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Five essential things to know about filling out your Italian tax return

Italy's tax season begins in May, and the bureaucracy involved can be daunting. Here are some of the most important things to know about filing your tax return.

Five essential things to know about filling out your Italian tax return
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Tax season is now underway in Italy as the window for filing your personal income tax return opened on May 11th, 2023.

The deadline for submitting your tax return this year is October 2nd – find a detailed list of Italy’s tax dates and deadlines here.

Filing a tax return is never the most enjoyable task, but dealing with a new country’s rules and language adds another layer of complexity. And of course, Italy’s tax rules aren’t simple to begin with, so it is always a good idea to seek professional advice and assistance.

Here are a few things you’ll need to know about the process before you get started.

Which form will you need?

In this article we’ll focus on the modello 730 (form 730), the newer and most commonly-used income tax return form, which most employees and retirees will need.

READ ALSO: The Italian tax calendar for 2023: Which taxes are due when?

But some people, including the self-employed, those with certain types of redditi diversi (sources of income other than employment or pension), and taxpayers who are not legally resident in Italy, might need to use the older form called the modello redditi persone fisiche instead.

It all depends on your personal circumstances, so if you’re unsure which form to use, speak to a tax professonal for advice.

The form 730 comes partially pre-filled with your personal details, which should make completing it somewhat more straightforward.

Tax season in Italy begins in mid-May.(Photo by ANDREAS SOLARO / AFP)

As tax expert Nicolò Bolla from Accounting Bolla explains on his website: “The 730 is a simplified form. It comes already filled in with your details courtesy of the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian tax authority).

“So, when compared to the modello redditi, this form requires much less work on the part of the taxpayer. The details they provide can be changed, or not, which has its pros and cons.”

Where do you find this form?

You can download your personal 730 form from the Agenzia delle Entrate website.

You should find it already pre-compiled on a special section of the site HERE which you can log in to using your SPID (Sistema Pubblico dell’Identità Digitale) or CIE (electronic identity card) credentials.

The tax agency notes that “Italian citizens residing abroad who do not hold an Italian identification document may also use login credentials issued by the INPS (social security agency)”

READ ALSO: How to use your Italian ID card to access official services online

“You can view, edit and/or supplement your tax return within the service and then send it to the Agency.”

Unfortunately, while the Italian tax agency does have some information available online in English, the part of the website dealing with the 730 is only available in Italian, German, or Slovak.

How do you fill it out?

The form 730 can be filled out entirely online via the tax agency’s website.

According to the agency, the form should already contain “a number of automatically entered details, including deductions for health costs, university fees, insurance premiums, social security contributions, credit transfers for building renovation and energy renovation.”

As mentioned above, you may change the pre-filled details if necessary. But Bolla points out that there are some things to consider before you do:

“Changing a tax document does come with some risks, the primary one being that you become exposed to error which in turn means paying a penalty fee,” he says.

READ ALSO: The pros and cons of Italy’s five percent flat tax for freelancers

“The biggest benefit, perhaps, of not changing any information in the form is that you will not be subject to further tax checks, i.e. an audit.

“The 730 is considered changed if your alterations are related to the expenses that you have. When doing this it is recommended that you consult with an accountant to be sure of the conditions of a particular expense. It is always possible that you will have some tax deductible expenses that occur after the form is compiled by the revenue agency which will need to be added to the form.”

Once you or your accountant have filled in remaining details and made any necessary changes, or not, to the pre-filled sections, you can file your 730 online via the tax agency’s portal.

The deadline for submitting the completed form is October 2nd.

If instead you’re using the modello redditi PF the deadline for submitting this electronically is November 30th.

How and when do you pay your income tax bill?

Once you’ve submitted the tax return, the first instalment of the amount payable is due by June 30th.

Payment is made using form F24. Italy’s tax office (Agenzia delle Entrate) offers guidance on how to fill out and submit the form.

The deadline for the second instalment of income tax is November 30th.

Should you ask an accountant for help?

All that famous red tape, plus the language barrier and a long list of tax-related acronyms, can make filing taxes in Italy a daunting proposition for foreign nationals. But you may be wondering whether hiring a commercialista (accountant) is worthwhile or necessary.

While the tax agency has tried to simplify the process, and even provides some Italian tax information in English, many Italians themselves Italians turn to their local tax assistance centre (Centro Assistenza Fiscale, or CAF) or hire a tax professional to take care of the process.

Getting professional advice is particularly important if you’re making changes to the pre-filled sections of the 730 or if you need to use the modello redditi PF.

See more information on the Italian tax agency’s website.

