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‘Lack of diversity is a problem’: What it’s like to work at a Berlin tech startup

Many foreigners dream of finding a job in Germany's growing startup scene. But aside from promises of free pizza, what's the culture like, is the pay good - and do you need to speak German? We spoke to two foreigners working at tech startups in Berlin to find out.

The Berlin skyline.
The Berlin skyline. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/PwC Deutschland | RICOWde

With over €5.1 billion in venture capital fund investments raised last year, the startup industry in Germany’s capital is booming. Startups are the fastest-growing job sector in Berlin, and more than 78,000 people are now employed in the sector.

The sector attracts highly qualified, ambitious people from all over the globe. But what is it really like to work for a Berlin startup?

We spoke to two insiders to find out. Gabriela, 36, is originally from Poland and has been a Business-to-Business Manager in a tech startup in Berlin since October last year. Giuseppe, also 36, is originally from Italy and has been working as a Human Resources Manager in various tech startups for the last seven years. 

Most important question first – do you actually get free pizza and office table tennis?

Giuseppe: These kinds of benefits have become a bit of a cliche that doesn’t really reflect the reality anymore. Yoga, soft drinks, and fruit baskets are nothing special. The real benefits are now to do with remote working and flexible working schedules. 

Gabriela: We haven’t really had many of these kinds of ‘incentives’ because we’ve been mainly working from home since I started. Only in the last month or so we’ve been going to the office at least once a week, and we do get free pizza and drinks once a month when the CEO’s give us their monthly update on how the business is going.

READ ALSO: The German regions attracting startups

Would you say that your work environment is diverse?

Gabriela: My team is a complete mix of people from different European countries. But the number of BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic) people on board is not very high and there is definitely a problem with the lack of female leadership, which the company is trying to address. The CEOs are all white Germans.

Giuseppe: (Lack of) diversity is still a big problem. Most of the CEOs and the highest earners are white – usually German – guys. Women and BAME people tend to occupy lower-paid jobs. It’s a systemic issue – and there is competition among a lot of startups that are trying to show who is more diverse. 

How much German is spoken in your company?

Gabriela: Hardly any. We speak all the time in English with each other and all of our meetings are in English.

Giuseppe: It’s the same with us. I’m hearing German less and less. 

READ ALSO: How easy is it to get an English-speaking job in Germany?

Is there anything then that indicates that the company you’re working for is German?

Gabriela: I think the presence of a strong labour law reminds you that you’re in Germany. In our company, there’s an employees representation group and certain clear rules. You know that you won’t be suddenly dismissed once you’ve passed your probation time.

Giuseppe: Yes, the labour law is what I would point to. It’s not easy to get rid of employees in Germany – there is a more robust framework that affects the environment and culture. 

What is the salary like?

Gabriela: I think it’s competitive. My company does salary benchmarking every summer to see what the standard is across the industry and adjusts its pay accordingly.

Giuseppe: Salaries have gone up a lot in the last few years and you could even say they are booming now. A ‘normal’ engineer can expect to earn at least €85,000 per year, and if you are in a serious leadership position, you can expect to earn up to €180,000.

READ ALSO: Do internationals face discrimination in the workplace

A woman working from home throws money in the air. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn | Christin Klose

Would you say that it’s a high-pressure environment to work in?

Gabriela: For me, there isn’t the kind of pressure that if you don’t perform you won’t get the money you should be getting. Instead, my company is trying to get you to think that your own success is intertwined with the success of the company. There are good incentives to work hard and we have also a certain amount of shares in the company, so if it does well we benefit too.

Giuseppe: I personally feel pressure, but I love what I do, so for me it’s fine. But I have seen a lot of cases of people burning out – especially young people. I think because there are a lot of young managers, who get into leadership roles without having the tools or strength to resist the pressure.

How do you find the work-life balance? 

Giuseppe: I feel like I’m working all the time, but again, that’s because I love my job and I want to, it’s not necessarily the expectation, it’s not like in the US. In Berlin tech startups, there is a tendency to slow down around 6pm.

Gabriela: For me, the work-life balance compared to previous jobs is very good. Telecommuting is great, there are flexible starting times and last-minute holiday requests are usually approved. I think it’s very good for people with children and more complex schedules. 

How many days holiday do you get?

Gabriela: We get 28 days holiday per year.

Giuseppe: We get between 23 and 30 days holiday per year, depending on how long you’ve been working in the company.

What are the career progression opportunities like?

Gabriela: Very dynamic. For myself, I don’t see a clear career path at the moment, but I see a lot of movement happening and people moving to different roles. There is a feeling of being in a constant state of change. 

Giuseppe: If you join a startup at the right time, you can very easily become a manager very quickly.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: How to boost your career chances in Germany

What was different about working for a Berlin start-up than you expected?

Gabriela: I thought that working from home would be easier, because I hadn’t done that much before, but I find it much harder to be engaged than I expected. I think a lot of startups (in Berlin) are struggling now to find the right balance between the competing interests of their employees – some of whom want to be fully remote and others who want to come more regularly to the office.

Giuseppe: Before I started working for tech startups I had this romantic image that they were all led by geniuses with big ideas who started in their garages. But in reality, I’ve found this emotional, big-dreaming side to be lacking. There are a lot of people who work for startups who just see it like any other job.

