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10 of the most common Italian translation fails

Italian contains a lot of words that are either the same or very similar to English, but have subtly different (or completely opposite) meanings. Here are 10 of the most common translation fails.

Ten Italian words that don't mean what you think
Photo:, Unsplash


Tremendo is a particularly cruel false friend because it sounds exactly like tremendous, and in fact the two words have the same Latin root: tremendus, meaning something to be dreaded and trembled at.

But while a couple of hundred years ago the English version branched off and took on the positive meaning of ‘extraordinarily great’, the Italian word retained its Latin sense and continues to mean frightful or awful.

This obviously has the potential to generate a massive faux pas and alienate everyone around you; particularly if, just when you were getting compliments on how much your Italian has improved, you enthuse that your mutual friend’s live acoustic guitar performance is proprio tremendo (really terrible) only to see everyone’s faces fall faster than a deflated soufflé.


Many foreign residents in Italy won’t have come across this word until early 2020, when all of a sudden tamponi were all over the news. It means a swab – these days, it’s almost exclusively used to mean Covid test swabs – but those reliant on Google translate may have been confused as to why the government was suddenly mass-administering tampons.

READ ALSO: The Italian words and phrases we’ve learned during the coronavirus crisis

This isn’t a translation fail in and of itself because a tampone is also a tampon – it’s just that in 95% of the news articles you come across these days, that’s not the meaning the outlet’s going for.

Another similar false friend – the bane of anglophone students of Latin languages everywhere, from French to Spanish to Italian to Portuguese – is preservativo. This one is  unequivocal: it always means condoms, never preservatives or preserves.


If you call up your close friend or significant other and are greeted by the sound of a roomful of people and the words “è un casino qua”, there’s no need to worry that they’ve developed a gambling habit.

A casino means a noise, a racket, chaos, a mess. It could be used to describe a traffic snarl up, a crowd entering a football stadium, or a noisy subway car.

It can also describe a mess up or disaster.

Ha fatto cadere la torta di compleanno, che casino!
He dropped the birthday cake, what a disaster!

Finally, casino is also an old-fashioned word for a brothel.

So it means a lot of things, just not… casino.

What’s a casino in Italian, you ask? It’s just one small accent away in casinò, with the emphasis on the final syllable.

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Speaking of loud noises, if you’ve ever lived in an Italian city you’ve probably lived in a large apartment block, where you have to get used to being surrounded by noise – from the family with a newborn to the teenager practicing their musical instrument at all hours to the seemingly unending construction work.

If a friend complains to you about the rumore interrupting their weekend lie in, then, they’re not talking about being disturbed by a ‘rumour’ (although your neighbours having a good old 100-decibel gossip in the courtyard can definitely do the job), but by a racket or din.

What in English we call a rumour or piece of gossip is a pettegolezzo. You could also say gira voce che – literally, ‘a voice is circulating that…’:

Gira voce che tu stia frequentando uno nuovo.
There’s a rumour you’re dating someone new.


You wouldn’t refer to someone who remembered to hold the door open for you as ‘educated’ in English, but in Italian they could indeed be described as educato/a – polite, well-mannered.

Maleducato, its antonym, therefore, doesn’t mean poorly educated but rude, and along with incivile (uncivilised) is a good non-vulgar insult to use on someone you feel has behaved extremely discourteously towards you.

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If you do want to say that someone is educated, you could describe them as istruito/a – literally, instructed – or colto/a – it’s etymologically close to ‘cultivated’ in English, but sounds a lot less old fashioned in Italian.


If your car gets rear-ended in Italy you haven’t had an accidente but an incidente – a word which can also be used to describe more minor mishaps, like knocking over a vase.

An accidente, by contrast, is a misfortune or a sudden illness or stroke/seizure. You’ll sometimes hear accidenti! used as a twee U-rated exclamation, meaning something along the lines of darn it! Or holy smokes!

If you want to say you did something ‘by accident’ you would say “non l’ho fatto di proposito” – literally, I didn’t do it on purpose.

There’s been a push from some quarters in recent years to switch out the English use of ‘accident’ for a traffic collision for the more neutral ‘incident’ to reflect the fact that it’s not necessarily an innocent mistake with no guilty parties. So in a few years it’s possible this one may no longer be a false friend.


