Did Easter impact compliance with Covid-19 guidelines in Denmark?

There is no indication that people in Denmark drastically increased participation in events and social gatherings during Easter, according to a study.

Did Easter impact compliance with Covid-19 guidelines in Denmark?
File photo: Keld Navntoft/Ritzau Scanpix

The conclusion comes from the latest report by the HOPE project at Aarhus University’s Department of Political Science, which has been examining the Danish population’s behaviours and attitudes during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Researchers working under the project use data to analyse trends in real time and publish their findings to the general public as well as the Danish parliament and government, according to its website.

“Overall, we can see that the total number of contacts has increased a little bit over Easter, but no substantial jump has occurred,” professor of political science and HOPE project leader Michael Bang Petersen told broadcaster DR.

“It is instead basically just an extension of what occurred in preceding weeks, where we see a few more (contacts) each week,” he added.

Petersen also noted a reshuffling of contacts: for example, people did not see as many work colleagues or friends over Easter but spent more time with families.

On average, people are seeing just over five people outside their household in contexts in which they are close enough to risk infecting each other, according to the latest HOPE analysis as reported by DR.

That number has been rising throughout 2021, but it is still under half the level of last summer and parts of the autumn, when restrictions were less tight than those in place currently.

Related factors include current control over the epidemic and that society has begun to reopen, which many people take as an invitation to be a little more social, Petersen explained to DR.

“We know from the HOPE project that people are highly motivated to get tested when they are going to be together with family members. We and the authorities can see that there are many, many people who have been tested. That will help us come out of Easter fine,” he said.

The Easter period saw a record set for the number of tests taken according to national infectious disease agency State Serum Institute.

Health minister Magnus Heunicke wrote in a Twitter post on Tuesday that the current reproduction rate or R-number for Covid-19 is 1.0, indicating that the epidemic is currently stable in Denmark.

“If there has been increased activity in connection with the Easter holidays, however, this is not yet included in the calculation,” wrote Heunicke. “But it is still a good starting point for today’s reopening.”

READ ALSO: What reopens in Denmark on April 6th and what remains closed?

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Who should get vaccinated against Covid and flu in Denmark and when?

It is still free to get a Covid-19 vaccine in Denmark if you are over the age of 65 or have a health condition, with the health authorities now running Covid and flu vaccinations together. Here's what you need to know.

Who should get vaccinated against Covid and flu in Denmark and when?

Who is being offered a vaccine for Covid-19 or flu this autumn? 

According to the information on the Danish Health Authority’s website, Covid-19 and flu vaccines are being offered to: 

  • People over the age of 65
  • People under the age of 65 who have a health condition which puts them at increased risk. You can find a list of the long-term health conditions deemed a risk here
  • Pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester

Children between 2 and 6 years of age are being offered a special flu vaccine for children, which is administered as a nose spray, but not the Covid vaccine (unless they fit one of the categories above). 

Those who have retired early, for whatever reason, are also being offered the flu vaccine but not a Covid-19 vaccine.  

People over the age of 65 and the parents of children between the ages of 2 and 6 will automatically receive an invitation to get vaccinated though their digital postbox at, e-Boks and

People in the other eligible categories will not receive an invitation. 

If you have not yet received an invitation, do not worry, as invitations are being staggered over October and the start of November.  


When and where can I get vaccinated? 

This year’s autumn vaccination campaign started on October 1st and will continue until January 15th. 

You can get vaccinated at one of over 50 regional vaccination sites all over Denmark, or at the over 280 local pharmacies which are signed up to be part of the programme. 

Residents of care homes for the elderly and others in need will be offered vaccinated at their home.

You can log in and book an appointment at your nearest centre or pharmacy at Denmark’s official vaccination website

Is it possible to get vaccinated against both flu and Covid-19 at the same time? 

The Danish Health Authority has judged that it is safe to receive vaccines against both flu and Covid-19 at the same time, but the two vaccines cannot be mixed in the same syringe, so you will receive two separate injections. 

Is vaccination compulsory? 

No. Although the strongly recommends everyone in the various risk categories to get vaccinated, it is up to every individual whether to do so. 

Is it possible to get vaccinated even if I am not over 65 or in a risk group? 

It is no longer possible to get vaccinated against Covid-19 or flu through Denmark’s national vaccination programme if you are not in one of the recommended categories, after the country’s health authorities stopped offering paid vaccinations.  

But it remains possible to get vaccinated at a private vaccination centre, such as the SikkerRejse chain found in most Danish towns. The chain, which has a waiting list, offers doses of the latest Comirnaty Omicron XBB.1.5 vaccine for a total price of 995 kroner.