Japan thanks Swedes for their support

The Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has sent thank you letters to the countries that supported their nation following the 9.0 mega-thrust earthquake and subsequent tsunami disasters.

Japan thanks Swedes for their support
Prime Minister Naoto Kan surveys damage in Japan on April 2

“Many Swedes have shown their involvement,” Shoichi Ueda, a spokesperson from Japan’s embassy in Stockholm, told the TT news agency.

A month ago Monday the face of Japan forever changed after the most powerful earthquake known to have hit the country struck, triggering giant waves of up to 37.9 metres to smash through parts of coastal Japan.

The pair of disasters swept away thousands of lives, leaving thousands more without homes and spawned a nuclear catastrophe.

“We, the Japanese people, desire to express our sincere thanks to you all,” the Prime Minister Naoto Kan wrote.

“Japan will recover and come back even stronger. We will then repay you for your generous help.”

Many Swedes wishing to help have contacted the Japanese embassy in Stockholm.

Donations have been referred to the Red Cross, which has thus far received about three million kronor (around $490,000) toward the disaster.

“He would like to thank all countries, including Sweden, for all the warm words and contributions,” Ueda told TT.

The Japanese embassy spokesperson also mentioned an 8-year-old boy who wrote him a letter after seeing victims on television without water.

“He wrote that he would give his allowance so that they could get a bottle of water. I was very touched. The important thing is not the money but the love and compassion,” he said.

The boy’s letter and gift also was mentioned in a Japanese newspaper.

To date, the Japanese National Police Agency has confirmed 12,915 deaths and 14,921 people missing across eighteen prefectures, as well as more than 125,000 buildings damaged or destroyed.

Approximately 4.4 million households in northeastern Japan were left without electricity and 1.5 million without water.

The earthquake ranks as one of the five most powerful in the world overall since modern record-keeping began in 1900.

With recovery estimates hovering around 2 billion kronor ($309 billion), it also will be the world’s most expensive natural disaster to date.

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Spain’s basic income scheme hits backlog dead-end

Three months after Spain rushed to launch a minimum basic income scheme to fight a spike in poverty due to the coronavirus pandemic, the programme is at a dead-end because of an avalanche of applications.

Spain's basic income scheme hits backlog dead-end
Red Cross volunteers bring food packages to elderly and low income people. Photo: Cesar Manso/AFP
The measure was a pledge made by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez's leftwing coalition government, which took office in January, bringing together his Socialist party with far-left Podemos as the junior partner.
The scheme — approved in late May — aims to guarantee an income of 462 euros ($546) per month for an adult living alone, while for families, there would be an additional 139 euros per person, whether adult or child, up to a monthly maximum of 1,015 euros per home. It is expected to cost state coffers three billion euros ($3.5 billion) a year.
The government decided to bring forward the launch of the programme because of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has hit Spain hard and devastated its economy, causing queues at food banks to swell.
Of the 750,000 applications which were filed since June 15 when the government started accepting requests, 143,000 — or 19 percent — have been analysed and 80,000 were approved, according to a social security statement issued on August 20.
'Months of waiting'
But Spain main civil servant's union, CSIF, paints a darker picture. “Nearly 99 percent of requests have not been processed,” a union spokesman, Jose Manuel Molina, told AFP.
The social security ministry has only really analysed 6,000 applications while 74,000 households that already receive financial aid were awarded the basic income automatically, he added.
For hundreds of thousands of other households, the wait is stressful. Marta Sanchez, a 42-year-old mother of two from the southern city of Seville, said she applied for the scheme on June 26 but has heard nothing since.
“That is two months of waiting already, when in theory this was a measure that was taken so no one ends up in the streets,” she added.
Sanchez lost her call centre job during Spain's virus lockdown while her husband lost his job as a driver. The couple has had to turn to the Red Cross for the first time for food.
“Thank God my mother and sister pay our water and electricity bills,” she said, adding their landlord, a relative, has turned a blind eye to the unpaid rent.
'Rushed everything'
A spokeswoman for the ministry acknowledged that the rhythm “was perhaps a bit slower than expected” but she said the government was working to “automate many procedures” so processing times should become faster from now on.
“The launch of a benefit is always difficult … and this situation is not an exception,” she added.
But Molina said this was a new situation, that was made worse by years of budget cuts to the public service which has lost 25 percent of its staff over the past decade.
“The problem is that they rushed everything, did it without training and a huge lack of staff,” he added.
The social security branch charged with the basic income scheme has only 1,500 civil servants, who also process most pension applications, Molina said.
These officials are facing an “avalanche” of requests, which already match the number of pension requests received in an entire year, he added.
About 500 temporary workers have been recruited as reinforcements but their assistance is limited because they do not have the status of civil servant, so they cannot officially approve requests for financial aid.
Demand is expected to increase. The government has said the measure was expected to benefit some 850,000 homes, affecting a total of 2.3 million people — 30 percent of whom were minors.
When the scheme was launched the government said all it would take is a simple online form, but this is a problem for many low-income families without computers and internet access, especially since the waiting time for an in-person meeting to apply is about two months, according to the CSIF union