If you’re sensibile in Italian you’re not level-headed, but sensitive or emotional. As in English, it’s not a bad thing to be sensibile, though someone who’s oversensitive could be described as permaloso/a: touchy, thin-skinned, prickly, or crabby.

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To say that someone is sensible, you could describe them as sensato/a or ragionevole (reasonable).

Giorgio è un uomo molto sensato.
Giorgio’s a very reasonable man.

These words only work for describing a person or an idea. If you wanted to start talking about sensible clothes, you’d want indumenti adatti – literally, suitable clothes.


Perhaps the most commonly confused word for English speakers learning Italian is attuale. It doesn’t mean actual, but current; attualmente isn’t actually, but currently.

If you want to say ‘actually’ the way you would in English to correct or preempt a misapprehension, you could say in realtà (in reality), in effetti (in effect) or per dire la verità (to tell the truth).

In realtà è stata una proposta di Chiara.
Actually it was Chiara’s suggestion.

If you want to use actually to mean ‘for real’ you can say per davvero.

Non intendevo ferirti per davvero!
I didn’t mean to actually hurt you!


Pretendere actually has quite a few meanings in Italian – none of which, unfortunately, are to pretend.

Instead it can mean any of to claim, to demand or insist, to presume or expect, or to aspire.

Pretende di essere la legittima proprietaria.
She claims to be the rightful owner.

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Cosa pretendi da noi?
What do you expect from us?

Pretende rispetto ma non merita rispetto.
He demands respect but doesn’t deserve respect.

If you want to say pretend, you want either fingere or fare finta – to fake.

Davanti a me fa finta che tutto vada bene.
In front of me she pretends everything’s fine.


Finally, we have this little false friend. If someone describes you as baldo/a when you have a full head of hair, don’t be confused – it doesn’t mean bald, but bold or hardy.

Dwayne Johnson frequently plays characters who are baldo, but his lack of hair is incidental – the word could just as well be applied to someone as hirsute as Jason Momoa, provided they show some pluck.

Bald Is Beautiful Cory Booker GIF by Election 2020

If you want to say someone is bald in Italian, that word is calvo.

Translation fails that go the other way

That covers our top 10 Italian language fails by native anglophones, but it’s not just English speakers that mess up when attempting Italian – sometimes it works in reverse.

As a bonus, here are a few common Italian-to-English mistakes.

Have the possibility

Both opportunità and possibilità can mean opportunity in Italian, so you’ll sometimes hear Italians say they “had the possibility” to do something when they mean they “got the opportunity” (to study abroad, to work in an industry, etc). It’s not so wrong you can’t decipher the meaning, but it sounds a little off.


An Italian friend for years regularly used ‘fastidious’ when they meant ‘annoying’ (which is what fastidioso means in Italian) and I’d correct them every time they did so, which they probably found both annoying and fastidious.

Fastidious in English of course means pernickety, focused on accuracy and detail. The fact that it’s not very widely used in English has probably saved anglophones from making the mistake in the other direction.

Make a photo

In Italian you don’t prendere (take) but fare (make) a photo, so it’s an easy mistake for Italians to make when translating the phrase into English. After a few years of speaking Italian you might even find yourself slipping into the habit as a native English speaker.

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Pullman, box, fiction, stage

Then there’s those ostensibly ‘English’ words that have found their way into modern Italian but are either meaningless or mean something totally different in English.

Among them are ‘pullman’, for coach (this has its origins in the Pullman Company, which manufactured American train carriages); ‘box’, for garage; a ‘fiction’ for a TV drama; and ‘stage’, pronounced the English way, to mean internship.

READ ALSO: Ten English words that make you sound cool in Italian

It’s a bit like how a ‘panini’ in English has come to mean a specific type of flattened toasted filled mini-baguette, whereas in Italian panini is plural for any type of sandwich (and in the singular is a panino).

So there you go – whether you’re a English speaker learning Italian or vice versa, dodge these pitfalls and you’ll be well on your way to communicating without putting your foot in your mouth (fare una gaffe).

Are you working on your language skills? See more in The Local’s Italian language section.

