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10 things to do before moving to France

If you are thinking - or even just daydreaming - about moving to France it can be hard to know where to start in your preparations. Here's our checklist for the essential things to do before the move.

10 things to do before moving to France
Read our checklist before signing on the dotted line. Photo by FRED TANNEAU / AFP

Many people dream of moving to France. It is a country steeped in culture and beautiful natural landscapes. It also has a remarkable work-life balance and social safety net. 

But before making the move, there are a number of things you need to do. 

Check residency rights

Firstly you need to make sure your stay will be legal. If you plan to stay in France for a period of more than 90 days and do not have citizenship of an EU or Schengen zone country, you will likely need a visa. 

Staying in France or another EU for a period of more than 90 days could land you in legal trouble. Bear in mind that without official residency status, you may struggle to open bank account, rent or buy a property and register for social security. 

We have written extensive guides of obtaining visas to stay in France. The process varies a little depending on your nationality and motive for coming to France. 

Decide where you want to live

Where you decide to move is a matter of personal choice. If you have cash and enjoy the hustle and bustle of a capital city, Paris is the obvious choice. 

If you would rather be living in an area with lots of English speakers but also want to enjoy the countryside and warmer weather, you may be best off moving to a region like Nouvelle-Aquitaine (southwest), Occitanie (south) or the Provence-Alpes-Côte-D’Azur (southeast). 

If you really want to get away from it all, France’s sparsely populated but stunningly beautiful central region is the place for you.

Ultimately, France is an incredibly varied country with cities, forests, mountains, beaches and lakes. You will be able to find the place which is right for you – but it will take some research. 

Find somewhere to rent or buy

Once you have zoned in on a geographical area, the next step is finding somewhere to actually live – unless you plan on sleeping in the street. 

Finding somewhere to buy can be a long process wherever you are, but the French system has some traps for the unwary. 

Fortunately, we have written extensively on the topic of house buying in France and have a wide range of articles to help you through the process including the following:

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Initially, you may be best-off renting, even if this too can be complicated. You will typically need as many of the following as possible: a French guarantor, evidence of your income, a French bank account, an employment contract, your most recent tax return, and receipts of payments made to your previous landlord. 

Whether renting or buying, there are plenty of relocation agencies which, for a fee, will help you find your dream place and sort out all the necessary paperwork. 

Get your banking situation sorted  

To open a French bank account, you normally need the following:

  • proof of your right to residency
  • proof of address in France
  • proof of income
  • proof of your identity

It can be difficult to buy or rent without a French bank account. But it can be difficult to set up a French bank account without a fixed address in France, and if you are a US citizen there are some extra challenges

A handy option for Brits or Americans for the moving period is an internet bank account with a company such as Wise or Revolut which will allow you to set up an account in both euros and dollars/pounds. These accounts also give you an EU IBAN (bank number) as well as an account number/sort code for your home country, so you can use them for transactions in both countries. 

Once you have gained residency status, if you are unable to open a bank account, you can make a request to Banque de France (the French central bank) to force a high-street bank to open an account for you under a clause known as the Droit au compte. You can make such a demand here. The downside is that it might not be the bank you would choose. But at least you’ll have an account.

It is worth checking that the bank in your home country allows free or low cost money transfers to an EU/French-based account. If it doesn’t you may want to consider changing bank. 

Prepare important documents 

France is not known for its smooth administrative processes (although it’s definitely getting easier as more things move online).

Before you arrive, it is worth making sure you have a good number of recent ID photos, photocopies of your identity documents, a copy of your full birth certificate (the French are weirdly obsessed with these), proof of health insurance and a copy of your most recent tax return. 

Check your driving license 

If you plan on living in the countryside, you are probably going to need a car. To do this, you will of course need a driving license. 

If you already hold a driving license, issued in a country other than France or another EU/EEA nation, you will likely need to swap it for a French one. 

The procedure for doing this depends on where your original license was issued.