A work team exchanging ideas with notes on a whiteboard.

A work team exchanging ideas with notes on a whiteboard. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn | Christin Klose

What are the best things about working for a Berlin tech start-up?

Giuseppe: You can make an impact with what you do, to build a product and say it’s mine. There is also creativity and freshness in the team dynamics. I was deeply unhappy in the years I spent working for big corporations because I didn’t know what the goal was. In startups, the objectives are clear.

Gabriela: You can grow with the company, and there are a lot of positions opening all the time, and it’s very common for startups to promote internal talent.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: The German regions attracting startups

What are the worst things about working for a Berlin tech start-up?

Gabriela: Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with the pace of change. It sometimes feels like we are constantly onboarding new people or people are changing roles and there is a slightly chaotic feel to things. The buzzword “agility” is used and abused, and sometimes means staff is expected to go along with anything and everything.

Giuseppe: In the tech start-up world here there seem to be a lot of people who get into the top jobs because they speak a lot, not necessarily because they are the most competent. There is a lot of networking and self-promotion required to push yourself forward. It’s also not a good environment for people who don’t like change, because things change a lot. 

Do you think Berlin is a good place for foreigners to work?

Gabriela: Yes, definitely. You have a lot of choice when it comes to places to work – so it’s unlikely you’ll have to stick at a job which
you don’t like. It’s also a big help for foreigners that most startups in Berlin don’t require German language skills.

Giuseppe: Definitely. For me, the mix of cultures and ideas in the workplace is really inspiring and motivating. And, of course, the city of Berlin itself is full of cultural events and has a great night life – so it’s a great place to live for when you want to detach from work too.

Do you have any advice for anyone thinking about joining a tech start-up in Berlin?

Giuseppe: Try to develop an entrepreneurial mindset instead of an employee mindset as soon as possible. Always look for opportunities, don’t take things personally, don’t think about what happened yesterday, and focus on the now. 

Gabriela: Be open-minded and be prepared for change. 

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Volkswagen: Are 30,000 jobs at risk of being cut in Germany?

According to a media report, Germany's troubled carmaker Volkswagen could cut tens of thousands of jobs as part of savings measures. However the firm has not confirmed this figure.

Volkswagen: Are 30,000 jobs at risk of being cut in Germany?

Up to 30,000 jobs at VW locations across Germany are at risk of being slashed, German media outlet ‘Manager Magazin’ reported on Thursday, citing sources.

There are around 120,000 staff at six plants in the German cities of Wolfsburg, Brunswick, Hanover, Salzgitter, Emden and Kassel, as well as at Volkswagen Services, Volkswagen Immobilien and digital solutions company The company also attracts international workers.

As of 2020, 6.4 percent of Volkswagen’s workforce were foreign. 

Volkswagen, which is Europe’s largest car manufacturer, has not confirmed reports on the number of job losses. 

According to an article published on Friday by German broadcaster NDR, VW’s intranet released a statement to employees saying that the works council and the company “reject the alleged target of cutting 30,000 jobs”.

However, the firm did say that it needs to make savings. A company spokeswoman told German media: “One thing is clear – Volkswagen must reduce its costs at its German sites. This is the only way the brand can earn enough money to invest in the future.

“How we achieve this goal together with the employee representatives is part of the upcoming talks,” she said. 

What’s happening at Volkswagen?

Volkswagen recently cancelled a job security agreement with the trade unions that had been in place since 1994. It means that jobs are now only guaranteed until the end of June 2025 compared with 2029 previously – unless another agreement is reached. 

The company said that if there is a return to the collective agreement prior to January 1st, 1994 “redundancies for operational reasons cannot be ruled out”.

The firm, which cites high costs in its core brand VW Passengers Cards, also said plant closures may be on the cards. It is the first time that the company has considered closing some of its factories in its 87-year history.

READ ALSO: Will there be job losses and plant closures at Volkswagen in Germany?

What else do media reports say?

According to the media report in Manager Magazin released on Thursday, the crisis-hit car manufacturer could also cut its investment plans from €170 billion to €160 billion over the next five years.

The business outlet reported that the situation could be particularly bleak in VW’s research and development fields. According to some forecasts, 4,000 to 6,000 of the approximately 13,000 employees in Germany may face losing their jobs, the outlet stated.

According to insiders, the savings are necessary because many group divisions are lagging behind their expected revenues. The report states that the VW core brand alone is around €4 billion behind expected returns this year.

In the first half of this year, VW suffered from sluggish demand for new cars. Business has been particularly weak in China, where the VW Group sells about a third of all its cars. Sales shrank by 2.4 percent to 4.3 million vehicles.

Due to less demand for e-cars in particular, the group has also reduced production at some locations. The plants in Wolfsburg, Emden, Zwickau and at Audi in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm have reduced capacity by a quarter and cancelled expensive night shifts.

Trades union IG Metall has vowed to fight back against cuts. 

“First of all, the threat of mass layoffs and plant closures must be off the table,” IG Metall trade union spokesperson Jan Mentrup told The Local recently. 

READ ALSO: German union not ruling out strikes if Volkswagen talks fail

The union has also threatened strike action. Mentrup said that “warning strikes could follow from December 1st after the end of the peace obligation”.

Negotiations, which the union hopes will result in new collective agreement, are set to begin on September 25th.