Please note that The Local cannot provide advice on tax issues. For help with filing taxes in Italy, contact your local tax assistance centre (Centro Assistenza Fiscale, or CAF) or consult an accountant (commercialista) or other qualified tax professional.

Member comments

  1. Please check your dates. According to the Agenzia Entrata website (as of 21/03/24) the deadline for electronic filing of form 730 is 30th September and form Redditi PF by 15th October, earlier than you have stated in the article.

    1. Hi, this article is from 2023. Please find the dates for the 2024 Italian tax season in a recent article here.

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‘Get an accountant’: How to claim Italy’s flat tax for foreign pensioners

Italy offers a seven-percent flat tax scheme to foreigners who choose to retire in certain areas of the country. But how easy is it to claim? We asked readers who've done it for their tips.

'Get an accountant': How to claim Italy’s flat tax for foreign pensioners

With its warm climate, natural beauty, and relaxed ways of life, Italy is an attractive destination for foreign retirees.

But there’s another element that contributes to the appeal: a special flat income tax rate of just seven percent for people with foreign-sourced pensions who choose to retire in certain areas of the country.

READ ALSO: Q&A: What to know about Italy’s flat tax rate for pensioners

First introduced in 2019, the flat tax offer has since garnered a lot of interest worldwide – and it’s easy to see why.

If you meet the requirements, the seven-percent rate doesn’t apply just to your pension but to all foreign earnings taxed in Italy, such as rental income and dividends overseas.

To be eligible, retirees must register as residents in a town with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants. Most of the eligible towns are in the regions of Sicily, Calabria, Sardinia, Campania, Basilicata, Abruzzo, Molise or Puglia.

Other requirements include having a foreign-sourced pension, and having lived outside Italy for the previous five years.

As there are fewer than 500 people currently using the seven-percent flat tax rate, it seems the criteria aren’t always easy to meet.

But if you do meet the requirements, how do you claim this tax incentive?

Once you’ve got your visa (if required) and registered as an Italian resident, you’ll then be required to declare your income to the Italian tax authorities. You’ll need to prove you meet the flat tax scheme requirements in order to benefit from the seven-percent rate when filing your first Italian tax return.

Those who have successfully used the scheme when retiring in Italy say it wasn’t difficult to claim – but there are a few things you’ll need to be aware of.

There’s no application process

“Getting the seven-percent flat tax for retirees wasn’t an issue, that was the easiest part,” British citizen Kim Dutton tells The Local, adding that getting an Italian health card and other paperwork sorted out was far more difficult.

“You don’t have to apply, you just have to show your passive income yearly and the rate gets deducted.”

Kim, who moved with her partner from Sheffield, England, to Marina di Ragusa, Sicily, before the end of the Brexit transition period says the tax rate was not the main draw for them.

“We did not come not strictly for the seven-percent flat tax rate. But we fell in love with the area after sailing our boat there on and off for three years prior,” Kim says.

“We just knew it was where we wanted to settle and wanted to put down permanent roots.”

READ ALSO: Five big reasons people choose to retire to Italy

The couple, who have passive income from rentals back home as well as UK pensions, say applying was just a case of filing a tax return with their accountant.

The flat tax rate is available for up to ten years, and Kim has six years left in which she can benefit.

“I love living here and love the quality of life. I just hope in six years I can afford to stay.”

An accountant is invaluable

Robert Laggini and his wife Joyce moved to Molise, southern Italy, from Maryland in the US three years ago after meeting the passive income threshold for the elective residency visa.

Whilst he also mentions there’s no application process involved in the seven percent flat tax scheme, he does recognise filing taxes on pension income and any other type is hard to do alone.

“Trust me, getting an accountant is the best way to navigate this. It is common practice here to use one to file, unlike the US, as the Italian system is complicated,” says Robert.

READ ALSO: Should you hire an accountant to file your Italian taxes?

“It’s a wonderful scheme when you think about how high taxes are for other people,” he continues. “It is intended to repopulate towns in the south that had suffered depopulation over the years.”

Checking double taxation laws is a must

Texas native Carl Lobitz, who moved to Abruzzo two years ago, says he also considered Portugal but “there were too many Brits and it felt as though it had lost a bit of originality.”

Carl agrees that the process itself was easy enough, and that getting an accountant is the biggest piece of advice he can pass on to anyone else thinking of making the move. 

READ ALSO: ‘How we moved to Italy and only pay tax on 50 percent of our income’

“There’s a double taxation scheme between the US and Italy, so I don’t have to pay double the tax, but I would advise anyone who does not come from a country with double taxation to speak to someone before,” he says. 

“Overall I’m pleased with the scheme and happy I have a few years left of it.”

Have you used Italy’s seven percent flat tax rate? If you have any advice for other readers, please share your experience in the comments section below.