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Five things you need to know about the Lower Austria elections

One of Austria's most populous provinces is set to choose a new government this Sunday. But why does that matter?

Five things you need to know about the Lower Austria elections
Lower Austria has many touristic spots, mountains, vineyards, ruins, and major cities. Pictured is the Göttweig Abbey, near Krems. (Photo by Leonhard Niederwimmer on Unsplash)

Austria is heading into one of its most significant elections as Lower Austria (Niederösterreich) heads to the polls on Sunday, January 29th, to elect a new regional parliament. 

Current governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner (ÖVP) is seeking reelection, but her party, the centre-right ÖVP, has dropped on voting intention polls.

According to an OGM/Kurier poll from January 21st, the regional ÖVP party, known as VPNÖ, leads the race with 37 percent of voting intentions – far from the majority it would need to govern without a coalition.

Then, the far-right party FPÖ follows with 26 percent of the votes. Next is the centre-left SPÖ with 23 percent, the liberal NEOS with 7 percent and the Greens with 6 percent.

The country has its eyes on this election. But why is it so important and what do you need to know about it?

Lower Austria is a prominent Austrian province

Firstly, Lower Austria is a very significant Austrian province. It’s the second-most populous state in Austria after the capital – it is also the largest state by area. Furthermore, the region surrounds Vienna and many workers in the capital live in nearby cities, as Lower Austria has dozens of commuter towns. 

The state capital is Sankt Pölten, and other major cities include Wiener Neustadt, Amstetten, Klosterneuburg, Krems an der Donau and Stockerau.

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Historical loss for the ÖVP predicted

To say that the state is a stronghold of the centre-right political party ÖVP, the Austrian People’s Party, is an understatement. The ÖVP has been ahead of the provincial government (and of much of its municipalities) ever since the war. Moreover, it currently holds a majority in the regional parliament, meaning that it rules without the need for a coalition partner.

But things are about to change. Voting intention polls show that the ÖVP will most likely lose its majority in Lower Austria, a testament to the plummeting popularity of the centre-right party.

From the around 50 percent of votes which gave it 29 seats in parliament, the party is now polling at 37 percent.

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Not only does that mean Austria will likely see a historical coalition talk taking place in the state, but Lower Austria is also responsible for a large part of the votes that the ÖVP gets in federal elections.

Losing those voters locally might mean a big upset ahead in the National Council, and the parties all know it, with all of the major ones fighting to get voters.

… and a historical win for the FPÖ

At the same time as the ÖVP drops in voter preference, the far-right party FPÖ, known as the Freedom Party, is rising. In the last local elections in 2018, they received 14.8 percent of the votes but now are polling in second place, with 26 percent.

The leader of the FPÖ and former Austrian Interior Minister Herbert Kickl waves the Austrian flag. (Photo by JOE KLAMAR / AFP)

This mirrors a federal rise by the FPÖ, which now polls in first when citizens are asked who they’d vote for in the parliamentary elections. The rise of the far-right is down to many reasons, from its stance on polarising topics such as the Covid-19 pandemic to criticism over the government’s actions regarding the inflation crisis and migration.

READ ALSO: Why is support for Austria’s far-right FPÖ rising?

In Lower Austria, surveys show that citizens are concerned about inflation, climate crisis, and asylum and immigration, many topics where the raging FPÖ speech thrives. 

The election could be seen as an early national vote

Lower Austria is relevant geographically, economically and culturally. With its enormous population, results in the state are often seen as a preview or at least a taste of what’s to come in federal elections. 

And Austria is set to have its next parliamentary elections in the Autumn of 2024, so all eyes are now on Lower Austria.

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Just as voting intention polls show ÖVP dropping and the FPÖ rising in the federal scenario, the same is seen in the province. Austrian politicians and analysts are watching closely to see how exactly the polls translate to actual votes, how this will influence coalition talks and what a new government will look like there.

Foreigners are still excluded from the democratic process

Something else you should know about the Lower Austrian elections: foreigners are excluded from the democratic process.

The only people who are eligible to vote, according to the government, are those who:

  • are at least 16 years old on election day, January 29th 2023, and
  • on the cut-off date, November 18th, 2022: have Austrian citizenship, have their main place of residence in Lower Austria or are Austrians living abroad who had their last main place of residence in Lower Austria before their stay abroad, and are not excluded from the right to vote due to a court conviction

Foreign residents of Lower Austria, even those with a main residence there for decades and who pay their taxes there, cannot vote in the state elections. 

READ ALSO: Reader question: Can I vote in Austria’s presidential elections?

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Reader question: Can I vote in Austria’s national elections?

Austria’s national elections are scheduled for September 29th, but not everyone will have a say. Find out who can vote in these crucial elections and how foreigners can still make their voices heard.

Reader question: Can I vote in Austria's national elections?

On September 29th, Austria will hold its highly anticipated national elections to elect a new parliament, marking a crucial moment for the country’s political future. 

The election comes at a time of growing political polarisation, with the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) leading in the polls, followed closely by the centre-right Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP). The centre-left Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) remains in third place, trailing behind its rivals.

READ ALSO: Austrian elections: Who could be the next chancellor?

As political tensions rise and critical issues like immigration and inflation dominate the discourse, these elections could significantly shift Austria’s political landscape. 

However, while the stakes are high, a large segment of the population won’t be able to vote, mainly because of Austria’s restrictive citizenship laws. 

Who can vote in Austria’s national elections?

The only people allowed to vote in Austrian federal elections are Austrian citizens aged 16 or above. This means foreigners – even those who have lived in Austria for decades – are not entitled to vote unless they have acquired Austrian citizenship. 

The country’s strict naturalisation process typically requires at least ten years of legal residence and a high income. Applicants must also give up their original nationality, as dual citizenship is rarely permitted.

While Austria is home to a large foreign-born population, many cannot participate in the political process. In Vienna, for example, as many as one in three residents of voting age cannot vote due to their non-Austrian citizenship. This leaves around 1.5 million people nationwide unable to vote in the upcoming elections, representing around 19 percent of the population aged 16 and over.

READ ALSO: What makes Austrian citizenship so hard to get?

How can foreigners “vote” in the elections?

A symbolic alternative for the many residents excluded from Austria’s national elections has been offered: the “Pass Egal” election, organised by the non-governmental organisation SOS Mitmensch. Since 2013, the Pass Egal election has given foreigners a platform to ‘vote’ and express their political preferences.

The Pass Egal election is open to anyone aged 16 or older who lives in Austria but does not have Austrian citizenship. Even Austrians who wish to show solidarity with non-voters can participate. This symbolic election gives a voice to those otherwise excluded from official polls, allowing them to vote for the parties running in the National Council elections.

In 2022, for example, more than 8,500 people from 86 countries participated in a mock election for federal president. 

While the vote doesn’t impact the actual elections, it highlights the political engagement of Austria’s foreign residents and adds visibility to the debate on voting rights and citizenship reform.

READ MORE: How foreigners can ‘vote’ in the Austrian national elections

What’s at stake in Austria’s national elections?

This year’s elections will shape the composition of Austria’s National Council and influence the country’s future political direction.

With the FPÖ leading in the polls, the possibility of a far-right resurgence is a crucial issue, while the ÖVP and SPÖ are working to gain ground in what is expected to be a highly competitive election.

For the large segment of Austria’s population that is excluded from voting due to the country’s citizenship laws, the Pass Egal election provides a way to engage politically, even if only symbolically. 

As the number of non-citizen residents in Austria grows, the debate over expanding voting rights to non-citizens and making the naturalisation process more accessible will continue.