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Five spring destinations from Germany – and the Covid rules in place

With the long Easter weekend in sight, it's the perfect time for a short trip away for some fresh mountain air or glorious sunshine. Here are five of the most popular travel destinations from Germany this year - and the Covid rules you need to know before heading there.

The skyline of Bologna, Italy.
The skyline of Bologna, Italy. Photo: picture alliance / Barbara Vecchio/Comune di Bologna/dpa | Barbara Vecchio

As Germany emerges from a long, cold winter, many people are feeling a distinct sense of Wanderlust – a desire to get back out there an explore the world. And the country’s location in the heart of Europe makes it the perfect starting point to take a quick break almost anywhere on the continent. 

According to data compiled by Statista, people in Germany are just itching to get their travelling shoes on as the world reopens, and many of them have a destination in mind.

From the Norwegian fjords to the stunning sights of northern Italy, here are some of the top destinations Germans want to travel to this year – and the Covid rules you’ll need to know about if you fancy following suit. 


No list of Germany’s favourite travel destinations would be complete without a mention of Spain – the ultimate holiday destination for sun-seeking Germans. And with around seven percent of Germans saying they plan to visit the country in 2022, it seems no amount of Covid rules are going to the end this love affair with the southern European country. 

To get into Spain, passengers arriving by air or sea will need to complete a Health Control Form before departure and obtain their QR code to present at boarding and health controls on arrival.

In addition to the form, passengers need to present a certificate proving vaccination against Covid, a negative test, or a recovery certificate. Children under 12 years of age are exempt from giving these certificates.

In some regions of Spain, the ‘EU Digital Covid Certificate’ is required to access certain public spaces – Spain’s Autonomous Communities can implement specific territorial regulations.

Face masks are mandatory in indoor public spaces but also required outdoors if a 1.5m distance is not possible at large events. However, it’s possible the mask-wearing rules could be relaxed slightly after April 20th this year. 

Spanish regions have virtually lifted all other previous Covid restrictions such as capacity limits, curfews, limited opening hours, the Covid health pass and bar, restaurant, and nightclub closures.

READ ALSO: TRAVEL: Will Spain change its Covid restrictions ahead of Easter?


Following hot on the heels of Spain, Italy is set to be the second most popular holiday destination for Germans this year. And with balmy sunshine, breathtaking culture and sandy beaches, we don’t blame them. 

Currently, travel to Italy for any reason, including tourism, is allowed from all countries as restrictions were eased as of March 1st.

All arrivals need to show proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test result, which must be established before boarding flights or ferries, and possibly during border checks if travelling by road or rail.

Travellers also need to fill out a passenger locator form, or ‘dPLF’. Find out how to do that here.

Once inside the country, there are a few rules to be aware of. There is currently a mask mandate in all indoor as well as some outdoor public places. Additionally, many businesses will ask for a “green pass” with proof of vaccination or recovery from Covid-19 or a negative test.

A “super green pass” is required to access venues, including restaurants, hotels, and public transport. It is equivalent to the 2G rule in Austria, meaning only vaccinated or recovered people can enter.

READ ALSO: At a glance: What Covid-19 rules are now in place in Italy?


If mountains and fjords are more your thing, you may want to join the five percent of Germans who have already set their sights on a trip to Scandinavia this year. 

Denmark, Sweden and Norway have all dropped their Covid-related restrictions the past months, so you won’t have to worry about presenting proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test or filling in passenger locator forms when travelling there.

You can also expect public life in all three countries to be back to normal, with no masks, social distancing, Covid certificates required. 


Cruise ship in Norway

A cruise ship passes along a Norwegian fjord. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/AIDA Cruises | AIDA Cruises


With its breathtaking, sun-soaked islands and remnants of ancient civilisation, Greece is another incredibly popular destination for Germans in 2022. 

People arriving in the country from within the EU will no longer have to fill in a passenger locator form, but they will have to present their EU Digital Covid Certificate with valid proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test. This can be done using the CovPass or CoronaWarn app.

Unlike many countries in Europe, Covid measures in Greece remain relatively tight. You’ll need to wear either an FFP2 mask on public transport and in other indoor spaces, and will also have to present proof of vaccination and your passport to enter many public indoor venues like museums, bars and restaurants. 

There are also limits on how many people can travel together in a taxi. In a seven-seater taxi, up to three people may travel together, while in a nine-seater, this goes up to nine. If you are all members of the same family, however, these restrictions don’t apply. 


With the strong links between Turkey and Germany, it’s little surprise that the Eurasian nation is the fifth most popular destination for Germans this year.

To see the likes of bustling Istanbul and Ismir, you’ll need to follow a basic ‘3G’ rule – meaning proof of vaccination, recovery (within the past six months) or a negative test are required. Antigen tests must be taken no more than 48 hours before travel, while PCR tests must be taken no more than 72 hours before travel.

