Eyewitnesses often wrong: Swedish study

Eyewitnesses cannot always be trusted, a psychologist at the Lund University has revealed in a recent study.

Eyewitnesses often wrong: Swedish study

Farhan Sarwar, a witness psychologist at Lund University, disclosed the findings in his dissertation scheduled for defence on Friday.

The more often a witness narrated and discussed a story, the greater the risk of error became, according to Sarwar.

Eyewitnesses are weak at reproducing details such as the attire of criminals or what weapons were used, but they can be used to grasp the main points of a course of events, said Sarwar.

Sarwar’s thesis investigated the effects of eyewitness retellings and discussions with non-witnesses on eyewitness memory and meta-memory judgments.

The first study examined the effect of eyewitness discussions with non-witnesses on eyewitness memory and meta-memory realism for the overall information about an event.

The results suggest that discussions of an experienced event may reduce some of the beneficial memory and meta-memory effects from mere retellings, but may not have substantial negative effects compared to a control condition.

“Analysis of the type of questions asked suggests listeners ask more about the peripheral details as compared with the central details,” Sarwar said in a statement.

One year later, a follow-up study of participants in the retell condition showed no evidence of memory and meta-memory benefits present in the original final test after about 24 days.

However, participants in the retell condition recalled more accurate items than participants in the control condition.

A second study evaluated the effect of eyewitness discussions with non-witnesses for different forensically central, forensically peripheral and non-forensic information. These are the types of information that police may ask about at the start of a crime investigation.

The results from the two experiments showed that participants had better memory and meta-memory realism for forensically central and non-forensic information than for forensically peripheral information.

Moreover, participants in the four conditions were equally capable of distinguishing between correct and incorrect items.

In addition, in the first experiment, participants in conditions involving retelling and discussing the event reported more items, as well as the number of correct forensically central items, compared to the control condition.

The third study investigated whether retellings and discussions caused more reminiscences and hypermnesia, or an elevated level of memory recall, than mere retelling accounts.

The results showed that discussions cause more reminiscences and hypermnesia over the five sessions as compared to mere retellings. They also revealed that the more times something was repeated over the sessions, the higher the probability was for it being retrieved at the final recall.

“Interestingly, the retelling or discussion of information in an earlier or later session did not predict if it would be reported in the testing session,” said Sarwar.

The results showed that forensically peripheral information, but not forensically central information was affected by the reiteration effect, or the effect that confidence tends to increase when a person asserts the same statement many times.

This may be due to peripheral information being less integrated than central information.

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Tech giants promise ‘action plan’ on stopping Nordic gangs using apps for crime

The tech giants Google, Meta, Snapchat and TikTok have pledged to give details "within months" on how they will prevent gang leaders in Nordic countries using their products to carry out serious crimes, Denmark's justice minister said on Friday.

Tech giants promise 'action plan' on stopping Nordic gangs using apps for crime

After meeting the companies along with other Nordic Justice Ministers in Uppsala, Sweden, Hummelgaard and Swedish counterpart Gunnar Strömmer said he now expected the companies to submit an “action plan” to crack down on the use of their apps to recruit young people to carry our shootings and commit other crimes. 

“I would like it to contain concrete steps on how to use the technology on the platforms to remove and screen content that helps to facilitate organised crime to a greater extent,” Hummelgaard said, while Strömmer said that although he was pleased an important step had been taken it “remains to be seen” how seriously the companies take the issue. 

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Ministers from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland met to discuss gang crime, which in recent months has increasingly been shown to cross national borders, with criminals from Sweden travelling to Denmark to carry out shootings and hand grenade attacks.

According to Hummelgaard, there have been “many examples” of gangs using social media and encrypted messaging services to plan serious crimes and recruit new criminals, with lists of the payments available for carrying out various criminal services  found circulating  on social media. 

“The way I see it, political patience is about to run out, not just in the Nordic countries, but in large parts of the Western world,” Hummelgaard said.

He said the four companies had made “a really good first step” in pledging to establish a “joint Nordic cooperation forum”, where they would exchange experience and share information with each other about the use of their products in the region for crime. But he said he wanted them to be “more concrete than that”. 

READ ALSO: Nordic justice ministers meet tech giants on gangs hiring ‘child soldiers’

Hummelgaard said that he tech giants had also asked that the police authorities in the Nordic countries to provide information on what kind of “groupings and names” are using their services and how “they communicate”, so that the content can “be removed immediately”. 

“I sense that they have a clear desire and will to cooperate with us. I think that is positive,” he said. “I would also like to say that until today this has not been the experience of many of our law enforcement authorities around the Nordic countries.”