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How Germany has made it easier to cancel broadband and phone contracts

Automatically extending contracts have been the bane of people's existence in Germany for many years - and have often led to customers being locked in for years if they don't cancel in time. All of that changes on December 1st. Here's what you need to know.

A woman sends a message on her mobile phone
A woman sends a message on her mobile phone. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn | Christin Klose

What’s going on?

On December 1st, new amendments to the Telecommunications Act came into force in Germany. The updates bring with them wide-ranging changes to consumer rights laws for people who’ve signed – or will sign – new mobile, landline and internet contracts.

The headline change relates to the amount of time contracts are allowed to run for after they renew. If a customer signs up to a 24-month mobile contract and doesn’t cancel before it renews, telecommunications companies will no longer be allowed to sign that customer up for another one or two years without their permission.

Instead, people who don’t cancel in time will be put onto a one-month rolling contract that essentially allows them to terminate at any point with just one month’s notice.

It’s an end to a tax on the disorganised that has seen people stuck paying for contracts they no longer want or need for up to 24 months longer – often at higher prices than they agreed when they first signed the contract.

Does that mean all contracts will be rolling contracts?

Not exactly. As before, most new contracts will run for a minimum 24-month term – so expect to be locked in for at least this long, unless you specifically look for a more flexible contract. 

The change affects what happens after this initial term is up, meaning if you do sign up for a yearly contract, one year won’t automatically turn into two if you don’t remember to cancel it in time. 

READ ALSO: Everything that changes in Germany in December 2021

What else is new?

Alongside the key changes to contract durations, there are also changes to the way in which contracts are agreed and tougher standards for internet providers.

In future, if you agree a contract over the phone, you have to receive a summary of the terms of the contract and confirm it in writing before the agreement is legally valid. 

This summary must include the service provider’s contact details, a description of agreed services, details of any activation fees, the duration of the contract and any conditions for renewal and termination. Without written approval, the contract has no legal standing and the provider has no claims against the customer – even if they switched to the new services immediately after the telephone call.

A young man on the phone in Hannover
A young man takes a phone call on a tram in Hannover. Under the new changes, contracts agreed over the phone will not be valid until they are confirmed in writing. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Hauke-Christian Dittrich

If a provider makes a change to a contract after it’s up and running, customers now have the right to terminate without notice.

In future, providers must inform customers if there are more favourable offers available and a change to a new contract would be possible.  This must happen once a year, and once again, providers aren’t allowed to do this solely over the phone. 

For broadband customers, there’s more good news: internet providers will in future face issues if they don’t provide the bandwidth stated in the contract. 

That means that if your internet is slower than promised, you should have the right to pay a reduced price or terminate the contract. 

READ ALSO: Moving house in Germany: 7 things you need to know about setting up utility contracts

I signed a new contract a while ago. Do the new rules still apply? 

Yes, they do. Regardless of when you signed your new contract, the amendments to the Telecommunications Act will apply. 

That means that once your initial contract period is up, you should be able to cancel freely and only pay for the month’s notice. You should also be informed of any changes to your contract or better offers and be eligible for compensation if your internet goes below the promised bandwidth. 

If you’ve already been locked in to a 12- or 24-month contract through an auto-renewal, the situation is a bit less clear – but it may be worth contacting your provider and asking them if the terms of your contract have changed in light of the new law. 

READ ALSO: Has it just got easier to end credit agreements in Germany?

What are people saying?

The Telecommunications and Value-Added Services Association, which represents the industry, said it was important than the initial 24-month contracts were allowed to continue. The subsequent new notice periods are a good compromise, VATM Managing Director Jürgen Grützner told Tagesschau

“On the one hand, this means better financial forecasting for expanding providers’ networks and, on the other hand, the best of both worlds for consumers,” he added. 

Campaign for faster internet
“We need fast internet!” is scrawled in huge letters across a street in Weetzen, Lower Saxony. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Ole Spata

However, Grützner believes the new rules on bandwidth could cause difficulties for providers who struggle to offer the same quality of internet across all regions. 

Meanwhile, consumer rights advocates have welcomed the improvements to contract law. 

In particular, the Federal Consumer Advice Centre “expects competition to improve as a result of the new regulation, including the price-performance ratio,” Susanne Blohm from the organisation’s Digital and Media Division told Tagesschau.

In an initial sign of the regulation’s positive impact, the provider Telefonica has announced that it will abolish surcharges for contracts that don’t have a minimum cancellation period. 


amendments – (die) Novelle

bandwidth – (die) Bandbreite 

minimum contract term – (die) Mindestlaufzeit 

provider – (der) Anbieter

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Going to a Danish music festival? Beware of fake online tickets

Scams involving event tickets are not uncommon during Denmark’s summer music festival season, the country’s digital authority has warned.

Going to a Danish music festival? Beware of fake online tickets

Denmark’s Agency for Digital Government (Digitaliseringsstyrelsen) has urged anyone hoping to pick up a festival ticket at short notice to “be critical” when purchasing passes online.

In a press release, the agency outlined what it calls “simple advice” to help consumers avoid losing money on shady festival tickets.

The NorthSide festival in Aarhus kickstarts Denmark’s summer festival season on 6th-8th June, followed shortly afterwards by the Heartland festival at Egeskov on the island of Funen, both from June 13th to June 14th.

For lovers of hard rock and metal the Copenhell festival from June 19th to June 22nd is not to be missed.

Then, for the weekend of June 27th-29th, the festivities move back across the Great Belt Bridge for the Tinderbox Festival in Odense on Funen.

The month of music then culminates with Denmark’s oldest and largest music festival, Roskilde, between June 29th and July 6th, although arguably all the biggest days are in July. 

Several of these festivals have already sold out of either one-day tickets or “partout” tickets that provide passes to the entire event.


That means tickets are now being sought on social media and other resale platforms, the digital agency writes.

“We’ve collected some good pieces of advice that will help members of the public to spot ticket sharks and prevent a good summer with friends and music from becoming a disappointing summer when scammers make off with your money and good mood,” Agency for Digital Government deputy director Lars Bønløkke Lé said in the statement.

“Scammers don’t go on holiday and festival ticket sales are also an opportunity they try to capitalise on,” he said.

Four specific actions can greatly reduce the risk of getting scammed according to the agency.

These are:

  • Purchase tickets from official vendors only. Use their waiting lists if the tickets are sold out.
  • Be cautious about any offers you receive if you request a particular ticket in a social media post or ad, as these can attract scams.
  • A ticket set at a price far cheaper than can be found anywhere else is a sign of a possible scam.
  • If using Danish payment app MobilePay, you can check that the seller’s name appears on the payee MobilePay account before confirming your payment. You can then check that this name matches the name of the person or organisation from which you have agreed to buy the ticket. A discrepancy should raise a red flag. Similarly, if the seller unexpectedly asks you to send the money to an account other than their own, they are likely to be attempting a scam.