German states outlaw display of Russia’s ‘Z’ war symbol

Authorities in Lower Saxony and Bavaria have banned the display of the 'Z' symbol that has become synonymous with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is unclear if other German states will follow suit.

'Z' t-shirts are sold in Russian marketplaces. Two German states have banned the symbol.
'Z' t-shirts are sold in Russian marketplaces. Two German states have banned the symbol. (Photo by AFP)

Two German states on Saturday said they have outlawed public displays of the “Z” symbol used by the Russian army in their invasion of Ukraine.

Anyone who brandishes the symbol at demonstrations or paints it on cars or buildings in a show of support for Vladimir Putin’s war could risk up to three years in jail or a fine in Lower Saxony or Bavaria.

“It is incomprehensible to me how this symbol ‘Z’ could be used in our country to condone this crime,” said Lower Saxony’s interior minister Boris Pistorius.

“Z”, a letter that features in the Latin alphabet but not in Cyrillic, first appeared on military vehicles rolling towards Ukraine, possibly to distinguish them from Ukrainian forces and avoid friendly fire.

But the sign has since become ubiquitous on cars on the streets of Moscow, clothing and across social media profiles on the Russian internet — a trend the Russian authorities are eager to encourage.

In the German state of Lower Saxony too, there had been examples of such displays, said the state’s interior ministry.

Bavaria’s Justice Minister Georg Eisenreich noted that freedom of opinion is a “great asset” but it “ends where criminal law begins”.

“Sympathisers who use the symbol ‘Z’ of Russian forces in Bavaria must know that they may be liable to prosecution for approving criminal acts,” he said.

“We will not allow violations of international law to be condoned,” he said.

Germany’s federal prosecutor has opened a probe into suspected war crimes by Russian troops since the invasion of Ukraine.

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Germany plans extra €400 million military aid to Ukraine

Germany is planning almost €400 million in extra military aid for Ukraine this year despite a row over budgetary constraints, according to a finance ministry document seen by AFP Thursday.

Germany plans extra €400 million military aid to Ukraine

Berlin has been the second-largest contributor of military aid to Ukraine after Washington and had already earmarked around 7.5 billion euros for Kyiv in 2024.

However, Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been facing domestic pressure over the issue, with parties opposed to Berlin’s support for Kyiv making major gains at key regional elections in early September.

The additional funds are needed to “fulfil the German government’s support commitments to the Ukrainian armed forces”, the letter to the parliamentary budget committee said.

Advances by Russian forces in Ukraine have led to “heavy material losses” on the battlefield and there is a “serious risk… that Ukraine will succumb in its defence struggle without a significant increase in support”, it said.

The letter asks for the funds to be made available to provide drones and air defence equipment, among other things, “without delay” so that they can “have an impact on the battlefield in Ukraine during the remainder of 2024”.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky made a fresh appeal earlier this month for more weapons to counter the threat from advancing Russian forces in the east of the country and Moscow’s devastating missile strikes.

Berlin plans to cut back its budget for Ukraine aid next year to around €4.4 billion as it looks to make savings demanded by liberal Finance Minister Christian Lindner, according to draft budget documents.

However, the government has insisted it is “fully committed” to supporting Ukraine “for as long as necessary”.

READ ALSO: Opinion – Germany’s timid strategy risks both Ukraine’s defeat and more war in Europe