Italy’s Salvini calls for Europe to ‘rethink’ sanctions on Russia

The leader of Italy's far-right League party, Matteo Salvini, on Sunday said the unprecedented sanctions the West had imposed on Russia over the Ukraine invasion weren't working.

Italy's Salvini calls for Europe to 'rethink' sanctions on Russia
People take part in a demonstration against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, in the northern city of Milan, on February 26, 2022. (Photo by Tiziana FABI / AFP)

“Several months have passed and people are paying two, three, even four times more for their bills,” he told RTL radio. “And after seven months, the war continues and Russian Federation coffers are filling with money.”

Skyrocketing energy prices since the start of the war in Ukraine have inflicted economic pain on countries in the European Union which before the war had been reliant on Russia for a large chunk of its gas supplies.

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Salvini later doubled down on his comments during a debate at an economic forum being held in Cernobbio, northern Italy.

“We need a European shield” to protect businesses and families, as during the Covid pandemic, Salvini told delegates during the forum.

“If we want to go ahead with the sanctions, let’s do it, we want to protect Ukraine — but I would not want that to mean that instead of harming the sanctioned, we harm ourselves,” he said.

Italy’s League party leader Matteo Salvini, known for his admiration of Vladimir Putin, said Russia has no influence on Italy’s elections. Photo by Filippo MONTEFORTE / AFP

A day earlier he had tweeted that “those who have been sanctioned are winners and those who put the sanctions in place are on their knees.”

“It’s evident that someone in Europe has made a bad calculation. It is essential to rethink the strategy to save jobs and businesses in Italy,” he said.

Following Salvini’s comments, Enrico Letta, leader of the Democratic Party and one of his main adversaries ahead of parliamentary elections on September 25 retorted on Twitter: “I think (Russian President Vladimir) Putin couldn’t have said it better.”

He later told reporters on the sidelines of the forum on the banks of Lake Como that they were “irresponsible” statements which “risk causing very serious damage to Italy, to our reliability and to our role in Europe”.

“When I hear Salvini talk about sanctions, I feel like I’m listening to Putin’s propaganda.”

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Salvini is well known as being an admirer of Vladimir Putin, and links between his League party and Moscow have raised concerns in Italy, particularly since the invasion of Ukraine.

But Giorgia Meloni – the post-fascist prime ministerial hopeful whose Brothers of Italy party has formed an alliance with the League – has taken a clear position in favour of support for Ukraine and sanctions on Russia.

“If Italy lets go of its allies, for Ukraine nothing changes, but for us, a lot changes. A serious nation that wants to defend its interests must take a credible position,” she told delegates in Cernobbio.

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Migrant rescue charity urges ICC to probe Italy interior minister

Italian NGO Mediterranea has asked the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate Italy's Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi for allegedly violating the Geneva Conventions on refugees, the charity told AFP Friday.

Migrant rescue charity urges ICC to probe Italy interior minister

Piantedosi, who has led far-right Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s efforts to prevent migrant boat arrivals, made a post on X on Thursday which the rescue charity said proved he was breaking international law.

“A total of 16,220 migrants bound for European shores have been intercepted at sea and returned safely to Libya since January,” Piantedosi wrote.

The figure “testifies to the effectiveness of Italy’s collaboration with migrants’ countries of origin and transit in combating human traffickers and deaths at sea”, he said.

But Mediterranea said returning people against their will to Libya was a crime, calling for “an independent investigation” by prosecutors at the ICC in the Hague.

“Libya is an ‘unsafe place’, as certified by the most authoritative international bodies and the United Nations,” Mediterranea said in a statement.

Therefore, “collaborating in activities of deportation of refugees and displaced persons to that country violates the Geneva Convention on Refugees and the Hamburg Convention on sea rescue,” it added.

War-torn Libya is regularly criticised for its handling of migrants, with rights groups alleging horrific treatment by smuggling gangs and inside state-run detention centres.

It is a key launchpad for migrants who are often fleeing conflict and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa.

Since 2017, Rome and Tripoli have partnered on a controversial EU-endorsed deal which provides training and funding to the Libyan coastguard in order to stem migrant departures or return those already at sea to Libya.

Human rights groups say those forcibly returned are placed in detention centres.

Mediterranea said Piantedosi had committed a “serious crime” against “16,220 human beings, whose fate neither he nor anyone else can know after they fell back into the hands of their jailers”.