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How long will Italy keep the Covid green pass requirement in place?

As France discusses when and how its health pass rules could be eased, Italy is preparing a major expansion of its requirements from Friday. How long is the Italian system likely to last?

Italy's green pass is already required for accessing venues including museums.
Italy's green pass is already required for access to many venues in Italy, and will be extended to all workplaces from Friday, October 15th. Photo: Andreas SOLARO/AFP

The EU-wide health pass was first introduced on July 1st this year to facilitate quarantine-free travel, and several countries including Italy and France have since extended their versions of the pass to domestic use, for example at leisure venues and on some forms of public transport.

Italy has now taken the requirements a step further than its neighbours, making its Covid health pass a requirement for all employees as well as customers at all public or private sector workplaces under rules coming in from Friday, October 15th.

READ ALSO: Italy’s vaccination campaign slows as ‘green pass effect’ fails to materialise

There have been protests across the country against the expansion, with some of the estimated 10,000 people attending an anti-vaccination and anti-green pass protest in Rome on Saturday saying the requirement will prevent them from going to work or could impact their businesses.

An estimated 4-5 million people of working age remain unvaccinated in Italy, according to government figures, and unless they’ve recently recovered from Covid their only other way of accessing the ‘green pass’ is via testing every 2-3 days at their own expense.

Protestors demonstrate against the green pass system in Rome. Photo: Andreas SOLARO/AFP

But the Italian government insists the measure is necessary in order to keep the infection rate down and boost vaccination coverage in the country, particularly as the uptake rate has slowed dramatically in recent weeks.

While Italy is toughening its green pass requirements, there’s talk of potentially easing the pass sanitaire (health pass) rules in.France – which has a higher rate of the population fully immunised (nearly 90 percent, compared to Italy’s 80 percent).

The French government has said this could happen as soon as November 15th, when the country’s current rules expire.

In Italy however,  the system is set to stay in place for at least a little longer than that.

The decree passed in September on the expansion of the green pass requirement to workplaces specifies that the rule is in force “from October 15, 2021 and until December 31, 2021, at the termination of the state of emergency”.

OPINION: Italy’s Covid health pass is a necessary step – but what’s next?

While it’s not impossible that the government could revoke measures earlier, this hasn’t happened with any of Italy’s other coronavirus-related restrictions so far.

Ministers have indicated that the system could be reviewed, at the earliest, by the beginning of next year.

Health Undersecretary Andrea Costa said in an interview on Rainews24 on Monday: “It’s reasonable to think that in the new year there may be a revision of the restrictions currently in place in our country, including the green pass.”

He stopped short of saying the system would be scrapped, but said it “may be reviewed and its application reduced”.

“We will not live with the green pass forever, it is temporary,” another junior health minister, Pierpaolo Sileri, told Italy’s Radio 24 last week.

He added that the length of time the system will stay in place “all depends on the circulation of the virus.”

“When you go from a pandemic to an endemic state, with minimal virus circulation, then the green pass will no longer be needed,” he said.

“I believe that 2022 will be the year of the turning point.”

Over 80 percent of the Italian population is now fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Photo: Marco BERTORELLO/AFP

However, it’s not yet known if Italy’s state of emergency – the set of rules which allows coronavirus containment measures to be introduced by government decree – will be extended beyond December 31st.

If the state of emergency is extended again beyond December 31st, it could also lead to an extension of the green pass obligation for all workers.

At the moment it’s not clear what the government plans to do, with any future changes or extensions of current rules or the state of emergency to depend on the development of the health situation throughout autumn and into winter.

EXPLAINED: How Italy will enforce the new ‘green pass’ rules in all workplaces

Sileri indicated that the green pass rules would be reviewed at around the same time as the state of emergency “if the data continue to be positive, if the numbers of hospitalised patients continue to fall, if the number of vaccinated continue to rise.”

Ministers and health experts have credited the green pass system with keeping Italy’s coronavirus infection and hospitalisation rates relatively low and stable since the system was expanded to domestic use in early August, and preventing the need for renewed business closures and travel restrictions like those seen in 2020 and early 2021.

Italy’s health ministry on Tuesday reported 2,494 new infections and 49 Covid deaths nationwide over the previous 24 hours.

Italy also had a rate of 77 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants over the past 14 days, according to ECDC data.

The same rate in France was 106 and in Germany 131.

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Italy’s schools warned to ‘avoid gatherings’ as Covid cases rise

As Italy’s new school year began, masks and hand sanitiser were distributed in schools and staff were asked to prevent gatherings to help stem an increase in Covid infections.

Italy’s schools warned to ‘avoid gatherings’ as Covid cases rise

Pupils returned to school in many parts of Italy on Monday and authorities said they were distributing masks and hand sanitiser amid a post-summer increase in the number of recorded cases of Covid–19.

“The advice coming from principals, teachers and janitors is to avoid gatherings of students, especially in these first days of school,” Mario Rusconi, head of Italy’s Principals’ Association, told Rai news on Monday.

He added that local authorities in many areas were distributing masks and hand sanitizer to schools who had requested them.

“The use of personal protective equipment is recommended for teachers and students who are vulnerable,” he said, confirming that “use is not mandatory.”

A previous requirement for students to wear masks in the classroom was scrapped at the beginning of the last academic year.

Walter Ricciardi, former president of the Higher Health Institute (ISS), told Italy’s La Stampa newspaper on Monday that the return to school brings the risk of increased Covid infections.

Ricciardi described the health ministry’s current guidelines for schools as “insufficient” and said they were “based on politics rather than scientific criteria.”


Recorded cases of Covid have increased in most Italian regions over the past three weeks, along with rates of hospitalisation and admittance to intensive care, as much of the country returns to school and work following the summer holidays.

Altogether, Italy recorded 21,309 new cases in the last week, an increase of 44 percent compared to the 14,863 seen the week before.

While the World Health Organisation said in May that Covid was no longer a “global health emergency,” and doctors say currently circulating strains of the virus in Italy are not a cause for alarm, there are concerns about the impact on elderly and clinically vulnerable people with Italy’s autumn Covid booster campaign yet to begin.

“We have new variants that we are monitoring but none seem more worrying than usual,” stated Fabrizio Maggi, director of the Virology and Biosafety Laboratories Unit of the Lazzaro Spallanzani Institute for Infectious Diseases in Rome

He said “vaccination coverage and hybrid immunity can only translate into a milder disease in young and healthy people,” but added that “vaccinating the elderly and vulnerable continues to be important.”

Updated vaccines protecting against both flu and Covid are expected to arrive in Italy at the beginning of October, and the vaccination campaign will begin at the end of October, Rai reported.

Amid the increase in new cases, Italy’s health ministry last week issued a circular mandating Covid testing on arrival at hospital for patients with symptoms.

Find more information about Italy’s current Covid-19 situation and vaccination campaign on the Italian health ministry’s website (available in English).