Eight fascinating facts about Spain’s Benidorm

The 'Mediterranean Manhattan' has quite the reputation, but there are some surprising facts about the city that you might not be aware of.

benidorm interesting facts
Benidorm may not be everybody's cup of tea, but it certainly has a very interesting past. (Photo by JOSE JORDAN / STR / AFP)

Located along the Costa Blanca in eastern Spanish region of Valencia, Benidorm was a quiet fishing village of 2,500 people in the early 20th century.

All this changed in 1950 when mayor Pedro Zaragoza Orts was elected, who over the next two decades developed Benidorm into one of Europe’s primary holiday spots. 

Bold, brash and brilliant Benidorm is now famed for housing more foreigners than Spaniards, British residents and holidaymakers in particular (there’s even a British TV comedy called Benidorm).

The city of 67,000 inhabitants is loved for its excellent weather, fine beaches, wild nightlife, British-style bars and its attractive old town. No wonder 16 million tourists visit every year.

For those of you who’ve been to Benidorm or who are curious about it, here are eight things you might not know about Spain’s most famous holiday destination. 

Benidorm was the first city in Spain to allow bikinis

Believe it or not, Benidorm was actually the first city in Spain to allow women to wear bikinis on the beach in 1953. Visionary mayor Zaragoza famously travelled to Madrid on a Vespa and managed to convince Spanish dictator Franco that it was necessary for tourism and that the German, Swedish and English tourists would not want to cover up on holiday.

Benidorm beach in 1960, before ‘el bikini’ became a mainstay. Photo: Luis Fernández Fuster / E.S. Turismo Huesca

It’s the city with the most skyscrapers per inhabitant in the world

Move over Dubai, with 26 buildings over 100 metres tall, Benidorm is the city with the most skyscrapers per inhabitant in the entire world. The tallest building in the city is currently the Intempo building, which is 187 metres. In the 1950s the city’s urban plan allowed Benidorm to grow upwards rather than outwards. 

It’s hard to believe that a century a go Benidorm was a quiet village of fishermen. (Photo by JOSE JORDAN / AFP)


There have been hotels there for 100 years

The popularity of Benidorm is by no means a recent phenomenon. Tourists have been flocking to the coastal resort for the last 100 years, even though the real boom didn’t happen until the 1950s and 60s. In the 1920s, a sailor from Benidorm who travelled around the world decided to open the first hotel in the city – the Hotel Bilbaíno. Then in 1934, the Hotel Marconi opened its doors. Both historic hotels are still open today. 

You can read more about the history of Hotel Bilbaíno here. Photo: Hotel Bilbaino

Benidorm is considered to be one of the most sustainable cities in Spain

It may not seem like it at first glance with all the hordes of tourists, bars and clubs, but Benidorm is actually one of the most sustainable cities in Spain. It occupies little space, private transport is hardly used and most trips are made on foot. The high density also means it has a more efficient use of water and electricity. According to Jorce Olcina, Professor of Regional Geographic Analysis at the University of Alicante, “Benidorm is the most efficient municipality in Europe”, with “94 percent efficiency” in water management.

You wouldn’t expect Benidorm to be considered a sustainable city. Photo: Volker Glätsch/Pixabay (Photo by JOSE JORDAN / STR / AFP)

It’s the city with the most tattooed English people after Sheffield and Birmingham

If tattoos are your thing, it looks like a trip to Benidorm should be on the cards. Surprisingly there are more British people with tattoos in the Spanish resort than in many cities in the UK, it’s only beaten by Sheffield and Birmingham. If you’re out and about on the beach in Benidorm, see how many you can spot.

How many different tattoos can you see on the beaches in Benidorm? Photo: Eric L’Heureux / Unsplash

Its nightclubs are historic

Over the years, the city has been home to some legendary Spanish nightclubs. In 1968 the iconic Penélope was inaugurated, whose logo was an image of a girl with a hat became known internationally. Then in 1970, CAP 3000 opened, in a building shaped like a UFO that had the first laser beam in Spain. During its inauguration party, the famous band Led Zeppelin played there.  

It was home to the first artificial geyser in Spain

Benidorm inaugurated the first artificial geyser in all of Spain. It was built in 1986 and its water could reach up to 100 metres in the air. Due to its high maintenance costs and the damage it caused both to nature and nearby buildings through erosion, it was decommissioned in 2014. 

The Benidorm Cross is meant to protect the city from sin

La Cruz de Benidorm is located at the top of the Sierra Helada mountain, one of the most popular viewpoints of the city.

The reason why this Christian symbol was erected there in the first place is because the Bishop of Orihuela and Alicante at the time of Benidorm’s transformation into tourism mecca wasn’t a fan of the once-fishing village becoming Spain’s ‘sin city’.

