Austria: What are the rules for crossing into Germany?

Germany on Sunday closed its border with Austria due to the coronavirus mutation cluster in Tyrol. What are the rules?

Austria: What are the rules for crossing into Germany?
Cars line up at the German border with Austria. Photo: ODD ANDERSEN / AFP

Germany partially closed its borders with the Czech Republic and Austria's Tyrol on Sunday over a troubling surge in coronavirus mutations. 

A thousand police officers have been mobilised to ensure strict border checks, which recall the early days of the pandemic when EU countries hastily closed their frontiers. 

What are the rules? 

Under the new rules, only Germans or non-German residents are allowed to enter Germany. 

Anyone who enters must provide a recent negative coronavirus test which is less than 72 hours old. The evidence of the test must be in either German or English. 

Anyone entering Germany – including citizens and residents – must fill out the following form

The rules are in place until February 21st, but are expected to be extended until at least the start of March

Are there any exceptions? 

Some exceptions to the rules exist allowed. 

Cross-border workers and essential workers in ‘systemically relevant’ sectors, i.e. health and transport, are allowed to enter. 

All workers will need to provide evidence of an employment contract. 

They will however need to provide evidence of a negative coronavirus test. 

There are also some exceptions for urgent humanitarian reasons. 

People transiting through Germany will also be allowed to enter and will not have to provide evidence of a test. 

The rules do not apply to the Austrian regions of Jungholz in Tyrol and the Kleinwalsertal municipality Mittelberg in Vorarlberg

How are the border controls being enforced? 

German rail company Deutsche Bahn has suspended services to and from the affected areas.

At Frankfurt airport, the country's largest, federal police were on Sunday checking passengers arriving from Vienna and Prague.

Why are the borders being closed?

The restrictions are aimed at slowing the spread of new, more contagious variants that first emerged in Britain and South Africa, and have created new virus hotspots along the Czech border and in Austria's Tyrol region.

In addition to concerns over the coronavirus mutation, each Austrian state is currently above the threshold of 50 cases per 100,000 residents. 

Chancellor Angela Merkel's government recently decided to extend Germany's partial lockdown until March 7 because of the risks posed by the variants, even if daily infection numbers have fallen over the past weeks.


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Is it worth it to get a private health insurance in Austria?

Private healthcare insurance gives you quicker appointments and more time with doctors, but it comes with a price. Here is what you need to know to find out if it is worth it for you.

Is it worth it to get a private health insurance in Austria?

Austria is known for having a well-functioning public healthcare system, but recently, the number of public doctors has been decreasing while the number of private ones continues to grow.

Public doctors are often associated with long waiting times and less time spent with each patient.

Going to a private practitioner could be a solution for receiving better care, as it allows more time with the specialist and usually an earlier appointment.

However, if you are only insured with public insurance, visiting a private doctor comes with higher costs. If you have the option, private insurance might sometimes be a better alternative.

Here is what you need to know about private health insurance.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: What happens if you’re off sick for a long time in Austria

Doctor taking care of injured patient. Photo by Tom Claes on Unsplash

What are the benefits?

If you are considering private health insurance, it is important to consider your individual case, what you need, whether it is worth it, and what kind of insurance might be suitable for you.

Getting private health insurance can be a good idea if you frequently need medical care or just want faster appointments and more time with the doctors.

While you can still see private doctors, such as the so-called Wahlarzt in German, and access private healthcare options with public insurance by paying out of pocket, you will only receive partial reimbursement.

Therefore, getting private insurance might be beneficial if you need to see a healthcare provider more frequently.

With private insurance, you typically pay a fixed monthly rate, which covers a wide range of private healthcare options. These include visits to private doctors, certain dental procedures, eye care, wellness services, and physiotherapy, among other things.

If you have private insurance, you also have access to a broader selection of healthcare providers and facilities. You often receive more comfortable hospital stays, medication coverage, and sometimes international healthcare coverage.

Exactly how much private insurance covers depends on the type of insurance company and package you choose.

Some insurance companies cover specific costs completely, while others cover them only to a higher percentage. However, private insurance generally covers a much higher percentage of most costs than public insurance.

READ MORE: Everything foreigners need to know about the Austrian healthcare system

How much does it cost?

The monthly cost for private healthcare insurance averages around €30 for children and between €45 and €100 for adults.

You can often save on the costs by choosing regional rates, family coverage, or agreeing to a deductible, where you pay part of the costs yourself.

If a larger company employs you, they might offer private group insurance, which often results in lower costs because the employer contributes to the premiums.

When you apply for private insurance, the insurance company usually examines your health and medical history. The cost is then decided based on age, health status, and healthcare needs.

Signing up for private healthcare insurance at an early age can be a good idea since it often means lower costs. Existing health insurance contracts are adjusted annually for inflation only, without further adjustments.

UNIQA, Wiener Städtische, Generali Health Insurance, Mercury, Allianz Health Insurance, and the Danube are among Vienna’s largest and best-known private healthcare insurance providers.

READ NEXT: EXPLAINED: What is a Wahlartzt in Austria?