EXPLAINED: How melting glaciers are shifting Switzerland’s borders

Extremely warm temperatures are melting Switzerland’s glaciers, leading to some surprising geopolitical challenges.

The melting of Switzerland's glaciers has been accelerating in recent years. Photo: Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP
The melting of Switzerland's glaciers has been accelerating in recent years. Photo: Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP

Receding glaciers, which are now shrinking at a faster rate than before, are re-defining borders between Switzerland and Italy.

The border between Italy and Switzerland runs for 800.2 kilometres, much of which is mountainous. 

Parts of it run along glaciers which have formed part of the landscape for generations, but are now melting. 

For instance, melting snow and ice on and around the famed Matterhorn, which straddles both countries, is literally moving the borders.

How are the borders changing?

Alain Wicht, who is in charge of national border layouts at the Federal Office of Topography (Swisstopo), said it remains to be seen what the long-term implications are of the changes. 

Around two-thirds of Switzerland’s 7,000lm-long border is made up of natural borders, such as lakes, glaciers, rivers and mountains.

At present, Switzerland has not seen a net loss or a net gain of territory. 

“In some places, Switzerland has gained territory and in others it has lost it.”

However, in the future, it appears Switzerland is set to grow. 

Unlike administratively drawn borders, these can move when the land in question moves, i.e. in in the instance of landslides, a river shrinking or changing course – and the melting of glaciers. 

Pursuant to international law, when artificial borders are redrawn, a country cannot gain or lose territory – i.e. they must receive some additional territory to compensate for a loss. 

This is not the case with natural borders, which can see a country gain territory when the natural feature representing the border moves. 

According to Swiss tabloid Blick, melting glaciers will see Switzerland gain more land

“Overall, however, Switzerland should benefit from climate change, at least in terms of territory gains.”

“Glaciers are mainly found on the northern slopes. If they melt, the watershed line moves south. The surface of Switzerland will therefore increase.

What do the shifts mean for Switzerland?

This drift has logistical and practical implications, according to Wicht.

READ MORE: Why Switzerland’s glaciers are melting faster than usual this summer

For instance, “when an accident occurs, the question arises as to which country is responsible. And when train lines or roads cross the Alps, it should be clear whether they should stick to Italian or Swiss regulations for their construction and maintenance”.

The shift also affects the Testa-Grigia hut above Zermatt, according to a report in Blick on Sunday. 

The glacier surrounding the refuge has melted heavily in recent years.

Switzerland and Italy must agree on the location of the border to determine which country administers the hut.

There are also VAT implications depending on which country the hut is deemed to be in. 

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Climate change intensifies Sicily and Sardinia droughts: study

Climate change is intensifying the droughts plaguing the Italian islands of Sicily and Sardinia, making them 1.5 times more likely to occur, according to a study released by the World Weather Attribution research group on Wednesday.

Climate change intensifies Sicily and Sardinia droughts: study

Hot and dry summers are nothing new on the Italian islands, but both have seen exceptionally low rainfall and persistently high temperatures over the past 12 months, triggering devastating droughts.

Rivers have dried up, crops have withered and drinking water has been rationed in a part of Italy where agriculture and tourism are crucial, forcing both Sicily and Sardinia to declare a state of emergency.

The declarations prompted the interest of the WWA, a network of scientists who have pioneered peer-reviewed methods for assessing the possible role of climate change in specific extreme events.

“Human-caused climate change has increased the likelihood of the droughts driving crippling water shortages and agricultural losses in Sardinia and Sicily by 50 percent,” the study found.

In Sicily, the second half of 2023 was marked by “an unprecedented dry spell, being the most arid period in over a century”, it noted.

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But it said a key driver of the drought was not so much a lack of rainfall but the continued high temperatures, which have remained stifling this summer, even at night.

Dried-up lemons lie on the ground in a lemon field in Campobello di Mazara, southwest Sicily, in August 2024

Dried-up lemons lie on the ground in a lemon field in Campobello di Mazara, southwest Sicily, in August 2024. Photo by MARCO BERTORELLO / AFP

“We conclude that this increase in drought severity is primarily driven by the very strong increase in extreme temperatures due to human-induced climate change,” the study said.

“Searing, long-lasting heat is hitting the islands more frequently, evaporating water from soils, plants and reservoirs,” said Mariam Zachariah, a researcher at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change at Imperial College London.

“Sardinia and Sicily are becoming increasingly arid with climate change,” she said.

“For the farmers and the towns that have endured months of water restrictions, this study is confirmation – climate change is intensifying the droughts.”

READ ALSO: Rainwater dumped into sea in drought-hit Sicily

The study noted that ageing infrastructure was worsening water shortages, calling for better water management to help lessen the impact of future droughts.