He threatened mayor Zaragoza with putting up a banner at the entrance of Benidorm which would read “Hell”, but instead the Catholic leader was allowed to install a “cross of salvation” high above the town in 1962, so that locals and tourists alike knew “God would be watching them”. 

The cross is a reminder that not everyone was in favour of Benidorm becoming a playground for tourists. Photo: Kelvin Koolmees/Unsplash

The city has its own ‘vampire’ legend

Benidorm’s ‘vampire’ was less of the Dracula version and more of the serial killer variety. During the mid-1960s, three girls were murdered along a highway in Germany. The top suspect was Waldemar Wohlfahrt, who owned an apartment in Benidorm. He was eventually arrested for the murders in the Spanish city and spent 25 days in detention in Alicante. People called him the vampire because of his German look of pale skin and blond hair. Wohlfahrt was quickly released as there was another murder in Germany while he was in prison. When he got out, the German made the most of his newfound fame, dubbed himself ‘El Vampiro’ and went on to star in several erotic movies and even released a song about Benidorm. 

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Can Barcelona really ban all Airbnbs?

Barcelona’s mayor recently announced plans to get rid of all tourist flats in the next four years as a means of controlling rent hikes. It’s the most drastic measure so far in Spanish cities’ battle against Airbnb - but will it actually happen?

Can Barcelona really ban all Airbnbs?

In late June, Barcelona mayor Jaume Collboni made national headlines when he announced plans to revoke the licence of more than 10,000 tourist apartments in the Catalan capital. 

It would “be like building 10,000 new homes,” Collboni argued, alluding to Spain’s need to build huge amounts of social housing to counteract the shortage and price rise of regular long-term rentals for locals. 

Tourism’s impact on Barcelona and the subsequent animosity from residents has been around for over a decade, whereas in other places where anti-mass tourism protests have been held, such as Málaga and Canary Islands, it’s a more recent phenomenon. 

READ ALSO: ‘It kills the city’ – Barcelona’s youth protest against mass tourism

So it’s perhaps no surprise that the Catalan city is the first place in the country to truly aim at cutting out tourist apartments altogether. 

Spain’s Housing Minister Isabel Rodríguez has lauded Collboni’s “bravery” in the fight against the proliferation of tourism lets (up by 60,000 new Airbnb-style beds in just a year in Spain). 

However, there are plenty of voices which oppose the move to make Barcelona holiday let free.

“It’s unconstitutional,” Marian Muro, president of Barcelona Association of Tourist Apartments, told business daily Expansión.

“What Barcelona City Council is doing is expropriating the rights of the holders of tourist licences,” she claimed. 

Apartur is planning legal action against the measure on three levels: through the Constitutional Court, the administrative court and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).

According to Muro, Collboni knows that the legislation he’s promised will be “revoked”, and criticises that “no analysis or study has been provided” to justify the move. 

Her association has also told the Spanish press that Barcelona stands to lose “up to 40 percent of its tourists” with said blanket ban.

Collboni’s right-hand man Jordi Valls, in charge of economy and tourism at the city council, has openly admitted that “it’s clear that there will be a legal battle”, adding that “sectors linked to tourist flats appeal to compromise but also threaten legal battles”.

“Amsterdam and New York are doing it, all cities impacted by tourism are trying to get residential harmony to exist again,” Valls told national radio RNE. 

The key for him is to strike a balance between housing being a “financial asset” and serving a “social function”.

“We can’t give up on controlling it,” Valls concluded.

Crucially, the Barcelona councillor has said that since the tourist apartment ban was announced on June 21st, the sale of flats with tourist rental licences has fallen, something also reported in Catalan daily El Periódico, which stated that such sought-after properties were selling for €100,000 above the standard appraisal. 

For economics professor at Barcelona University Gonzalo Bernardos, tourist flats don’t represent enough of Spain’s housing market for a ban to have a sufficient impact.

“Eighty percent of tourist flats in Catalonia are owned by people with just that flat”, Bernardos claimed on La Sexta, so the ban would not have a great impact on “large investment funds or people who want to speculate” with property prices.

READ ALSO: VUT, AT or VV? Why Spain’s holiday let categories matter to owners

Barcelona’s progressive revocation of tourist let licences until 2028 may be endorsed by local and national authorities currently, but it will be a struggle for them to win the many legal battles they are set to face in the coming years from groups with financial interests in the Airbnb market.

Last year, the European Parliament approved new data-sharing rules that clamp down on illegal short-term rentals, as a means of protecting residents of European cities who face shortages of affordable housing.

However, EU lawmakers have not yet considered a blanket ban on Airbnb. 

The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights does state that “The use of property may be regulated by law in so far as is necessary for the general interest”, but completely eliminating the right of Spaniards and Europeans to let out their homes to tourists will be a monumental task. 

READ ALSO: Good tourists, bad tourist – How to travel responsibly in Spain