Hej, hello, hola: Does your personality change when you speak another language? 

You’re more serious in Swedish, outgoing in English and funnier in French. Could it be true? Whether you’ve noticed it or not, research suggests yes, our personalities can shift depending on the language we are speaking.   

Hej, hello, hola: Does your personality change when you speak another language? 
It's not only you. There is truth to the idea that your personality feels different when speaking another language. Photo: Getty Images

Learning a new language, especially as an adult, is hard. It can feel like there’s no space in your brain for new vocabulary, it’s hard to remember grammar rules and the pronunciation just doesn’t sound right no matter what facial gymnastics you try. 

But for those who have mastered a language other than their mother tongue, have you noticed a shift in your personality depending on what language you are speaking? Or perhaps you are still learning and feel frustrated at not being able to express your ‘true’ personality in the newer language?

Your attitude to a language and the cultural values you place on it play a part in how you label your personality when speaking that language, say experts at Stockholm University

Nathan Joel Young is a lecturer at Stockholm University’s Centre for Research on Bilingualism and a Marie Curie research fellow at the University of Oslo, with a PhD in Linguistics. He says the idea that our personalities shift when we speak different languages is linked to personal history. “It’s about how you think about the place where that language is from, or where you are getting that experience of the language – for example home, work, TV.”

One exception to this culture and history link is how well you speak a language. 

“I’m sorry, I’m much funnier in Swedish!” exclaimed a friend to me once. Thinking she was not feeling confident in her English, I assured her she was funny and we moved on. 

New language, new personality

According to a number of studies over the years, there is truth to the idea that your personality can change when you switch between languages. 

While many of us can relate anecdotally to these feelings of personality shifts, US research published in the Journal of Consumer Research indicates bilinguals may unconsciously switch personalities depending on the language they are using. The study looked at groups of bilingual Hispanic women and found changes in their self-perception, also known as ‘frame shifting’.

The women categorised themselves as more assertive, self-sufficient and extroverted when speaking Spanish compared to English. “Language can be a cue that activates different culture-specific frames,” the researchers said.

Learn more about Stockholm University’s Centre for Research on Bilingualism

Nathan Joel Young and Klara Skogmyr Marian from Stockholm University’s Centre for Research on Bilingualism.

Klara Skogmyr Marian, is an assistant professor and researcher at the Centre for Research on Bilingualism at Stockholm University, a researcher at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and an author, whose expertise is in social aspects of language learning and bilingualism. She says: The question about personality effects is interesting and I am sure that many people recognise themselves in feeling like slightly different people when communicating in different languages.”

Culture, roles and language: it’s personal

How you experience or view a culture, and its language, will influence how you feel when you speak that language. 

“Your own attitudes towards a culture and a language come into play, and what you associate with that culture. This might make you act differently and feel differently when you speak,” says Klara. “How others perceive you, your culture, and the languages you speak might also affect how you feel yourself.”

And, because bilinguals use language in different parts of their lives and with different people, depending on how and where you are speaking, your impression and behaviour will be different. 

“It is about what situations you are using that language and how that language is situated,” says Nathan, explaining that your personal background plays a big role. So, if you were raised in Sweden, for example, but your family are Indonesian, you may associate speaking Indonesian with comfort, family and your grandma. While Swedish is more formal, used at work and in your studies. Likewise English is the language you see on TV and in movies and what you speak with your international friends. Whether consciously or not, your personal view of yourself may shift in each of these different settings, affecting your perception of your personality. 

Klara reiterates this same sentiment and says your roles in different settings – like English-speaking mother, Swedish-speaking colleague – will influence how you categorise your personality in each of those languages. 

A question of personality

Is ‘personality’ quite right? It’s important to say that this idea will depend on how you define personality. When we talk about a personality change in this instance, we are not meaning a Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde situation. According to the American Psychological Association, personality is the characteristic patterns in how you think, feel and behave. So there will be differences in how you behave and your body language, for example. 

Klara points this out too and asks the question: “Should we really speak about personality or is it a shifting between cultural frames, so aspects related more to the culture?”

Expressing yourself 

Confidence and level of skill in a language also comes into play. It makes sense that you don’t feel like yourself and seem more shy and reserved when you’re still mastering the lingo.  

“Your level of ability could bridle your personality. And so maybe the way you respond to that is you personify shyness,” says Nathan. 

Perhaps you can relate to being the person who doesn’t say much at a dinner party, laughs at the wrong time and feels weird and awkward? But who becomes the life of the party when everyone kindly switches to English?

Of course, the way to overcome this aspect of language and personality difference (and let your true personality shine), is to learn the language.

