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What is a ‘criminal records extract’ and what do you need it for in Switzerland?

If you have lived in Switzerland for a while, chances are you have been asked to present this document in certain situations to prove that you don’t have a criminal past (or present).

What is a ‘criminal records extract’ and what do you need it for in  Switzerland?
You may be denied Swiss citizenship if you don't provide your criminal record. Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP

When you get asked to provide your criminal records extract (Strafregisterauszug in German, Extrait du casier judiciaire in French, and Estratto del casellario giudiziale in Italian), you shouldn’t be taken aback.

This doesn’t mean that authorities are singling you out because you are foreigner or suspect you of any wrongdoing; Swiss citizens must also occasionally provide this document and they are quite accustomed to it.

What exactly is this extract?

Switzerland is a small, extremely well-organised country, so officials know exactly where you live, what you do, and any other personal matters about you and your family (which is a paradox in a way, as protection of private life is a constitutional right).

If you commit any serious offences, a record  is kept in a special registry at the Federal Office of Justice  (FOJ) in Bern. In other words, the government knows — just like Santa Claus does — whether you have been naughty or nice.

Don’t worry, if your only “criminal activity” in Switzerland is limited to parking fines, this will not show on your record; only criminal offences and convictions are listed.

However, there are exceptions. As The Local reported in 2020, an eight-year-old child received a police record for asking if he could use a toy banknote to pay in a shop in a Swiss village.

READ MORE: Swiss boy, 8, gets criminal record for attempting to pay with toy banknote

When could you be asked to show this an extract from your record — and must you?

There are specific situations when this document will be requested and by whom, in which case you should provide it, for your own benefit.

For instance, the extract will be routinely requested when you apply for a job, to rent an apartment, and to obtain a loan (including mortgage).

You may also have to provide it for activities involving regular contact with minors or other persons requiring special protection, such as the mentally handicapped.

Most importantly, you will need to provide it when you apply for naturalisation.

What if you don’t want to share this document with others?

If someone in an official capacity with a valid reason (as mentioned above) asks you for your criminal record and you don’t comply, then you will not obtain the benefits you were applying for in the first place — be it a job, a place to live, or citizenship.

Where can you obtain your criminal records extract?

You can order it online from FOJ’s website.

All the documents you need to provide (such as a copy of your ID card), as well as payment, are indicated on this page.

This is what you should know if you order the extract after January 23, 2023

On that day, the new law on criminal records comes into force, and the new information system, called VOSTRA, goes into effect.

This will result in several changes, according to FOJ:

  • The standard private extract and special extract will have a new design
  • Ordering a standard private extract or a special private extract will cost 17 francs (versus 20 francs now) 
  • The new statutory provisions affect how long a judgment is visible on a standard private extract and how long it remains stored in VOSTRA

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Where are the ‘best’ and ‘worst’ places to live in Switzerland in 2024?

A new, large-scale comparison of Swiss communities reveals where life is good — and where it leaves much to be desired.

Where are the 'best' and 'worst' places to live in Switzerland in 2024?

In all fairness, there are no truly ‘bad’ communities in Switzerland, especially in comparison to certain parts of the world.

However, in the only major ranking of this kind conducted in Switzerland, Handelzeitung newspaper set out to find out which Swiss towns of more than 2,000 residents offer the best overall quality of life to its residents, and which  ones — not so much. 

The publication examined 1,000 municipalities, ranking them on 51 criteria, including the tax burden, property prices, security, geographic location, quality of public schools, social structures, and availability of shopping venues, among others.

The data that Handelszeitung used is based mainly on public statistics, as well as on real estate price models from the company Iazi.

“Among the main factors for a municipality to be at the top are low taxes, proximity to the centre, and the presence of a lake,” according the study’s author, Donato Scognamiglio.

The findings can be summed up thus: all the best communities are located in the Swiss-German part of the country (mainly in Zurich and central Switzerland), while the ‘worst’ are predominantly in the French-speaking cantons, as well as Ticino.

And the best places are….

Based on the above criteria, Handelszeitung selected these 10 communes as the best places to live in the country:
1 Meggen (LU)
2 Hergiswil (NW)
3 Oberkirch (LU)
4 Cham (ZG)
5 Zug (ZG)
6 Zollikon (ZH)
7 Freienbach (SZ)
8 Küsnacht (ZH)
9 Hünenberg (ZG)
10 Kilchberg (ZH)

Why has the municipality of Meggen earned  the top spot?

 “Living in Meggen is considered a privilege by most people,” said mayor Carmen Holdener.

“But it’s not just the rich and privileged who live here,” she added. “The population is very diverse.”

City statistics do show that foreign nationals make up nearly 25 percent of the town’s 7,768  residents.

What about Hergiswil, which is in the second-place?

The Nidwalden municipality is well connected by transport, and its location between Pilatus and Lake Lucerne offers many leisure activities.

But its main attraction may lie elsewkere: “We keep taxes in Hergiswil consistently low,” said the mayor, Daniel Rogenmoser. “This is important for taxpayers so that they can plan for the long term with relatively stable taxes.”

This community is diverse as wll: almost 30 percent of the population of 6,185 people are foreigners.

What about the ‘losers’?

This is what the line-up looks like:

1 Val-de-Travers (NE)
2 Chamoson (VS)
3 Le Locle (NE)
4 Riviera (TI)
5 Perles (BE)
6 Biasca (TI)
7 Diemtigen (BE)
8 Saint-Imier (BE)
9 La Chaux-de-Fonds (NE)
10 Tramelan (BE)

So what’s wrong with Val-de-Travers, which got the lowest score in the ranking?

Although scenically located amid hills and pine forests, the Neuchâtel municipality has the highest taxes in Switzerland.

But that’s not all: the community of 10,550 inhabitants is “poorly served by publlic transport, poorly structured, and has few jobs on site.”

What about Switzerland’s largest cities?

According to the study, life is not that great (comparatively speaking) in major Swiss municipalities.

Zurich is in the 54th place, Basel in the 486th, and Bern in 491st.

“The reasons for this poor ranking lie mainly in the areas of housing and employment, with reduced construction activity, more difficult financial accessibility, a higher unemployment rate, and fewer business start-ups.”