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EXPLAINED: Who is entitled to free language lessons in Germany?

Learning German can be a struggle, but did you know that some groups are entitled to take language and integration courses for free? Here's what you need to know.

Refugee learning German in Brandenburg
A refugee sits in a German class in Bad Saarow, Brandenburg. Photo: picture alliance / dpa | Patrick Pleul

It’s in everyone’s interest that people living in Germany are able to speak the language.

Though German has a reputation for being difficult (just check out all the different words they have for “the”!), being proficient can open up doors to new career opportunities, help you make friends and generally make living here that little bit easier.

Sometimes, however, the cost of taking a language course can be a major barrier. That’s why it’s important to know whether you or your family may actually be entitled to take a heavily subsidised or free German course.

Here are the main groups of people who can take free German classes in Germany, and some other options for those who aren’t eligible. 

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Asylum seekers and refugees 

Even before asylum seekers have received a verdict on their application, they are entitled to take what’s known as an Erstorientierungskurs: a course of initial orientation. This free course can help them get to grips with the basics of the language and day-to-day life in Germany, including modules on housing, work, shopping, transport, and health.

Once an application for asylum is accepted, refugees are granted a free place on an integration course (Integrationskurs) to help improve their language level further and understand more about German life and culture. 

Nearby courses can be found through the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) website. Refugees and migrants normally have to receive a permit (or “Berechtigungsschein”) to attend the course via the Foreigner’s Office. 

It’s worth noting that most migrants – even if they are not refugees – are entitled to take integration courses through BAMF, but they generally have to pay for them. 

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Long-term unemployed people who are receiving Hartz IV (or Arbeitslosengeld II) can usually take German language and integration courses funded by the Jobcenter. 

In some cases, the Jobcenter will also provide expenses for travel to and from the language school. Unemployed people who want to take a language course should speak to their advisor to find out the options available and how to sign up for a course. 

You can also find a list of German courses financed by the Federal Employment Agency on the Kursnet Arbeitsagentur website. These include different language levels, integration courses, and special courses known as ‘German for Professional Purposes’ (ESF-BAMF), which are designed to equip you for working in Germany. 

Jobcenter in Düsseldorf

The Jobcenter in Düsseldorf. Unemployed people can get free German lessons in Germany. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Oliver Berg

Ethnic German Resettlers 

German law entitles ethnic German resettlers and their families (spouse and children) to attend an integration course free of charge. Like jobseekers, this group of people can also apply to have their travel costs to and from the language school reimbursed by the state.

The best way to sign up to a course is to find your nearest school on the BAMF website and consult with the school directly about your eligibility for funding. They should be able to advise you further about your rights. 

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: How to pick the right German language school for you

Prospective and current students

German universities generally require evidence of C1 language skills when admitting students from non-German speaking countries into their courses. Some prospective students will need to take the TestDaF exam as proof of their language schools, and can occasionally find exam preparation courses for free. To find a list of schools in your area, it’s best to look on the Fachverband für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache (German as a Foreign or Second Language Association) website.

Refugees are also usually eligible to take language courses in preparation for university study for free, which are often funded by schemes such NRWege (Paths to Studying) in North Rhine-Westphalia. 

Most universities also offer free-of-charge language courses for students already taking a university course in another language. To find out about these, it’s best to consult the language centre of your university or college directly. 

Children and young people

As part of their general education in German, children from migrant backgrounds receive special support in mastering the German language. This can start as early as kindergarten and carry on alongside their studies as primary and secondary school, with tests along the way to keep track of progress. 

Once children have finished school, they may be entitled to a free place on an integration course for young people, which can once again be booked through BAMF.

Young children learn German at a primary school in Bavaria.

Young children learn German at a primary school in Bavaria. Photo: picture alliance / dpa | Armin Weigel

There are also various charitable organisations in Germany that provide funding for language courses, such as the Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V. Higher Education Guarantee Fund, which is aimed at young people from a migrant background.