“Try and engage in those conversations, settings and interactions where you would have a chance to develop and gain interactional competence, in the ‘wild’,” says Klara, referring to practising a new language outside the constrains of a classroom. “You will feel more comfortable over time. And that might also allow you to change the kind of personality traits or the feelings that you associate with that language.”

The benefits of being bilingual

And for those of us still struggling to grasp our å, ä and ö’s? Research on language learning in general, not only bilingualism, has shown that our brains are extremely malleable, points out Klara, adding that nothing is set in stone when it comes to language competency or how you feel about a language. 

“What we can say, without any doubt, is that the huge advantage of being multilingual is that you’ll be able to speak with more people,” says Klara.

“I think anybody coming to Sweden will notice the benefits of speaking Swedish in Sweden!”

Keen to immerse yourself more fully in Sweden? Find out about language learning at Stockholm University

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Seven Swedish expressions which will make you sound like a local

Looking for ways to improve your Swedish? Learning some of these phrases and using them in your speech will definitely impress the Swedes in your life.

Seven Swedish expressions which will make you sound like a local

Finns det hjärterum finns det stjärterum

This phrase literally translates as “if there’s room in your heart, there’s room for a bum”, and it essentially means that you can always make room for one more if you really want to.

If there were three of you sitting on a sofa and another guest arrives but there’s nowhere for them to sit, you might say this phrase while you all scooch up to make space for them to join you.

Kasta ett getöga (på något)

You would be forgiven for thinking this phrase has something to do with goat eyes – a goat in Swedish is en get, and an eye is ett öga.

However, this phrase doesn’t mean “to throw a goat’s eye (at something)”. Rather the word get here comes from the Old Norse verb geta, which means to watch, care for or guard something.

So rather than throwing bits of goats at someone, the phrase can be better translated as “to keep a watchful eye” on something.

Mycket snack och lite verkstad

This phrase directly translates to “a lot of talk and not much workshop”, and you might be able to figure out what it means.

It’s similar to the phrase “all talk and no action” or “all talk and no trousers” which you would use when someone or a group of people spend a lot of time discussing something but never actually do it.

It’s often used in a sports context if players talk a lot about strategy and beating the other team, but never quite manage to pull it out of the bag.

Små grytor har också öron

This expression can be confusing at first, as it contains a play on the word öron, which means both pot handle and ear in Swedish. It literally translates to “small pots also have ears”, and it essentially means that you should be careful of what you say around children.

It can be used in a couple of different ways. You could use it to remind someone that children are present if they’re about to tell you something that isn’t family-friendly, like the juicy details of their sex life.

It can also be used as a reminder to whoever you’re talking to that if they say anything in front of a child, it’s likely to be repeated somewhere else. So maybe save the discussion about how much you can’t stand one of the parents or teachers at preschool for somewhere your child can’t hear it.

Träsmak i röven

The word röv in Swedish is a vulgar term for the backside, roughly similar in strength to English “arse” or American “ass”.

It originally comes from the Old Norse word rauf meaning gap, rift or hole, used in words like raufarsteinn (a stone with a hole drilled through it) and raufartrefjur (cloth filled with holes).

The word in its modern meaning exists in Swedish as röv, in Danish as røv and in Norwegian as ræv or rauv.

Träsmak i röven (literally: “the taste of wood on your arse”) is a great phrase which describes the feeling you get when your bottom starts hurting from sitting down for too long.

Less offensive alternatives to the word röv which you can use in this phrase include rumpa, bakdel, ända, stjärt and gump

Kratta manegen

The Swedish phrase kratta manegen is roughly equivalent to “pave the way” or “set the stage” in English, essentially to make it easier for someone to do something. 

You could, for example, use it about some sort of pioneer: hon krattade manegen för kvinnor i politiken (she paved the way for women in politics). It can also be used about something other than an individual: lagen krattade manegen för landets tillväxt (the law paved the way for the country’s growth).

Literally, a kratta refers to a rake and manegen to a circus ring or riding arena, so imaging someone raking the sand in the ring before it’s used by riders and performers.

I grevens tid

A greve in Swedish is a count – as in the noble title – so this phrase literally translates to “in the count’s time”.

It refers to doing something at the last possible moment, similar to the phrases “in the nick of time” or “not a minute too soon” in English.

It’s believed to refer to a specific count, Per Brahe the Younger, who was Governor-General of Finland in the mid 17th century. During this time he reformed the administration of the country, introduced a new postal system, founded a large number of new towns and promoted education, for example by founding the Royal Academy of Turku.

The Finns were a fan of Count Brahe, which is why the phrase I grevens tid also exists in Finnish as kreivin aikaan, where it refers to arriving at the right time or the best possible time.