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‘Dagens’ lunch specials – an unexpected window into Swedish society

Becky Waterton, The Local’s Deputy Editor, writes a love letter to Sweden's dagens lunch tradition.

A woman helping herself to coffee at a lunch restaurant
A 'dagens' lunch often includes unlimited coffee, bread and butter, and a salad buffet. Photo: Henrik Witt/Scanpix

‘I’ll have a cheese and ham sandwich, al desko’

For many, lunch is quite a boring meal.

In the UK, my home country, office workers resign themselves to pre-packaged sandwiches from the local supermarket enjoyed (or tolerated, at least) at their desks, washed down with a packet of crisps and a bottle of Coca cola – a practice so widespread that it even has its own term – al desko, a play on the phrase al fresco, to eat outdoors (although Italians may take issue with that translation). 

Denmark, the country where I lived for two years before moving to Sweden, is very much a packed-lunch culture – although here the bread of choice is dark seedy rye bread rather than soft white, and sandwiches are famously open. If you’re lucky, your workplace has a subsidised canteen where you can typically choose from a lunch buffet of hot and cold food. Of course, the Danish tax service even has special rules on how these buffets are taxed.

The Swedish microwave obsession

Sweden, however, is different again.

I discovered this when my Swedish husband visited me at my old workplace in Denmark and disparaged our office kitchen for only having one microwave. His had five, shared between fewer people. This is because Swedes prefer to eat hot lunches, rather than cold, and most Swedes bring leftovers from dinner the night before, which they warm up at work. This, of course, carries its own unspoken etiquette. Is it okay to eat smelly food at work? Will your colleagues ever forgive you if you make the kitchen smell like fish for the rest of the day?

However, the most interesting aspect of the Swedish lunch culture, at least for me, is dagens, the daily lunch specials offered at many restaurants in Sweden, where you can get a main meal including bread, a salad bar, water, lingonberry squash, tea and coffee – and even a biscuit if you’re lucky.

I’ve even seen freshly baked apple cake offered with the dagens at a lunch restaurant in Malmö, which is a sure-fire way to pique my interest. You often collect your food, cutlery and drinks on a tray or bricka, so you might also hear the term bricklunch used to describe this type of meal.


Don’t get me wrong – other countries also have daily specials – but I’d never seen them hold such an important role in a country’s lunch culture before moving to Sweden.

Swedish lunch menus are published on a Monday and typically include two or three daily specials – usually one meat, one fish, which change each day. Some restaurants also have a vegetarian option which varies daily, others have the same vegetarian option all week.

Dagens is a popular choice for lots of Swedes – be it because they don’t work in an office (like tradesmen who travel between different jobs), because they don’t like eating leftovers or even just because it’s nice to go out and eat with your colleagues once in a while.

A top tip for eating out cheaply

The other benefit of a dagens, is that it’s an easy way to save a bit of money when eating out. Many restaurants with a pricey evening menu offer dagens at lunchtime for around 100-150 kronor, which is a steal when you factor in all the extras. Most of the more old-school restaurants also offer a lunchhäfte, a card where you can pay up-front for 10 lunches and get one free.

Every Monday my husband looks at all the lunch menus for our local restaurants, and we decide based on their offerings which day we’ll treat ourselves to eating out for lunch. What started as a luxury has slowly become a way for my husband to show me the kind of traditional Swedish food or husmanskost his farmor (paternal grandmother) used to make, the kind not usually found in Swedish restaurants.

Although I don’t eat meat, his lunch orders have taught me a lot about Swedish cuisine beyond meatballs, mash and gravy.

I’ve learned about Swedish dishes I’d never heard of such as rimmad oxbringa (salted beef brisket, boiled), Scanian kalops (a traditional beef stew from the south of Sweden), kålpudding (a meaty casserole topped with cabbage) and wallenbergare (a breadcrumbed ground veal patty served with clarified butter), meals rarely seen on evening menus.

My theory as to why dagens is so popular is that it is an opportunity for Swedes to eat traditional comfort food that takes hours to make – something no one has time to do any more on busy weeknights.

A socialist utopia?

You’ll also see a much wider range of Swedish society when eating a dagens than you might see at evening restaurants.

I often think of a dagens as embodying the socialist paradise people abroad envisage when talking about Sweden – you’re just as likely to see a suited businessman wearing AirPods sipping on a glass of lingonberry squash as a paint-splattered decorator still wearing their work clothes – at least in Malmö, where I live.

People of my husband’s mormor’s (maternal grandmother’s) generation rarely eat their evening meal in restaurants, as the cost was prohibitive for many years, but you are just as likely to spot them tucking in to a dagens as students on a break from lectures.

Eating a big lunch like this has also made me reassess my own lunch habits – previously, I saw lunch as being a quick break in my workday, often a cold meal such as a sandwich or a salad small enough so I’d still have an appetite for a large dinner in the evening.

Now, at least when I eat a dagens, I often eat more like the elderly Swedes at the care home where my husband used to work – lunch is the largest meal of the day, often substantial and hot, with enough carby boiled potatoes and dairy to keep you going for so long that you only need something light at dinner time.

But dagens isn’t just reserved for traditional Swedish meals consisting of meat with brown sauce and potatoes. Here in Malmö, our excellent vegetarian scene is host to more modern, “new Nordic”-style lunch restaurants serving a dagens based on local, seasonal produce.