If you were issued with a British driving license before January 1st 2021, you don’t need to swap it for a French one just yet. Those whose licence was issued after January 1st, 2021 will need to exchange it for a French one within one year of moving to France. 

People moving to France from a non-EU/EEA nation or the UK may even need to re-sit a driving test in France to be able to legally drive here. We have put together a guide on this subject below:

READ MORE How hard is it to swap your driving licence for a French one?

Ensure you have health coverage

Getting sick in a foreign country without health insurance can be costly and dangerous. 

Fortunately, France has an amazing public healthcare system, but it can take some time to register to use it (you must have been resident in France for at least three months before applying for a Carte Vitale). 

Once registered, it may also be worth taking out a private health insurance policy, known as a mutuelle

Many people, including people certain groups coming from the United States, will only be granted visas if they have private health insurance coverage. You can cancel this coverage once you are enrolled in the French social security system.

Americans in France: What’s the deal with health insurance? 

Network with other foreign nationals 

One of the benefits of being alive in the 21st century is the wealth of information available at our fingertips online. 

Not only are websites like The Local full of practical tips to make your move to France easier, but there are also a plethora of social media communities full of foreign residents and locals happy to share advice. 

The Local also has its own Facebook group – Living in France – that is full of nice people swapping helpful information. You can find dozens more such groups online, run and moderated independently. 

Real people in these online communities will be able to give you guidance on everything: from schools, to healthcare options, to fun days out and where to buy firewood. 

Have a French CV ready 

Many people come to France and hope their English CV will be enough to get them a job. While this might be true in an Irish/English pub or at an English teaching academy, it will not be the case for most companies, even if the HR department is fully bilingual.

French CVs typically follow a slightly different model to those used in English speaking countries. 

You will generally need to include a headshot of yourself, a brief ‘bio’, an address and your date of birth, along with the usual professional experience and educational details. 

READ MORE How to write the perfect CV for getting a job in France

Depending on your profession, you may also need to check whether your qualifications will be recognised in France – not all diplomas or professional qualifications gained outside the EU will be accepted in France, so this may affect jobs you can apply for.

Have a stab at learning French 

While you might be able to get by in some areas without speaking French, it is is seen as polite to at least have a go at the language. Having a working knowledge of French will also help you with various bureaucratic tasks and when it comes to understanding the culture – and you’ll find it much easier to make friends and feel settled in the country.

READ MORE How easy is it to move to France if you don’t speak French

Before coming to France, you could try taking French classes or using a language learning app such as Duolingo or Babbel. 

If you are just getting started, it is worth listening to Le Journal en français facile – a daily news programme available online from Radio France Internationale, broadcast in slow, easy-to-understand French. 

For those of you with a Netflix subscription, you can also try watching French language shows and films on there. 

READ MORE Five Netflix series that will teach you French as the locals speak it

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Campaign launched against second homes in France

Faced with increasing difficulty in finding housing, locals in one area of France have launched a campaign to limit the number of second homes in the region.

Campaign launched against second homes in France

Overall, one in 10 properties in France is used as a second home, with the vast majority having French owners. But the situation in areas that have a particularly high number of second homes has led to locals feeling shut out of the market.

France has so far largely escaped the ‘anti tourist’ protests seen in countries including Spain, but the high number of second homes is a regular source of tension.

The most recent campaign is in Brittany, where a petition has been launched to close down a popular website (, launched in 2021 by the Caisse d’épargne Bretagne – Pays de la Loire) advertising second homes.

The petition accused the website of encouraging people to purchase second homes while Brittany residents are unable to find affordable housing. 

The left-wing political group, Union démocratique brétonne (UDB), launched the petition, writing that “Brittany does not lack housing. The truth is that hundreds of thousands of homes are empty nine months out of 12.”

Tifenn Siret, the spokesperson for UDP explained the petition to BFMTV. She said: “We are looking at an aggressive promotion [of second homes].

