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UPDATED: A step-by-step guide to getting the Swiss Covid certificate

Switzerland has made its Covid-19 health pass available, which will help with travel, nightclubs and events. Here’s how you get it.

UPDATED: A step-by-step guide to getting the Swiss Covid certificate
Switzerland's Covid-19 certificate app up close. Image: FOPH

On Monday, June 7th, Switzerland finally released its Covid-19 certificate, which will provide certain rights and privileges to holders for travel and events. 

The Covid-19 certificate – otherwise known as the Covid-19 pass or the green pass – is available in paper and digital form. 

According to the Swiss government, the pass “provides documentary evidence that you have had a COVID-19 vaccination, have had and recovered from the disease or have tested negative”. 

More information about what the pass allows holders to do can be found at the following link. 

UPDATED: Everything you need to know about the ‘green pass’, Switzerland’s coronavirus immunity card

What is the Covid certificate?

The Covid-19 certificate – otherwise known as the Covid-19 pass or the green pass – is available in paper and digital form. 

According to the Swiss government, the pass “provides documentary evidence that you have had a COVID-19 vaccination, have recovered from the disease or have tested negative”. 

What will the certificate look like? 

The Covid-19 certificate will be issued to you in paper and electronic form, which will either be as a printed out certificate or as a QR code which you can scan into Switzerland’s Covid Certificate App to carry and display from your mobile device. 

While this is a cantonal responsibility, you will generally be given a paper copy of your vaccination certificate while also being sent the electronic version. 

Besides the person’s first and last names, date of birth and a certificate number, the COVID certificate contains details of their COVID-19 vaccination, recovery, or negative PCR or rapid antigen test. 

The heart of the certificate is the QR code. 

In both cases, they will be accompanied by an official government electronic signature to prevent forgery. 

Authorities said holders may also need to show their ID or passport when presenting the certificate

The digital system comprises in particular a storage application (Covid Certificate) and a verification application (Covid Certificate Check), the government said. 

Both apps are available for free. Here is the link for the Apple App store here, and that for Android

Switzerland’s Covid-19 certificate app up close. Image: FOPH

Where can I get the Covid-19 certificate? 

You get the certificate in the place in which you were vaccinated, recovered from the virus or tested negative. 

This means you can get the certificate at any of the following locations: Vaccination centres, medical practices, hospitals, pharmacies, test centres and laboratories. 

If you have already been fully vaccinated and did not receive a QR code, you must contact cantonal authorities to get the certificate. 

If you have recovered from the virus, you will also need to contact your canton. You will need to have had the virus and recovered in the previous six months – and you will need documentary evidence of this. 

READ MORE: How do you prove you’ve recovered from Covid in Switzerland?

For people who test negative, you will be given a certificate. 

Both PCR and antigen tests apply here, although the validity differs. 

A negative PCR test is valid for 72 hours, while a negative antigen test is valid for 48 hours

Self tests are not valid for the certificate.  

While you will get a paper print out with a negative test in most cases, you can also get it displayed on the Covid Certificate App by scanning in your QR code.

The app – which is different to the Swiss Covid tracing app – is available here for Google/Android phones and here for Apple phones.

You can scan the QR code into the app, then it will be recorded there and you can use it as you would the paper slip.

How will this allow me to travel? 


As of Friday, July 9th, Switzerland’s Covid certificate has become a part of the EU travel framework. 

The European Union and Switzerland will recognise each other’s Covid vaccination certificates from Friday, July 9th.

This means you do not need to get an additional app – you can use your Swiss Covid Certificate app to travel in the EU. 

More information about this is available at the following link. 

EXPLAINED: How to use Switzerland’s Covid app when travelling in the EU

Member comments

  1. How can US visitors fully vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine in the US get a Swiss COVID 19 certificate ?We are visiting Switzerland in a week, we would appreciate any help you can provide. Thank you.

    1. Hi,

      We are traveling to Switzerland in a week and had the same question about receiving the Swiss Covid 19 certificate. I was wondering if you ever sorted this out and had a solution you could share?

  2. I’m going to be in Switzerland for a couple of weeks in October. Does anyone know if the NHS app (U.K.), proving I’m doubly vaccinated, will be accepted in cafes, restaurants? I’d be very grateful for any info.


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Could new night trains from Zurich to Rome and Barcelona be derailed?

The planned new night trains from Zurich to Rome and Barcelona could be scuppered due to a lack of funding, media reports on Friday claimed.

Could new night trains from Zurich to Rome and Barcelona be derailed?

As the Swiss media reported on Thursday, there is good news and bad news concerning international night trains. 

The good news is that the national railway company, SBB, is committed to night trains connecting Zurich to Rome and Barcelona.

The first trains could be running as early as next year, SBB boss Vincent Ducrot told SRF media recently adding that it could also be 2026 before they start.

The bad news is that government funding is needed to get the project on the right track.

This money, however, could be difficult to obtain, because the Federal Council is looking into ways to cut spending, as Switzerland is facing a deficit of several billion francs.

Under Swiss law, no more than 30 million francs can be spent each year to promote international trains.

However, the law considers financing night connections as an optional provision, so the government is not obliged to spend any money on them.

And the problem for SBB and passengers keen on the night trains is that they are not very profitable and experts believe they won’t contribute much to Switzerland achieving its climate goals.

SBB boss Ducrot believes that if the promised subsidies are withdrawn the new night trains will simply not be feasible.

Existing night trains to and from Switzerland are popular. There are daily connections from Zurich to Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna, Graz, Amsterdam, Budapest, Zagreb and Prague.

But there are reasons they don’t make much profit.

Beds, sleeping compartments and toilets take up more space than seats on day trains so the maximum number of tickets that can be sold per train is therefore reduced. 

Normal daytime trains are in use for up to 18 hours a day but night trains are only used at night so spend much of the day unused.  

If subsidies do prove hard to come by there is hope cantons or cities that are interested in having night train connections could step in and help fund the services.

READ ALSO: The night trains to take from Switzerland around Europe