Member comments

  1. Two more words which regularly cause confusion : Controllo, which means “check” but is often translated as “control”, and “eventualmente” which does not mean eventually in English and which I still struggle to use correctly.

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UPDATED: Some of the best podcasts for learners of Italian

Listening to podcasts is a great way to immerse yourself in a new language. For everyone from beginners to advanced learners, here's a list of audio shows that will help improve your Italian.

UPDATED: Some of the best podcasts for learners of Italian

After we published a list of top 10 podcast recommendations for Italian language students, several readers got in touch with their own suggestions.

Below you can find our updated list of the best podcasts to listen to when learning Italian, featuring additional reader recommendations. Enjoy!

For beginners to intermediate learners:

In 2022, there’s a vast range of podcasts for people wanting to learn Italian from scratch – here we’ve selected just a few.

Since beginners will often struggle to understand even slow Italian, almost all these podcasts come with a paid subscription tier that provides access to transcripts and other accompanying materials.

That said, you don’t need to pay anything to simply listen to most of these shows. Give them a try, and see what you can pick up for free.

Coffee Break Italian

The creators of this show are on to a winning format: stop native speakers of a language in the street to ask them questions on a given theme; slowly repeat their answers and translate them into English; replay the interviews so the listener can fill in the gaps they missed the first time around.

It’s a simple but highly effective technique, allowing learners to acquaint themselves with the language as spoken by real Italians while giving them the tools they need to extract meaning from strong accents and colloquial turns of phrase.

News in Slow Italian

This podcast does exactly as advertised: gives you the week’s major international news in a (very) slow Italian.

READ ALSO: Ten of the best TV shows and films to help you learn Italian

It’s good for keeping up with current events as well as learning the language. One particularly useful function of the paid tier is that it allows you to hover over certain phrases in the transcript and see the English translation.

Easy Italian News

Can’t get enough of people slowly reading the news to you in Italian? You’re in luck, because Easy Italian News is another resource that does just this.

Unlike News in Slow Italian, Easy Italian News purports to be entirely free and donation-based, so you have access to the entire transcript as you listen. New episodes every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Italiano Automatico

Alberto Arrighini has taken his highly popular Youtube channel, Impara l’Italiano con Italiano Automatico, and made each episode available to listen to via the Italiano Automatico podcast.

While those who opt to listen via the podcast will miss out on the captions and slides Arrighini provides in his Youtube videos, it’s ideal for busy listeners who want to learn on the go. 

Each episode is roughly 10 minutes long and tackles different aspects of Italian such as regional accents, conjunctions, and answers to questions like when to use essere vs stare.

Which podcasts can help you learn Italian?

Which podcasts can help you learn Italian? Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash.

Quattro Stagioni

This bite-sized podcast from Alessandra Pasqui takes the form of five-minute long episodes covering everything from recipes to travel diaries from Italian cities to biographies of famous Italians.

The programme’s short length makes it perfect listening for walks to the shops or when waiting in line at the post office.

Simple Italian

Simone Pols hosts this programme for intermediate Italian speakers. It’s another basic set up: Pols takes as his starting point a theme or a recent experience and spends around 20 minutes taking about it in slowed-down Italian.

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Recent episodes including his musings on include why it’s important to say no, the definition of beauty, and what he learned from spending six weeks in Palermo.


In Italianglot, Carmine Albanese, a Neapolitan Italian who is also a polyglot fluent in English, French, Spanish and Modern Greek, educates listeners about all aspects of Italian history and culture in his native language. We note that Italianglot promises to help you learn Italian with “minimal effort”, which sounds good to us.

The reader who wrote in to recommend this show says it’s particularly suitable for intermediate learners, but it’s worth noting that it also goes all the way up to C1/C2 level for those with more advanced Italian.

L’italiano vero

L’italiano vero, or ‘True Italian’ boasts of being “the first Italian-learning podcast that speaks to you like a real Italian”, with hosts Cubo and Paolo teaching practical Italian phrases to use in real-life situations like going shopping or having a coffee.

The person who wrote in to champion this show says “I like their senses of humour, and at the same time seriousness about teaching aspects of Italian and Italian life.”

Added extras like episode transcripts require a Patreon subscription, but with their lowest tier starting at €1 a month, you may well find it’s worth the expense.