You’ll also need to fill out and submit a Digital Entry Form before travel. 

A view of the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul

A view of the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/XinHua | Osman Orsal

Once you’re in the country, you’ll find that things have returned to relative normality. In restaurants, shops bars, for instance, masks are no longer required if there is adequate ventilation and social distancing.

Museums have also reopened, though masks may be required.

You will also need to carry proof of vaccination or a negative test taken within the past 48 hours when using public transport, and you will also be expected to wear a mask. 

Coming back to Germany

Currently, there are no countries on the Robert Koch Institute’s risk list, meaning passengers returning to Germany no longer have to fill in the digital entry form or worry about going into quarantine. 

Instead, Germany has a simple 3G rule for entry, meaning travellers should present proof of vaccination, recovery, or negative test to enter the country on their return.

Here’s all you need to know about Germany’s current entry and Covid rules.

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Germany begins expanded border checks to limit migrant arrivals

Germany from Monday is expanding border controls to the frontiers with all nine of its neighbours to stop irregular migrants in a move that has sparked protests from other EU members.

Germany begins expanded border checks to limit migrant arrivals

The government announced the sweeping measure following a string of deadly extremist attacks that have stoked public fears and boosted support for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser on Sunday said that the step aimed to limit irregular migration and “put a stop to criminals and identify and stop Islamists at an early stage”.

The border controls will be in place for an initial six months and are expected to include temporary structures at land crossings and spot checks by federal police.

Poland and Austria have voiced concern and the European Commission has warned that members of the 27-nation bloc must only impose such steps in exceptional circumstances.

Germany lies at the heart of Europe and borders nine countries that are part of the visa-free Schengen zone, designed to allow the free movement of people and goods.

Border controls with Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland were already in place before the crackdown was announced.

These will now be expanded to Germany’s borders with France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark.

Faeser said the government hoped to minimise the impact on people living and working in border regions, promising “coordination with our neighbouring countries”. She also pointed out that there should be “targeted controls, not blanket controls”.

The interior ministry however noted that travellers should carry identification when crossing the border.

READ ALSO: How Germany’s increased border checks will affect travel from neighbouring countries

‘Islamist attacks’

In recent weeks, a string of extremist attacks have shocked Germany, fuelling rising public anger.

Last month, a man on a knife rampage killed three people and wounded eight more at a festival in the western city of Solingen.

The Syrian suspect, who has alleged links to the Islamic State group, had been intended for deportation but managed to evade authorities.

The enforcement failure set off a bitter debate which marked the run-up to two regional polls in the formerly communist east, where the anti-immigration AfD scored unprecedented results.

With national elections looming next year, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government has been under intense political pressure to toughen its stance on migrants and asylum seekers.

READ ALSO: Debt, migration and the far-right – the big challenges facing Germany this autumn 

Scholz was in Uzbekistan on Sunday to sign a migration deal for workers to come to Germany, while simplifying deportation procedures in the opposite direction so that “those that must go back do go back”, the chancellor said.

Closer to home, the German government has presented plans to speed up deportations to European partners.

Under EU rules, asylum requests are meant to be handled by the country of arrival. The system has placed a huge strain on countries on the European periphery, where leaders have demanded more burden-sharing.

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said that Germany tightening its borders means that it would “essentially pass the buck to countries located on the outer borders of Europe”.

Austria’s Interior Minister Gerhard Karner said his country “will not accept people who are rejected from Germany”, while Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk condemned Germany’s move as “unacceptable”.

‘Welcome to the club’

Warsaw has also struggled with migration and accused Moscow of smuggling people from Africa and the Middle East into Europe by sending them through Belarus to the Polish border.

Berlin on Friday said that Tusk and Scholz had discussed the issue and agreed to strengthen EU external borders, “especially in view of the cynical instrumentalisation of migrants by Belarus”.

Hungary’s nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban, meanwhile, mocked the German chancellor on social media site X, writing: “Bundeskanzler Scholz, welcome to the club! #StopMigration.”

Germany took in more than a million asylum seekers in 2015-16, many of them Syrians, and has hosted over a million Ukrainians since the start of the Russian invasion in 2022.

The extra burden on municipal authorities and integration services in Germany needed to be “taken into account” when talking about new border controls, Berlin’s interior ministry said.

In the Netherlands, Prime Minister Dick Schoof on Friday unveiled the country’s strictest migration policy yet, saying it will request an opt-out from EU common policy on asylum next week.

A four-party coalition dominated by far-right firebrand Geert Wilders’s Freedom Party wants to declare an “asylum crisis” to curb the influx of migrants through a tough set of rules including border controls.

By Raphaelle LOGEROT with Celine LE PRIOUX in Berlin