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Why you shouldn’t be surprised to hear Danish children say the F word

Newcomers to Denmark are often struck by how often they hear what we fondly call the “F-word” on the street—particularly from young children.

A file photo of Danish school students.
The language used by Danish schoolgoers might make your eyes water, but swear words loaned from English can sound less harsh in other languages. File photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

So what the f*ck is going on? To find out, the Local Denmark spoke to Henrik Gottlieb, a linguist at the University of Copenhagen who studies the influence of English on other languages.

“Taboo words that are imported in any language tend to lose their edges,” Gottlieb explained—and that applies to taboos on both ends of the spectrum.

“The Danes are very, let’s say, shy about showing their feelings too much,” he added. “We don’t usually say ‘jeg elsker dig’ (‘I love you’) very much. Whereas we hear people saying ‘I love you’ all the time in American films—very often just meaning ‘goodbye.’ So we have a feeling that these words are already devalued.”

Similarly, the f-word is omnipresent in American music, tv and movies, so while it’s considered cool by association it doesn’t have the same bite as Danish curses. Another advantage is that f*ck is simply an incredibly versatile curse, Gottlieb says. It can be used as virtually every part of speech—noun (you stupid f*ck), verb (f*ck you), adjective (this f*cking guy), etc.

A recent scholarly article examined the use of the word ‘f*cking’ in “Ex on the Beach,” a Danish reality tv show spun off from a UK title of the same name in which singles looking for love are confronted by (you guessed it) their exes on a beach.

This latest article is of part a surprisingly thorough body of linguistic scholarship on “Ex on The Beach” after the Danish Language Board, or Dansk Sprognævn, compiled transcripts of all words spoken in seasons 1-3 for study—it’s clearly a rich text.

Researcher Thrine Victoria Jarnot Meline found that 82 percent of the uses of f*cking in “Ex on The Beach” were as adverbs—as in “I’m f*cking looking forward to it”—to emphasise excitement, annoyance or anger.

Meline concludes that compared to studies on Danish youth in 2010, “something has changed in the last 10 years or so: young people in Ex on The Beach use English swear words more, including f*cking.”

Subs or dubs

But why don’t English speakers hear the f-word sprinkled quite so liberally on the streets of other European capitals?

A big factor is how English-language media is presented to Danish audiences, Gottlieb explained. Production houses for internationally-released movies generally produce dubbed versions—or versions in which the audio is re-recorded in a different language—for large language cohorts like Spanish-speaking audiences. In a dubbed version, curse words like the f-word are translated to a local equivalent or softened to a “lesser” word to accommodate cultural differences. So while a Spanish teen would hear Samuel L. Jackson say “hijo de puta,” a Danish teen would see a Danish translation but hear Jackson’s original “motherf*cker.”

This phenomenon isn’t unique to Denmark. “All the minor speech communities—that is, countries with less than 25 million people—tend to subtitle foreign productions,” Gottlieb explained.

Gottlieb is a contributor to the Global Anglicism Database Network, which compiles the English loan words used in various languages (but not Spanish). While the Danish language boasts many colourful entries in the F-U-C section, a printed Spanish language dictionary that Gottlieb had on hand listed none, jumping straight from “frost” to “fuel.”

“I know the guy who wrote that dictionary,” Gottlieb said. “He’s not afraid of swear words.”

The future of f*ck

Gottlieb isn’t worried that f*ck will drive the Danish home-grown equivalents to extinction.

Danish’s many colourful curses are alive and well, including some that have no equivalent in English—like kraftedeme, or “may cancer eat me.”

“Maybe f*ck and all the other f*ck-friends—you know, f*ck off and all these expressions—will die out when they have lost their bite,” Gottlieb said. “They may become slightly irrelevant in 10 or 20 years.”

“Youth will use these very spicy expressions more than older people, which has always been the case,” Gottlieb said. And while Danish kids and teens may play fast and loose with f*ck, there are limits to what they’re allowed to say. Gottlieb pointed to incidents in which children called their teachers a pejorative term meaning sexworker—those kids faced consequences.

READ ALSO: How did the Danish language end up with its crazy numbers?

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How many places in Denmark have different names in English?

If you’ve spent any time in Denmark’s capital, you’ll know the locals refer to it as København. Does anywhere else apart from Copenhagen have an English version of its name, and why?

How many places in Denmark have different names in English?

Most people who regularly travel in and out of Denmark probably know that the code for the country’s biggest airport is CPH. This is, of course, a contraction of Copenhagen.

Meanwhile, it’s very common for younger Danes to refer to the city as “Kbh”, especially in writing but also in spoken Danish. This uses a similar contraction using the Danish-language (and original) name of the city, København.

København is generally considered to have made the linguistic change from Danish to English via German, in which it has yet another name, Kopenhagen.

Kopenhagen means “merchant harbour” in an archaic version of German, and from there it only takes a substitution of K for C to get to the English name.

This might not be the only reason that an English version of København – and possibly other Danish place names – has persisted over the centuries.

Difficult pronunciation – something most foreign speakers of Danish will be well acquainted with – is also a likely factor, according to a language professor, Jørn Lund, who spoke to newspaper BT about the topic in 2015.

“All over the world you have place names made easier to pronounce if they’re difficult. And København is hard to say for people other than us Danes,” he said.

“We also don’t say Roma about Rome the way Italians do. And I’d probably feel a bit hoity-toity if I did,” he noted.

READ ALSO: How to decode Denmark’s old-fashioned motorway names

Putting Copenhagen aside, the three largest geographical components of Denmark all have English versions of their names: Jutland (Jylland in Danish), Funen (Fyn) and Zealand (Sjælland).

The latter of these is perhaps the most confusing given its similarity to New Zealand. The country in the southern hemisphere was not given its name because of the Danish island but after the Dutch region of Zeeland.

Funen feels very counterintuitive if you’re already familiar with Fyn – which is very likely if you live in Denmark. Many Danes have never heard of the English ‘Funen’ and might be confused if you say it.

Perhaps the most recognisable of the three is Jutland, because the word itself was made famous by a First World War naval battle, the Battle of Jutland. This historical event is probably better-known to British people than it is to Danes.

The words Jutland, Zealand and Funen sound similar to their Latin versions Jutlandia, Selandia and Fionia, but can also be traced to older German names such as ‘Seeland’ for Zealand/Sjælland.  

Another Latin name for a Danish island, Lalandia, gave itself to a chain of holiday centres and water parks, the first of which was built on the island in question – Lolland. Lolland retains its Danish name in English, much to the amusement of some internet users who might read it as LOL-land.

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Some parts of Denmark have had a historical strategic significance for seafaring countries, not least Great Britain. This might explain why the Øresund is sometimes referred to in English simply as “The Sound”. The straits separate Denmark and Sweden and saw a toll enforced on passing ships by Kronborg Castle in the 17th and 18th centuries.

That brings us neatly to Helsingør, the town still dominated by Kronborg’s imposing presence. Famously the setting of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Helsingør is known as Elsinore to some English speakers, especially those who enjoy the works of the Bard. The name from the centuries-old play might not be commonly used anymore, but is at least referenced by some businesses in Helsingør.

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What about Denmark itself? In Danish, it’s written as Danmark, which makes a bit more sense if you think of the people as being called the Danes. Unlike any of the other examples we’ve covered, the two words are pronounced identically.

Are there any other Danish places with English names that aren’t covered here? Are there any facts or stories we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments.