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‘It’s just their way’: Why don’t the Swiss like to queue?

For an orderly country, Switzerland is full of people who have seemingly never mastered the art of patiently waiting in line. Geneva-based Helena Bachmann considers why and how to deal with this behaviour.

'It's just their way': Why don't the Swiss like to queue?
If they are waiting patiently in lime, they are not Swiss. Photo: Pixabay

An international resident in Switzerland recently witnessed a scene at a train station, involving a group of Italian tourists jumping the queue to get on the train before all the other passengers, even though the group had arrived last.

Witnessing this moment, other commuters expressed their discontent, saying that this type of impolite behaviour is “typically Italian…they have no manners”.

Beyond the well-known propensity of some Swiss people to routinely blame foreigners for everything that is out of whack in their country, there is a clear irony here: the Swiss themselves are notorious queue jumpers.

‘It’s just their way’

But the irony doesn’t stop here.

In all other spheres of life, the Swiss are meticulously organised and like to micromanage everything that surrounds them, with every patch of greenery cut and trimmed, and every cow counted and named.

But their penchant for law and order doesn’t carry over to situations where waiting in lines is necessary.

For instance, if you have ever waited to get on a ski lift at a resort, you probably saw how the usually orderly people morph into unruly masses.

Such a situation caught public attention in 2020, when skiers in the Belalp-Bahnen region of Valais jostled to get to the front of the queue rather than wait patiently in line.

Even the former US ambassador to Switzerland, Suzi LeVine, complained in 2015 about the “inefficiency” and “chaos” at Swiss ski lifts. 

READ ALSO : US diplomat sparks flap over Swiss ski ‘chaos’

Lots of people stand at the station in Grindelwald, Switzerland, in January 2023.

Lots of people stand at the station in Grindelwald, Switzerland, in January 2023 But will any of them queue? Photo by Luke Tanis on Unsplash

The reasons for this kind of non-compliance with the ‘first come, first served’ principle are often debated on social media and on various online forums.

“Why oh why can’t the Swiss learn the polite art of queuing?, one user of The Local’s forum asked. “We use the ferries on a very regular basis, we get in line but a ton of folk just pile up in front of us? And they are so blatant with it too.”

Others have suggested what could be a plausible explanation for this common (mis)behaviour: one person said that the problem could be that the Swiss, who are accustomed to a certain order of things, “are awful at handling ‘unusual’ situations” like chaos.

“They aren’t being rude on purpose; it’s just their way.”

How do you deal with this behaviour?

There have been no concrete suggestions for how to deal with this habit other than appeals for common courtesy.

It appears that the Swiss themselves see nothing wrong with the mayhem at public transport stations or other situations that surely would benefit from people standing in line in an orderly fashion. 

In terms of crowds at ski lifts, certain resorts, and tourists alike, have been calling for ski lift operators to adapt a system common on the ski slopes in the United States and Canada, which consists of forming two lines, which then merge into each other.

READ ALSO: Will an American-style queuing system end chaos at Swiss ski lifts?

Currently in Switzerland there is only one queue for the ski lifts, often resulting in pushing or bumping against other skiers.

Waiting in a funnel-shaped line in front of the turnstile, as is common on Swiss slopes, is “a chaotic queuing system,” one resort manager said.

Other options for dealing with this behaviour include being passive aggressive – like rolling your eyes at violators.

Meanwhile, some people become equally aggressive, elbowing their way up front to give these line breakers a taste of their own behaviour – although that would result in more aggro, which could mean the whole experience gets even more stressful so we wouldn’t recommend that.

But some businesses in Switzerland have already taken proactive measures to rein in this kind of practice.

Many banks, post offices, and some shops now have a system in place where each entering customer gets a ticket with a number from a machine and everyone must wait patiently until their turn comes up. 

It’s certainly one way to get the normally order-loving Swiss into line.

What’s your experience of queueing in Switzerland? Let us know by leaving a comment or emailing

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‘Local and seasonal’: How the Swiss government wants you to eat

Switzerland’s population already enjoys one of the world’s highest life expectancies. But the government says a better diet can help them stay healthier even longer.

'Local and seasonal': How the Swiss government wants you to eat

Switzerland’s last nutritional guidelines date back to 2011, so the Federal Food Safety Office (OSAV) and the Swiss Society for Nutrition (SSN) have updated their recommendations on Wednesday. 

“The new nutritional guidelines aim to promote health by prioritising fresh over processed foods,” the government said in a press release, adding that the emphasis is now more “on regional and seasonal products, whole grains, and plant-based protein sources.”

“A balanced diet contributes significantly to the prevention of overweight and obesity. It also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer,” it added.

What’s different now?

The nutritional recommendations indicate the optimal energy and nutrient intake for healthy adults aged 18 to 65.

“While the diversity of foods has not changed much, some are now more prominent,” the government pointed out.

For example, vegetable protein sources, such as legumes, are more widely represented and appear at the same level as animal protein sources, such as meat or fish. As for the cereal products group, the emphasis is more on promoting whole grain products.

“It is still recommended to consume five portions of varied fruit and vegetables per day, favouring regional and seasonal products. Finally, the beverages group – and more particularly water – remains the most important group from a quantitative point of view, while sugary drinks, sweets and salty snacks are considered optional products in the daily diet.”

This is what the new Swiss food pyramid looks like, according to OSAV:

These are the main new recommendations for a healthy diet:


One to two litres of (preferably water) each day

Fruits and vegetables

Five portions a day of seasonal produce

Cereal products

Three portions of whole grains 

Dairy products

Two to three portions each day, preferably unsweetened

Legumes (plant-based protein), eggs, and meat

One portion per day, varying the sources 

Seeds and oilseeds

Every day in small quantities

Oils and fats

Two tablespoons a day, preferably vegetable-based

Last but not least: what about sugary drinks, as well as sweets and salty snacks?

You know the answer already: Only occasionally and in small quantities (and yes, that includes chocolate).

But wait…what about exercise?

This particular information focuses on nutrition only.

But physical activity is also essential for good health and long life — especially in conjunction with a healthy diet.

To that end, the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has published its own recommendations relating to exercise because “it is important for physical and mental well-being and performance capability across all age groups.”

You can see FOPH’s recommendations here.

READ ALSO: Why living in Switzerland can prolong your life