Bodo Wartke – Barbaras Rhabarberbar

And we couldn’t not include this one. Rapper and cabaret performer Bodo Wartke achieved viral TikTok fame with this tongue-twister that tells the increasingly ludicrous tale of Barbara and her rhubarb bar. 

As well as inspiring a dance, the catchy rap also sparked a huge interest in learning German which can never be a bad thing.

Wartke and friend and rapper Matti Fischer both have super-clear pronunciation. Plus it’s a great track for learning how easy it is to make compound nouns in German.

READ ALSO: How a German tongue twister became an unlikely viral hit

This is obviously just a selection, there are plenty more great hip-hop songs to help you with your German. Have we missed any of your favourites – let us know in the comments!

And if you want to see the lyrics while you listen to the songs, most texts are available on and