Though the Higher Education Guarantee Fund, young migrants can not only have their qualifications recognised or receive support to access higher education, but can also gain access to free German classes if their language skills need improvement. 

Other options

If you don’t fit into any of the above groups, don’t despair: there are still plenty of options for learning German for free or on a budget in Germany.

In some cases, your employer may be willing to fund you to attend a German course as part of your professional development. Otherwise, you can find plenty of free online courses such as Ich Will Deutsch Lernen, Deutsch Akademie and the Goethe Institute. For a great list of self-study resources, check out the RU Geld website, or check out our article below on the best ways to learn German for free:

The best ways to improve your German for free

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Everything that’s changed in the latest Duden German dictionary

The new Duden dictionary is thicker than ever with an additional 3,000 words in its 29th edition. The reference work, which is out on Tuesday, also includes spelling and grammar changes.

Everything that's changed in the latest Duden German dictionary

In the four years since the last new edition of the ‘Duden’ German dictionary, the world has seen enormous changes, from the pandemic to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and even changed eating habits.

The dictionary reflects these developments with the inclusion of words such as Coronaleugner (Covid denier), Klimakleber (climate activists who glue themselves to things), Ukrainekrieg (war in Ukraine), Extremwetterereignis (extreme weather event), Deutschlandticket (Germany travel ticket), ChatGPT, and Fleischersatz (meat substitute).

“The Duden is a mirror of its time. These words say something about what has happened in the last three to four years,” editor-in-chief Kathrin Kunkel-Razum told news agency DPA. 

The biggest language changes of the past few years can be seen in the areas of crisis, war and cooking, Kunkel-Razum said.

The Duden also highlights language trends, like Quetschie, a word used to describe the squeezable packets of fruit purees that are sold as snacks for children. The term comes from the word quetschen (to squeeze).

Unsurprisingly, there are also quite a few new borrowed words or expressions from English. These include ‘upskirting,’ ‘catcalling’ and pampern (pampering).

The Duden is the most well-known reference work on German spelling and, as such, regularly deletes words that are no longer used very much.

Three hundred words have been removed from the current edition, Kunkel-Razum said.

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These include words like frigidär (refrigerator), UMTS-Handy (UMTS mobile phone) or Rationalisator, a term used in the GDR to describe an employee with rationalisation tasks.

Kühlschrank (der) is the only word for a fridge now, while Handy (das, and without the UMTS) is the ‘Denglisch’ word for a mobile phone.

The dictionary has also ditched spelling variants for some words. For example, Tunfisch and Spagetti are no longer accepted ways of writing tuna and spaghetti. Only Thunfisch and Spaghetti are correct now.

“Deleting words is much more difficult than adding them,” the linguist said, explaining that it was much harder to prove that a word was rarely used than the other way around.

Deletions can also be reversed, she said. For example, the word Hackenporsche (a jokey description for a shopping trolley) was removed from the previous addition but has now been included again.

“We received complaints that the word was deleted,” said Kunkel-Razum.

The reference work – named after German philologist Konrad Duden – used to be binding until Germany’s 1996 spelling reform. The authority on spelling is now the Council for German Orthography, which publishes an ‘official set of rules’. 

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Reference works like Duden then implement these rules which eventually become incorporated in everyday use.

Kunkel-Razum said the new Duden contained the Council’s latest spelling changes that were approved at the end of 2023.

These include the mandatory use of a comma before an extended infinitive.

An extended infinitive is the bit of a sentence that’s in direct relation to the ‘infinitive plus zu‘ construction. So, according to the new rules, this means that you should write: Gisela weiß mit Sicherheit, The Local gelesen zu haben. (Gisela knows for sure that she’s read The Local.)

Here, the extended infinitive is ‘The Local gelesen zu haben’ so the comma goes before that.

The comma used to be compulsory, then it became optional and now it’s compulsory again – don’t you love German?