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Five essential words you need when applying for a job in Denmark

Finding a job as a foreigner in Denmark is a challenging task, especially if you are applying in Danish as a new speaker of the language.

A few context-specific words can go a long way towards effective communication on Danish job applications.
A few context-specific words can go a long way towards effective communication on Danish job applications. Photo by TheStandingDesk on Unsplash

While we can’t find your ideal job, we’d like to think the below vocabulary will come in handy during the process.

If there’s anything important you think we’ve missed in this guide, let us know.



Most job searches begin with an ansøgning, or application. You’re also likely to come across the compound word variant jobansøgning, job application.

You might find a jobopslag (job posting) which asks you to fill out an ansøgningsskema (application form), or perhaps you’ll try your luck by sending out uopfordret jobansøgninger (unsolicited job applications).


While a CV or resume is simply a CV in Danish, it’s worth knowing the typical titles for the various subheadings so you can be confident in (and look confident on) your application.

These include ansættelseshistorik (employment history), which can sometimes be prefaced with relevant if you only want to include selected or relevant past roles on your CV.

Other subheadings you might use include uddannelse (education), sprogfærdigheder (proficient languages) and øvrig erfaring og interesser (other experience and interests).

Referencer (referees) can also be listed, but it’s common for Danish CVs to state that these fås ved nærmere henvendelse, or are provided on request.

The letter of motivation (sometimes also called statement of purpose) commonly attached alongside a CV to job applications is sometimes just called the ansøgning (application, see above) and sometimes a motiveret ansøgning, which is perhaps a more faithful translation of ‘letter of motivation’.


Your fagforening or trade union may be able to help you when looking for work, should you, like around 70 percent of people on the Danish labour market, be a member of one. In some trades, almost all people working in the sector are members of the same trade union – for example, the vast majority of nurses are members of Denmark’s nurses’ union, Dansk Sygeplejeråd (DSR).

Should you be a member of a union, the wage and working conditions on which you are hired will be determined by the overenskomst or collective bargaining agreement between the union and employer representatives.

While you are searching for work, you A-kasse or unemployment insurance provider can help with resources and guidance related to writing an application and looking for relevant job postings.

READ ALSO: Should I sign up with a Danish union and get unemployment insurance? 


Meaning ‘position’, stilling is a good synonym for ‘job’ which can be used both on applications and during your interview. If you think you’d use ‘position’ or ‘role’ in reference to a job when speaking English, you can say ‘stilling’ in the equivalent sentence in Danish.

For example, you might write in your application that you håber at blive taget I betragtning til stillingen (hope to be considered for the position), or say in the interview that you feel you are meget velegnet til stillingen (very well suited to the role).


You may be asked at the interview which kompetencer (competencies or skills) you will bring to the role. Possibly, these will be specified as being faglige kompetencer (technical or professional skills). Likewise, you could find yourself explaining why you have the right erfaring (experience) for the job.

If you want to say you’re a ‘team player’, don’t worry about throwing the English term into the conversation – it’s a well-recognised loan expression in Danish.

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How you can attend dozens of networking and job events in Denmark this month

Danish authorities, businesses and organisations are coming together throughout September and early October to put on events throughout the country aimed at helping international newcomers settle and find jobs.

How you can attend dozens of networking and job events in Denmark this month

If you have recently moved to Denmark and have settled almost anywhere in the country, there’s likely to be a relevant job, networking or social event for internationals going on near you in the coming weeks.

The “Welcome September” initiative, promoted by the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) along with local and national authorities, encompasses social events as well as events about working life and Danish culture.

The programme, which is over a month long and includes dozens of events in cities and towns across each of the country’s five regions, also includes online webinars, so you can attend from your home if unable to find anything that piques your interest nearby.

More than 30 partners including municipalities, state authorities, business organisations, student organisations, business regions, and associations are taking part. 

The full programme can be viewed on the Agency for Digital Government’s Life in Denmark resource website.

Examples of the events include job search seminars, city walks, information sessions about the healthcare and childcare systems, family days, ‘meet a Dane’ events, job fairs, and job support talks – but this is far from an exhaustive list.

In a press release on its website, DI said the month-long focus on international residents was in response to Denmark’s growing foreign workforce and need to recruit more skilled labour from abroad.

“Denmark is competing with other countries for labour, but we are not doing well enough on parameters that relate to attracting and relating to international labour,” the organisation writes.

“The social life aspect and the challenge of getting a network outside of work drags Denmark down the ranking list. It’s hard for many internationals to settle here. Welcome September is about changing that,” Bente Toftkær of DI’s Global Talent department said in the statement.

Welcome September is part of the business development board Copenhagen Capacity’s national initiative Kompetencer til et grønt Danmark (“Skills for a Green Denmark”), which aims to attract and retain internationally qualified labour in Denmark.

“We want to ensure a good arrival and introduction to the local area and local networks everywhere in Denmark. This is crucial if international newcomers are to thrive and stay in Denmark and ultimately contribute to the Danish economy,” Copenhagen Capacity  COO Nikolaj Lubanski said.

Thousands of international residents of Denmark in total were expected to attend the events across the country, he added.