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Residence permits: How EU and EFTA citizens can live, work and stay in Switzerland

For European Union and EFTA citizens, living and working in Switzerland is much easier. Here's what you need to know.

The city of Zurich, with Lake Zurich in the foreground, on a beautiful day. Zurich is a popular destination for foreign workers. Photo by Volodymyr on Unsplash
The city of Zurich, with Lake Zurich in the foreground, on a beautiful day. Zurich is a popular destination for foreign workers. Photo by Volodymyr on Unsplash

A small country with a strong economy, Switzerland is heavily reliant on its foreign workers. 

Approximately 25 percent of the country’s population is foreign, with the figure in some cantons as high as 50 percent. 

Switzerland has a dual system for allowing foreign workers in to the country: European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) nationals are in one group and people from all other countries (third-country nationals) in a second group.

This means that citizens of the 27 countries currently in the European Union – along with the three EFA states other than Switzerland (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) – have preferential access when it comes to living and working in Switzerland. 

While it is not as simple as just moving to Switzerland like you would in your own country, it remains much easier than if you come from a so-called ‘third country’. If you come from a country outside the EU/EFTA states, click the following link for more information. 

READ MORE: An essential guide to Swiss work permits

Here’s what you need to know. 

EU and EFTA nationals

Nationals from EU and EFTA countries are able to live and work in Switzerland under the terms of the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons (AFMP).

People from these countries only require a residence permit, which also doubles as a work permit. These permits are not tied to a single canton, but you need to inform the authorities if you change your address. You can also change jobs or take up self-employment.

Note that you will only generally be granted a residence permit if you have a signed work contract detailing the number of hours to be worked and the duration of the position.

A red train carves its way though the Swiss mountains on a snowy day.

The scenic route. This is the way at least some people get to work in Switzerland. Photo by Johannes Hofmann on Unsplash

However, people from EU and EFTA countries who are not economically active, such as retirees and students, may be entitled to a residence permit if they can prove they have sufficient funds to support themselves and that they have health insurance. There is more information here.

If you are an EU or EFTA national, you can also come to Switzerland and look for work for a period of up to three months without needing to obtain a permit. If your job hunt lasts longer than three months and you have sufficient funds, you can apply for a temporary residence permit that will allow you to continue looking for a further three months.

This can be extended for up to a year if there is sufficient evidence that your job hunt could be successful.

Here are the main types of residence permits for EU/EFTA nationals in Switzerland

L EU/EFTA permit (short-term residents)

This permit is usually given to EU and EFTA who are going to be resident in Switzerland for a period of up to a year.

According to the State Secretariat for Migration, EU and EFTA nationals are entitled to this permit provided they are in possession of an employment contract valid from three up to twelve months. 

Reader question: Does owning a second home in Switzerland give me the right to live there?

B EU/ETFA permit (resident foreign nationals)

This permit is issued to foreigners with a work contract of at least 12 months, or of unlimited duration. This permit can be extended after the five years is up. However, if the applicant has been out of work for more than 12 consecutive months in the previous five-year period, the permit will only be extended for one year.

EU and EFTA nationals who don’t have work, or who plan to work on a self-employed basis, can also be granted a B permit if they can prove they have enough money to be self-sufficient and that they have adequate health and accident insurance.

C EU/FTA permit (settled foreign nationals)

After five or ten years’ residence, some EU and EFTA nationals can obtain permanent residence status by being granted a C permit.

G EU/EFTA permit

This permit is designed for cross-border commuters who work in Switzerland (either employed by a firm or self-employed) but who live elsewhere. Holders of this permit can work anywhere in Switzerland but must return to their place of residence outside Switzerland at least once a week.

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What are the laws in Switzerland if you have a fireplace in your home?

A number of homes and apartments in Switzerland have a fireplace, which is a nice feature, but it does come with certain legal responsibilities.

What are the laws in Switzerland if you have a fireplace in your home?

There is nothing cosier in cold weather than a wood-burning fireplace.

In fact, during the winter of 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine, sparking massive energy crisis and, consequently, higher heating costs, fireplaces were used more frequently as a source of heat — that is, until the price of wood pellets skyrocketed as well

But whether used for heat or general ambience, Switzerland has strict rules concerning the cleaning and maintenance of fireplaces.  And all of them involve the black-clad figure of a chimney sweep.

Here is what you should know

Called kaminfeger in German, ramoneur in French, and spazzacamino in Italian, you can’t avoid the presence of a chimney sweep if there is an active fireplace in your home.

Nothing is cosier than a fireplace in a home. Photo: Pixabay

Whether or not he (or she) really brings good luck is debatable; what is certain, however, is that if one shows up at your doorstep carrying various  rods, brushes, and vaccums, you have to let them in.

That’s because anyone who has a fireplace in their home (or a wood-burning stove, which is quite rare these days) must have it professionally cleaned periodically — usually once a year — by a chimney sweep who is officially recognised in your canton.

Usually, you will receive a note in your letter box letting you know the date and time when a chimney sweep will come to your home. If that particular date is not convenient, you can call or email the company to change the appointment.

You cannot, however, refuse to have the fireplace cleaned — not only because it is against the law, but also because you’d be putting your and your family’s health and safety at risk.

This is why:

Over time, an active fireplace gets clogged with built-up soot and dust, including a debris called creosote, which is not only toxic but highly flammable as well.

It is important to remove these materials so they don’t cause any damage.

That’s the most common scenario, but some people were surprised (and not pleasantly) to see parts of dead birds and other animals stuck in their chimneys, which were discovered during the cleaning process.

So having your chimneys and fireplaces cleaned once a year (or whatever frequency your canton requires) is a good thing; refusing to do so can result in a fine, the amount of which will be determined by your municipality.

What happens when a chimney sweep comes to your home?

If you are concerned that your house will be dirtied during the process, don’t be.

Chimney sweeps come equipped with protective sheets which they spread on your floors around the fireplace, and they will vacuum up any residues afterwards.

They will begin from the flue — a duct through which smoke leaves your fireplace —  and work their way up, ending up by the chimney on the roof.

How much does the ‘sweep’ cost and who pays for it?

The price is determined by the canton, and usually costs several hundred francs for a standard clean-up.

If unforeseen problems are discovered during the process, the chimney sweep will let you know the additional cost. Always get it in writing though, never just verbally.

As to who pays for this service, if you own your dwellings, then you will have to pay. If you are a tenant, your landlord will, unless your rental agreement states otherwise.