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Italian word of the day: ‘Inchiodare’

You'll nail this word in no time.

Italian word of the day: 'Inchiodare'
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

What do a carpenter, a detective, and a bank robber screeching to a halt in their getaway car all have in common?

In English, not much – but in Italian, they could all be said to inchiodare in the course of their professional activities.

In its simplest form, inchiodare (pronunciation here) simply means ‘to nail’ (un chiodo is a nail) – a picture to a wall, or a leg to a table.

Ha trovato questo cartello inchiodato alla sua porta.
She found this notice nailed to her door.

But like ‘to nail’, inchiodare has more than one meaning.

You can use it to describe someone or something being ‘pinned’ in place, without actually having been literally nailed there.

Mi ha inchiodato al muro.
He pinned me to the wall.

La mia gamba è inchiodata al terreno.
My leg is pinned to the ground.

You can be metaphorically inchiodato to a place in the sense of being stuck there, tied down, or trapped.

Dovrei essere in vacanza e invece sono inchiodata alla mia scrivenia.
I should be on holiday and instead I’m stuck at my desk.

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Siamo inchiodati a questa scuola per altri tre anni.
We’re stuck at this school for another three years.

Sono stati inchiodati dal fuoco di armi.
They were trapped by gunfire.

Just like in English, you can inchiodare (‘nail’) someone in the sense of proving their guilt.

Chiunque sia stato, ha lasciato tracce di DNA che lo inchioderanno.
Whoever it was, they left traces of DNA that will take them down.

Senza la pistola non lo inchioderemo, perché non abbiamo altre prove.
Without the gun we’re not going to get him, because we have no other proof.

For reasons that are less clear, the word can also mean to slam on the brakes in a car.

Ha inchiodato e ha afferrato la pistola quando ha visto la volante bloccando la strada.
He slammed on the brakes and grabbed the gun when he saw the police car blocking the road.

Hanno inchiodato la macchina a pochi passi da noi.
They screeched to a halt in the car just a few feet away from us.

Those last two definitions mean that you’re very likely to encounter the word when watching mystery shows or listening to true crime podcasts. Look out for it the next time you watch a detective drama.

Do you have an Italian word you’d like us to feature? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

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Italian word of the day: ‘Bega’

The meaning of this Italian word is rarely disputed.

Italian word of the day: ‘Bega’

If you’ve spent some time in Italy, especially in the north of the country, you may have heard Italian speakers saying something similar to the English word ‘beggar’. 

The Italian word bega (hear it pronounced here) means a squabble, a quarrel or an argument. It’s a synonym of litigio or lite.

Abbiamo avuto una bega e non siamo più amici.

We had an argument and we’re no longer friends.

Lei e suo marito sono nel mezzo di una bega.

She and her husband are in the middle of an argument.

In its plural form, the noun transforms into beghe (hear it pronounced here).

Non voglio beghe.

I don’t want any arguments.

Vecchie beghe familiari rendono il rapporto difficile.

Old family disputes make the relationship very difficult.

As a secondary meaning, you can also use bega to say ‘hassle’ or ‘bother’ .

Questo scioglilingua è una bega da dire.

This tongue twister is a hassle to say.

È una bega lavorare con persone stupide.

It’s a bother to work with stupid people.

As with a lot of Italian nouns, bega has a corresponding verb: begare, meaning ‘to argue’ or ‘to have an argument’. 

Stiamo begando.

We are arguing.

However, this is rarely used, with most native speaker preferring to add the verb avere in front of the noun bega.

Hanno avuto una bega sulla politica.

They had an argument about politics.

Next time you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of arguing with someone, or something is really bothering you, you may take comfort in the fact that you have a new Italian word to describe what’s going on. 

Do you have an Italian word you’d like us to feature? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

Don’t miss any of our Italian words and expressions of the day by downloading our app (available on Apple and Android) and then selecting the Italian Word of the Day in your Notification options via the User button.