These new interpretations of traditional Swedish classics such as ärtsoppa – yellow pea soup traditionally eaten on Thursdays – provide a dagens for foodies without straying too far from Swedish comfort food. Although, perhaps unsurprisingly, you’ll be disappointed if you go to any of these places expecting a free glass of lingonberry squash with your meal.

What do you think?

I hope you enjoyed getting to know me through the medium of food. What’s your home country’s food culture like, and how have you adapted to the one in Sweden? Feel free to comment below or get in touch with me at if you have any questions or comments – and who knows, maybe I’ll share my tips on Malmö’s best dagens if you ask nicely.

Member comments

  1. The food culture from my home country(Sri Lanka) is slightly similar to what is in Sweden. Specially the aspect of hot /warm meals. Almost all the meals tend to be warm/hot and we rarely have cold food. Although in restaurants, there is no dagens or daily special most of the time. They have their usual menu and the food is much more cheaper compared to Sweden. Some, more expensive restaurants might have a daily special. Although, not cheaper than the others on the menu.

  2. This is a great article, but now you’ve piqued my interest – what *is* the unspoken etiquette for work microwaves? An important topic as work-from-home winds down and some of us will be heading into a Swedish office for the first time!

  3. I love the dagens lunch culture here. I also go once a week, during my lunch break from Komvux.

    There’s a great selection of places in Gävle. My favourite is at the local Folkets hus (Central teatern), they do proper husmanskost with a salad buffet, drink, bread, main dish, coffee and biscuit for a great price. It’s a brilliant way to discover traditional Swedish food.

  4. Spot on Becky, I always go for dagens, in fact I recommend every time to my English friends and family when visiting or touring round to have dagens as your main eating out meal and have ‘lunch’ in the evening, that way you won’t need to take out a second mortgage to have a restaurant meal in Sweden 🙂

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Why August is an underrated month for summer holidays in Sweden

In her first week back at work after an unusually late summer holiday (by Swedish standards, at least), The Local's Becky Waterton wonders why Swedes seem to overlook August as a great summer month.

Why August is an underrated month for summer holidays in Sweden

Anyone who has spent the summer working in Sweden knows that the country grinds to a standstill after Midsummer when most people head out to their summer houses for three weeks (or more), returning in early August.

By the end of July, most Swedes are already back at work, lamenting the end of the summer as autumn approaches. At the start of August, I heard someone on the radio say that autumn was just around the corner. 

Maybe it’s due to my childhood spent in the UK, where school holidays usually don’t start until the end of July, but I couldn’t help but think that Swedes are overlooking one of the best summer months.

The weather is still great

Sure, the weather is usually good in July, too, but it’s not like temperatures drop to 15 degrees and the sun stops shining on August 1st (not every year, at least). In the last two years, at least down here in Skåne, the weather in August has been better than in July, with more sun and fewer rainy days.

Even if August is too hot or muggy for you, then surely you’d rather spend those stuffy, warm days lounging by the sea or a lake in a Swedish forest somewhere than sitting at your desk working?

There are fewer crowds

Another advantage of going on holiday when most of the country is already back at work is that any summer destinations or attractions are much quieter. In August, you can beat the crowds of schoolchildren and holidaying Swedes, which is much less stressful.

Of course, you might be joined by tourists from other countries where holidays in August are more common, whether that’s Brits travelling during their school holidays, or people from southern European countries like Italy or Spain coming to Sweden for a “coolcation” to escape the heat back home. 


Even something as simple as a beach day or a day trip to a local castle or natural beauty spot can be much more enjoyable in August than in July, if you’re not a fan of big crowds.

One very specific advantage in taking August off for people living in Malmö where I live is that you can enjoy Malmöfestivalen – a music and food festival which takes over the city for a week – during the day, avoiding the crowds in the evening.

Flights are cheaper

Making the most of the quieter months also extends to going on holiday. If you’re lucky enough to be able to travel outside of the school holidays, you can save a lot of money by travelling in August instead of in July, and the airport will probably be emptier than usual too. 

This applies to train tickets, too. The summer rush (and some of the summer maintenance) is over, so it’s a good time to plan a day trip or Swedish getaway – although it’s probably a good idea to avoid the rush hour commuters.

You’re more likely to get the summer weeks you want

Although you’re always entitled to at least three consecutive weeks of holiday in the summer months, that doesn’t mean you’ll definitely get the exact three weeks of holiday in mid-July that you ask for, as everyone else probably wants those weeks too.

If you want time off in August, though, your boss will probably approve it happily, knowing that you’ll be able to cover for everyone else during those quiet weeks in July when everyone else is off at their summer house.

It makes your summer feel longer

If you choose to work through July and take August off, things aren’t exactly busy before you go on holiday. You probably won’t be able to get anything done that requires collaboration with anyone else, and you’ll most likely see your workload diminish.

That doesn’t mean you should start slacking off, but it does mean that the pace will naturally be slower than usual and things will be less stressful. And there’s nothing to stop you from heading to the beach, enjoying your daily fika coffee break in the sun outside, or meeting up with friends after work.


By the time your colleagues are all returning from their holidays, you’re only just heading off on yours, which can make it feel like you’ve somehow hacked the system to get even more time off work during the summer to decompress.

Most of the shops and lunch restaurants are open again

During July, shops and restaurants in the city centre often close as staff take a break over the summer. If you’re on holiday in July, you can’t make the most of a cheaper midweek “dagens lunch” deal, as these often cater to office workers.


In August, however, the workers are back and the restaurants are open again – and you can eat your cheap lunch while smugly remembering that you don’t need to rush back to the office once you’ve finished your meal.