“The moment this website went up in 2021, there was a campaign to promote the site in newspapers and the media. We have several ‘housing shortage zones’ where people who work cannot live there.”

Another Brittany resident, Pauline from Finistère, told the French TV channel: “We are struggling to be able to buy homes in the area where we work.”

In response, Caisse d’épargne Bretagne – Pays de la Loire told BFMTV that “Out of 12,000 real estate projects in 2023, only 200 were for second homes, or 1.6 percent.

“We are not the ones creating the market, it’s the buyers who decide. Our role is to be facilitators, to support people.”

Other pushback against second homes

In recent months, second homes – notably those with their shutters closed (volets fermés) – have been targeted with graffiti and posters, BFMTV reported.

In July, a home in Trégunc (in the Finistère département) was sprayed with graffiti bearing the words “Besoin primaire, résidence secondaire” (Primary needs, secondary residence).

In March 2024, a car belonging to second homeowners in Névez (also in Finistère) was set on fire.

Some of these actions, including the burning of the car, have been organised by regionalist groups, such as the FLB (Front de libération de la Bretagne).

Another activist group, Douar Ha Frankis, which has particularly focused on limiting Airbnb rentals in the region, occupied a building used for Airbnb rentals in August, during the Inter-Celtic festival in Lorient, as well as placing flyers and posters on second homes.

The group told Franceinfo that they would like to see quotas put in place to limit the number of second homes in an area. 

What is the second homes situation in Brittany?

The western French region has become more popular amongst second home owners and tourists in recent years, partly due to climate change which has left parts of southern France exceedingly hot in the summer.

READ MORE: Why more and more tourists are flocking to Brittany

According to Ouest France, second homes make up 13.3 percent of properties in the region, higher than the national average of 9.5 percent.

However, those numbers increase significantly when looking at coastal parts of the region and its islands. For example, the Îles du Ponant have closer to 60 percent of properties as second homes, and that number rises to 72 percent for the island of Bréhat.

Local residents have noticed that areas with large portions of second homes have also become more expensive.

In Carnac, a coastal town in the Morbihan, second homes represent 71 percent of properties, BFMTV reported. Meanwhile, property prices in Carnac are closer to €6,027 per square metre, in contrast to the average of €2,814 for the rest of the Morbihan département.

In Saint-Briac-sur-Mer, located in the Ile-et-Vilaine département, the share of second homes is 60 percent, and price per square metre has reached €6,237, compared to the département average of €2,900.

What about other parts of France?

There has been similar pushback in other parts of France, but it is worth noting that the vast majority – around 90 percent – of second homes in France have French owners, and there is no particular animus against foreigners who buy a second home in France.

In 2022, France’s then-finance minister Bruno Le Maire, who owns a second home in the Pays-Basque in south-west France, saw his property briefly occupied by activists.

They called for extra powers for local authorities to impose a surcharge on second homes, with the money going towards creating affordable housing for local people.

Meanwhile, second homes in Corsica, where as many as one in three properties are second homes, have increasingly become targets for arsonists, Le Monde reported.

READ MORE: Where in France are locals protesting about second-home owners?

Steps to rein in second homes?

Thousands of French communes are officially designated as ‘zones tendues’. Literally translated as ‘tense zone’ in this context, it means an area with a housing shortage. 

To be officially designated by the government as a zone tendue, local authorities must be able to show that the area has a housing shortage, or that locals are priced out of the market.

If you own property in a zone tendue it could affect the property taxes you pay.

Areas with zone tendue status have the power to impose a surcharge on the taxe d’habitation on second-homes of up to 60 percent.

As for Airbnb, France imposes several restrictions on people who want to rent out their property via the holiday letting platform Airbnb.

There have also been calls to tighten these rules further, which could be included in the autumn legislative session in parliament, as they were put on hold due to the dissolution of parliament in June 2024.

READ MORE: Revealed: Where in France do foreigners buy second homes?