Court gives Swedish start-up go ahead for fossil-free steel plant

A court in Sweden has given the steel company H2 Green Steel the go ahead to start building a coal-free steel plant in northern Sweden, the first greenfield steel plant in Europe in 50 years.

Court gives Swedish start-up go ahead for fossil-free steel plant
A rendering of how the plant in Boden, northern Sweden, might look when it is complete. Photo: H2 Green Steel

Sweden’s environmental court, or Mark- och miljödomstolen, gave the company permission to start building, so long as it puts in place measures to protect the local environment and nearby communities, and also compensates for any damage done. 

“It is unavoidable that establishing such a large steel work will impact on the natural environment and that species in the local area will be affected,” the judge Katarina Brodin said in a press statement. “Such a large business is also going to impact on those living near the steel plant, both while it is being built and when it is in operation. 

But she the court ruled that the urgent need to cut carbon emissions from global steel production meant the benefits outweighed the possible impact on the local environment. 

“The Court states…that the manufacturing process entails large carbon dioxide emissions and that it is important to take measures as soon as possible to reduce these emissions globally,” it ruled. “The company’s intention to build and operate a facility for fossil-free steel production is in line with this endeavour.” 


The company, which is headed by Henrik Henriksson, the former chief executive of the truck-maker Scania, aims to start production at the start of 2025, making it the first industrial scale hydrogen steel plant in the world.  

The plant will be built in Svartbyn, just outside the city of Boden in Norrbotten, Sweden’s most northerly county. 

The company has applied to build a plant which can produce 4.2m tonnes of hydrogen-reduced sponge iron a year, along with a hydrogen production facility which can produce 280,000 tonnes of the gas. 

The court also gave the company permission to divert and damm the Lillbäcken river, and has given it a dispensation from some requirements to protect animal and plant species.

The decision only gives the company permission to start construction at the plant. The court will now consider the company’s application to operate the plant. 

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Why Sweden wants you to collect bear poo

An unusual request has attracted a lot of attention in Swedish media: local county administrations need the public to collect bear poo for an important wildlife research project.

Why Sweden wants you to collect bear poo

A somewhat unusual request is echoing through the region of Västerbotten in Sweden.

The country administrative board is asking the public for help gathering bear excrement for a critical wildlife research project.

This initiative, conducted every five years, aims to assess the bear population’s size, distribution, and health across these areas.

How to do it

The task of collecting bear droppings is no small feat.

According to the county administration, around 2,000 samples are needed to ensure the study’s accuracy.

The logistics of collecting such a vast number of samples necessitate public involvement, so the administration depends heavily on those who visit Sweden’s forests and fields for assistance.

Kits are provided by the county authorities, but you can also stick the droppings in a clean bag or container and keep it in the freezer until you submit it. Just be careful not to touch the bear droppings so that you don’t contaminate them.

Wildlife research

Once collected, the samples are sent for DNA analysis, which helps determine the individual bear’s genetic makeup.

This data is necessary for calculating the number and distribution of the bear population.

By involving the public, the project also seeks to raise awareness about bears and their role in the Swedish ecosystem.

Talking to the newspaper Västerbottens-Kuriren, Jonas Gustafsson of the Västerbotten county administration emphasised the importance of widespread participation.

“The more samples we get, the better. With a large county… it is essential that hunters and the general public also send in droppings,” he said.

For those unsure about identifying bear droppings, Gustafsson provided some tips.

“A typical bear dropping contains a lot of blueberries, especially in autumn. And it is often quite a large pile.”