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What are unvaccinated people in Switzerland still allowed to do?

Those who are fully vaccinated against Covid have a number of advantages in Switzerland. But what about people who haven’t been inoculated yet and and might not be planning to do so?

What are unvaccinated people in Switzerland still allowed to do?
You can eat in Swiss restaurants even of you are unvaccinated. Photo by Fabrice Coffrini / AFP

Please note: Switzerland tightened its Covid certificate rules as of September 13th. From September 13th, this story will be out of date. Click here for more info. 

As of Monday August 23rd, 50.77 percent of Switzerland’s residents are fully vaccinated, according to the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

This means that nearly half of the population has still not received their injections.

Unless they have already had Covid and recovered from it within the past six months — and have a certificate to prove it — they are excluded from some activities, such as large-scale events (more than 1,000 people), as well as nightclubs and discos.

Also, if they return to Switzerland from a trip abroad, they must have a negative test result to be allowed back into the country. That contrasts to those who have been fully vaccinated who can enter with the required proof.

However, unlike many other countries which have more stringent rules in this respect, unvaccinated people are allowed to access a number of settings in Switzerland.

Among them are public transports, shops, hairdressers, wellness services, sports events and fitness centres— although masks are compulsory in all these settings.

As far as leisure and recreation, unvaccinated people can go to bars and restaurants, swimming pools, public events of up to 1,000 people, as well as theatres, cinemas, and other cultural venues. Here too, masks are required for all indoor activities.

Where workplace is concerned, public companies cannot force their employees to get vaccinated, and they can’t fire you if refuse to get the jab.

In fact, they are banned from even asking you if you have had your shots.

READ MORE: Switzerland: Can your employer ask if you are vaccinated?

 Private companies, on the other hand, have a bit more leeway in this area and it could potentially get complicated for those employees who are not immunised.

Companies “can make a distinction between vaccinated and non-vaccinated employees, especially for those who pose a security risk through frequent contact with other people”, according to Daniella Lützelschwab, a representative of an employers’ association.

Lützelschwab added that a company could decide to transfer unvaccinated employees to another location, where they are not in contact with other workers.

However, if relocation is not possible, the employer “must give an employee a deadline within which they should get vaccinated”.

If he or she still refuses, the company can dismiss them, on the grounds that they don’t support the employer in implementing health protection measures in the workplace.

READ MORE: EXPLAINED: Why Switzerland rejects obligatory vaccinations for some professions

And even though some politicians and health officials are calling for unvaccinated people to pay for their own Covid-related medical bills, this measure won’t be enforced in Switzerland, as people who pay their insurance premiums can’t be denied medical care, especially as Covid vaccines are not obligatory.

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Italy’s constitutional court upholds Covid vaccine mandate as fines kick in

Judges on Thursday dismissed legal challenges to Italy's vaccine mandate as "inadmissible” and “unfounded”, as 1.9 million people face fines for refusing the jab.

Italy's constitutional court upholds Covid vaccine mandate as fines kick in

Judges were asked this week to determine whether or not vaccine mandates introduced by the previous government during the pandemic – which applied to healthcare and school staff as well as over-50s – breached the fundamental rights set out by Italy’s constitution.

Italy became the first country in Europe to make it obligatory for healthcare workers to be vaccinated, ruling in 2021 that they must have the jab or be transferred to other roles or suspended without pay.

The Constitutional Court upheld the law in a ruling published on Thursday, saying it considered the government’s requirement for healthcare personnel to be vaccinated during the pandemic period neither unreasonable nor disproportionate.

Judges ruled other questions around the issue as inadmissible “for procedural reasons”, according to a court statement published on Thursday.

This was the first time the Italian Constitutional Court had ruled on the issue, after several regional courts previously dismissed challenges to the vaccine obligation on constitutional grounds.

A patient being administered a Covid jab.

Photo by Pascal GUYOT / AFP

One Lazio regional administrative court ruled in March 2022 that the question of constitutional compatibility was “manifestly unfounded”.

Such appeals usually centre on the question of whether the vaccine requirement can be justified in order to protect the ‘right to health’ as enshrined in the Italian Constitution.

READ ALSO: Italy allows suspended anti-vax doctors to return to work

Meanwhile, fines kicked in from Thursday, December 1st, for almost two million people in Italy who were required to get vaccinated under the mandate but refused.

This includes teachers, law enforcement and healthcare workers, and the over 50s, who face fines of 100 euros each under rules introduced in 2021.

Thursday was the deadline to justify non-compliance with the vaccination mandate due to health reasons, such as having contracted Covid during that period.

Italy’s health minister on Friday however appeared to suggest that the new government may choose not to enforce the fines.

“It could cost more for the state to collect the fines” than the resulting income, Health Minister Orazio Schillaci told Radio Rai 1.

He went on to say that it was a matter for the Economy and Finance Ministry, but suggested that the government was drawing up an amendment to the existing law.

READ ALSO: Covid vaccines halved Italy’s death toll, study finds

The League, one of the parties which comprises the new hard-right government, is pushing for fines for over-50s to be postponed until June 30th 2023.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had promised a clear break with her predecessor’s health policies, after her Brothers of Italy party railed against the way Mario Draghi’s government handled the pandemic in 2021 when it was in opposition.

At the end of October, shortly after taking office, the new government allowed doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to return to work earlier than planned after being suspended for refusing the Covid vaccine.

There has been uncertainty about the new government’s stance after the deputy health minister in November cast doubt on the efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, saying he was “not for or against” vaccination.

Italy’s health ministry continues to advise people in at-risk groups to get a booster jab this winter, and this week stressed in social media posts that vaccination against Covid-19 and seasonal flu remained “the most effective way to protect ourselves and our loved ones, especially the elderly and frail”.