Italiano con Amore

This podcast comes highly recommended by one reader, who says of host Eleanora Silanis, “She’s delightful and always has interesting subjects. Her diction and her accent are perfect and she speaks just slowly enough to catch every word but not so slowly that it’s tedious.”

The basic podcast is available online for free, and in addition three course levels are offered: ‘Classico’, ‘Plus +’, and ‘Portofino’. This one’s a bit more pricey than the others, but comes with a range of benefits including a workbook and live lessons for higher-tier subscribers.

For advanced learners: 

These podcasts were made for native Italian speakers, but you don’t need to be one yourself to enjoy them.

Practically non-existent until just a few years ago, the Italian podcasting industry has flourished in recent years. Whether you’re into true crime, long-form narrative journalism or science, these days there’s something for everyone.

Here are just a few well-known Italian podcasts for advanced speakers wondering where to start.


This 2017 podcast is often referred to as ‘Italy’s Serial’, both for its in-depth investigative journalism and the fact that it’s credited with introducing large swathes of the population to the concept of podcasts altogether.

The story centres around a Satanic Panic that gripped the Bassa Modenese territory in the late 1990’s, leaving huge destruction and grief in its wake.

READ ALSO: The top five free smartphone apps for learning Italian

It’s an impressive piece of longform narrative journalism that makes for uncomfortable listening in some parts and will make you burn with righteous indignation in others.

Radiografia Nera

The Radio Popolare news station didn’t exist before 1976: but what if it had? 

That’s the starting point for this podcast from Tommaso Bertelli e Matteo Liuzzi, who in each episode recount a different crime that took place in post-war Milan up until the year the station was founded, sourcing most of their facts from archived court documents and police reports.

You’ll hear plenty of stories about bank robberies and stick-up jobs, but also learn of broader historical crimes such as attempted coups.

The hosts have a rapid-fire style of delivery, so Italian learners may want to slow the podcast down or go back and listen more than once to fully grasp the whole story – but it’s good practice if you want to challenge yourself.

XXX. Photo by Siddharth Bhogra on Unsplash.


L’Internazionale‘s Annalisa Camilli has won awards for her in-depth reporting on migration to Italy, but there’s one story from her past that she always kept at arm’s length – until now.

In Limoni, which was released to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the G8 protests in Genoa, Camilli looks back at what happened at the 2001 event in which hundreds of protestors were injured and over forty unarmed people were set upon and tortured by police as they prepared to go to bed.

Camilli, who attended the protests as a young person, examines the events in light of information that has come out in the years since, bringing a new clarity to what happened and why things went so badly wrong.

Il gorilla ce l’ha piccolo

Despite its irreverent name (which translates roughly as ‘Gorillas have small d**ks’), this animal-focused podcast contains a genuine treasure trove of information about the animal kingdom.

Presented by the biologist Vincenzo Venuto, each episode takes a broad relational theme, such as families or cheating, and examines how these things play out among various animal species. In looking at how animals handle aspects of sex, birth, ageing, death and grief, Venuto gives us a greater insight into our own species.


From Jonathan Zenti, creator of the excellent (sadly only three-episode-long) English language podcast Meat, comes Problemi. In each episode Zenti talks about something he has a problem with, helped along by interjections from one of his own voice-altered alter egos.

In other hands, this might sound like a relatively dull basis for a podcast, but not in these ones. Zenti’s persona as a host is prickly and impious, but equally capable of deep compassion. His lack of interest in self-censorship and sometimes uncomfortably frank disclosures can make this mostly humorous show surprisingly painful at certain moments. It’s one of the few I’ll sometimes return to.

Demoni Urbani

Another true crime podcast here for fans of the genre. Hosted by actor Francesco Migliaccio but authored and produced by an entire creative team, Demoni Urbani (‘Urban Demons’) aims to peel back the surface to reveal the ‘heart of darkness’ beating away in various Italian metropolises.

While the first series focused solely on Italy, later episodes have gone international, narrating the stories of crimes committed as far away as Japan and the former Soviet Union. The reader who wrote to endorse this podcast recommended it for its “great true crime stories. Excellently told.”

Do you have any recommendations for an Italian podcast we haven’t mentioned here? If so, please email us with your suggestion.